Friday 29 January 2010

Y Chinese Culture vs. Hong Kong?

I have been wondering the grounds of this pseudo-question of Chinese culture in Hong Kong, even precisely in colonial period. Hong Kong is, after all, let alone the foreign community, a Chinese society.

In his "Chinese Culture in the Hong Kong Curriculum: Heritage and Colonialism" (in Philip Stimpson and Paul Morris (eds.), Curriculum and Assessment for Hong Kong: Two Components, One System (Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, 1998), pp. 51-74), Beranrd Hung-kay Lu contends that "[f]rom the beginning, Hong Kong was a Chinese as well as a British colony [I agree]...The Chinese colonists coming to Hong Kong from the neighboring counties of South China, on the other hand, were outcasts from the Chinese empire"
"Both colonies," he argues, "shared a common aspiration with respect to economic gain and a transient attitude with regards to the territory of Hong Kong - home, to which one would return enriched, was elsewhere [very true] was a city built by Chinese colonists under British sponsorship. [could't agree more]" (p. 55)
He adds "generations of Hong Kong Chinese pupils grew up, learning from the Chinese culture subjects to identify themselves as Chinese but relating that Chineseness to neither contemporary China nor the local Hong Kong landscape. It was a Chinese identity in the abstract, a patriotism of the émigré probably held all the more absolutely because it was not connected to tangible reality [ironical] ...Nor is it inconvenient for colonialists, of whatever coloration, that this remain so."
Luk draws my attention to T. C. Cheng's "The Education of Overseas Chinese: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Singapore, and the East Indies" (unpublished M.A. thesis, University of London, Institute of Education, 1949) and I hope that I will have a chance to look it up. Also from the same volume, I found another article particularly interesting and related to my experience in secondary school: Paul Morris, Gerry McClelland and Wong Ping Man's "Explaining Curriculum Change: Social Studies in Hong Kong", pp. 103-124. (originally in Comparative Education Review, Vol. 41, No.1), in which Morris (et. al.) traces the emergence of a new school subject social studies in historical context with reference to the socioeconomic development of HK, and education trends in the UK and USA in the 1970s.

BTW, another paper on this subject. 區志堅:〈香港大學中文學院成立背景之研究〉,《香港中國近代史學報》,第4期(2006),頁29-57。

Thursday 28 January 2010

Attitude towards Inequality

Louise Bamfield and Tim Horton's Understanding Attitudes to Tackling Economic Inequality (London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2009).

Excerpts from the executive summary: Participants' attitudes towards those on low incomes were often more negative and punitive than their attitudes towards those at the 'top'. Participants routinely drew on negative stereotypes of benefit recipients. Why was that? Two important drivers: 1. a widespread belief about the ready availability of opportunity, resulting in highly individualised explanations of poverty and disadvantage. 2. a belief that benefit recipients will not go on to make a reciprocal contribution back to society through activities such as employment or caring.
In line with subjective self-placement in the middle of the income spectrum, many participants wanted the tax system to treat them differently from those at the top. And in line with beliefs that the 'middle' are under most pressure, they also wanted the benefits system to treat themnot too differently from those at the bottom.
Analysis suggests that much of the UK population subscribes to some type of belief in fair inequality on the basis of desert (in other words, that some inequality is fair because it is deserved on the basis of differential effort and contribution), and, furthermore, that 'egalitarian' or 'inegalitarian' attitudes towards those at the top of the income spectrum need not necessarily be matched by similar attitudes towards those at the bottom.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Japanese or non-Japanese?

Putting Koichi Iwabuchi's illuminating article "Marketing 'Japan': Japanese Cultural Presence under a Global Gaze"(Japanese Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1998, pp. 165-180) on my work desk in the office and in my briefcase travelling between home and office, I finished this interesting piece of pleasure, which reminded of so many days and nights playing Super Mario Brothers of Nintendo with my friends and sister in my childhood. I never realized why Mario do not look Japanese until now. Mario, an Italian plumber, together with many more "non-Japanese" characters, are culturally odourless products intentionally (I reject the idea of "unconsciously") made in and exported from Japan to Asia and the world. The following are some excerpts from the article.
The long-held perception of Japan's role in the world stage: "Japan has money and technologies but cannot diffuse its culture" (p. 165)
Japan has been consistently exported its "culturally odourless" products overseas, particularly to Asia. (p. 165-6)
Iwabuchi's use of the term "cultural odour" to refer to "the cultural presence of a country of origin and image or ideas of its way of life are positively associated with a particular product in the consumption process." (p. 166)
The major audio-visual products are three Cs: consumer technologies, such as karaoke; comics; and computer/video games, which "present an imagery in which the bodily, racial and ethnic characteristics are erased or softened." Look at the majority of the characters in Japanese animation. They do not look "Japanese". "Such non-Japanese-ness is called mu-kokuseki." (p. 166-7)

Monday 25 January 2010


大前研一著;劉錦秀、江裕真譯 :《M型社會:中產階級消失的危機與商機》(台北:商周出版2006)。

盧建榮的《從根爛起 : 揭穿學閥舊體制操弄敎改的陰謀》

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Recent readings IX


Kit-Ling Lau, "Grade Differences in Reading Motivation among Hong Kong primary and secondary students," British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 79 (2009), pp. 713-733. Seriously, we face the same problem about reading. Why read? Too much to read.

