Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Recent readings XXI

Jens-Uwe Guettel, "From the frontier to German South-West Africa: German colonailism, Indians, and American westward expansion," Modern Intellectual History, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010, pp. 523-52. The United States was regarded as a "model empire" to German liberals. Guettel argues that positive perceptions of American westward expansion played a major role both for the domestic German debate about the necessity of overseas expansion and for concrete German colonial policies during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

大久保英哲 (Okubo Hideaki):〈近代日本体育史における林正十郎「木馬之書」(推定1867年)の意義〉 (On the historical meaning of "Mokuba no Sho" [The Book of Wooden Horse] written by Hayashi Shojuro (presumption in 1867) for the history of physical education in modern Japan),《体育学研究》 (Research of Physical Education),卷38 (Vol. 38),第3號 (No. 3),1993,頁157-173。 Hayashi Shojuro (1824-1896) was formerly a professor of Reench at Kaiseisho, National Academic Institute. He translated the French Army's textbok on gymnastics instruction Ministère de la guere: Instruction pour l'enseignement de la gymnastique (1847) into Japanese as「木馬之書」(The Book of Wooden Horse), which is held at 金沢市立図書館.

Glenn Timmermans, "Sir George Thomas Staunton and the Translation of the Qing Legal Code,"Chinese Cross Currents, Vol. 2, No. 1, January-March 2005, pp. 26-57.
日下翠 (Kusaka Midori):〈香港漫画考〉 (A study on "Hong Kong cartoons"),《比較社会文化:九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要》(Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University), 第10卷,2004,頁1-14。
日下翠 (Kusaka Midori):〈中国「新漫画」事情〉 (Chinese "new cartoons" as a new cultural form),《比較社会文化:九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要》(Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University), 第8卷,2002,頁17-26。
Richard C. Powell, "Geographies of science: Histories, localities, practices, futures," Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2007, pp. 309-29. Powell argues that different geographies of science are emerging considering a broad range of engagements with spatiality by historians, sociologists, anthropologists and posthmuanist practice theorists.
Mona Domosh, "The world was never flat: Early global encounters and the messiness of empire,"Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2010, pp. 419-35. Singer Manufacturing Company's archives, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
Andrew Godley, "Selling the sewing machine around the world: Singer’s international marketing strategies, 1850–1920," Enterprise and Society, Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2006, pp. 266-314. absence of China market?
Diarmid A. Finnegan, "Natural history societies in late Victorian Scotland and the pursuit of local civic science," British Journal for the History of Science, Vol. 38, Iss. 1 , pp 53 -72.
Falk Muller, "Johann WIlhelm Hittorf and the material culture of nineteenth-century gas discharge research," British Journal for the History of Science, article advance, 34pps. stimulating and interesting.

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