Sivanes Phillipson, "Context of Academic Achievement: Lessons from Hong Kong," Educational Psychology, Vol. 29, No. 4 (July 2009), pp. 447-468. It confirms the conventional wisdom that "parents, and especially parental expectations, play an important role in children's academic achievement," particularly in girls' success.

Stephen Evans, "The Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong Revisited: Policy and Practice in the Reformed Chinese and English Streams," Research Papers in Education, Vol. 24, Issue 3 (Sept. 2009), pp. 287-309. It finds that teachers in both the Chinese and English streams felt it difficult to fully implement the new language policy of medium of instruction in classroom practice.

Nikolas Gisborne, "Aspects of the Morphosyntactic Typology of Hong Kong English," English World-Wide, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2009), pp. 149-169. Another paper to establish Hong Kong English as a new English variety.

Matthew Rubery, "Play It Again, Sam Weller: New Digital Audiobooks and Old Ways of Reading," Journal of Victorian Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 2008, pp. 58-79. How about Chinese audiobooks, like The Story of the Stone alas Dream of the Red Chamber?

John Hoberman, "Medical Racism and the Rhetoric of Exculpation: How Do Physicians Think about Race?" New Literary History, Vol. 38, No. 3 2007, pp. 505-525. "medical liberal responses to the findings of health disparities research frequently use the issue of motivation to effectively exculpate physicians from bearing responsibility for racially motivated diagnoses and treatments. This argument is based on the distinction between conscious (or 'overt') behaviors and other behaviors that are supposed to result from unconscious motives." (p. 512-3) "False assumptions about physicians' immunity to racially motivated thinking help to account for the limitations of the instructional programs in 'cultural competence'..." (p. 513-4)

Monday 18 January 2010

The Black Swan

Nassim Nicholas Taleb's The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (New York: Random House, 2007).
keywords: black swan, Mediocristan versus Extremistan, expert versus pseudo-expert
"philosophy...Wittgenstein...language problems...may certainly be important to attain prominence in philosophy departments, but they are something we, practitioners and decision makers in the real world, leave for the weekend." [emphasis original] (p. xxvi, prologue)
"a very small minority - who get the point that a private library is not an ego-boosting appendage but a research tool. Read books are far less valuable than unread ones. The library should contain as much of what you do not know...the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an antilibrary." [emphasis original] (p. 1)
"To borrow from Warren Buffett, don't ask the barber if you need a haircut - and don't ask an academic if what he does is relevant." (p. 183)

Saturday 16 January 2010

What are we going to do with the stupid

Reading Michael Hanlon's 10 Questions Science Can't Answer (Yet): A Guide to the Scientific Wilderness (London, New York, Melbourne, Hong Kong: Macmillan, 2007).

"One function that the less bright can perform is to act as society's collective court jester. Think of all those hideous and cruel TV shows designed to showcase the dim for our delectation." (p. 81)
"Today many of them inevitably become the genetic underclass of IQ-challenged unemployables, forever drifting along the crime-driven, drug-using margins of our society. Lots of them are in prison (along with the mad, the sad and the bad)." (p. 82)
"This is the traditional solution of the well-meaning left, to pretend that the stupid simply aren't there. This is dangerous, and harmful, mostly to the stupid themselves. Education policy...By pretending that all children are equal, and having a bitter insistence on inclusivity... the less bright have been left floundering, failed by their teachers who are forced to teach that mythical average child...and by an examination system that rewards only academic merit at the end." (p. 85)
In his long hate list of tiresome beliefs, notions and lifestyles, Hanlon hates the "wisdom of the East" and the "wisdom of the Ancients." I couldn't agree more once I find no difficulty noticing scholars of the East behave to the extreme of the opposite of their pompous and glorious cultural heritage over the table of luxurious Bordeaux red wines whilst showcasing latest LV handbags.

Monday 11 January 2010

Print is not dead

Just read Jeff Gomez's Print is dead: books in our digital age (London, New York, Melbourne, Hong Kong: Macmillan, 2008).
We live in the world of visual and interactive stimulation. Everything goes online, both downloading and uploading, and most importantly, for free.
Books no longer occupies a significant part of our life as it used to be. Books is dead. Printed books is dead too.
The title of Gomez's latest book might be misleading and self-contradictory for this is a printed book. Gomez contends that publishing is not dead for five reasons, putting books into an art form is another thing, all relevant to talent.
1. Find talent. Talent to find something worth consuming.
2. Support talent. Talent to turn an initial splash into a career.
3. Edit talent. Talent to edit given writers need texts edited (Gomez refuses to use the term writers though, which tends to limit ourselves to a particular format)
4. Expose and market talent. Likewise, talent to market writers.
5. Pay talent. Talent to turn online read count to revenue.
The key to success is, I think, the ability to identify the market. The form of market evolves in unprecedented way so as technology but the market for ideas and innovation is always there and never changes. Identify the niche market now.

Sunday 10 January 2010



Saturday 9 January 2010

新中環 ‧ 舊中環 ‧ 十月圍城


《十月》以大中華地區的一眾影星為號召,以一比一比例重建一百年前香港中環為賣點。電影公司選址上海「重現」香港《十月》耗資約五千萬港幣,耗時一年,佔地約十個足球場。監製陳可辛指出他們嚴格按照史料記載「還原」了整個中環。我認為這可以說是「新中環」──「新的舊中環」。「新中環」不單是《十月》的賣點,也可能是會生金蛋的母雞。陳氏下一部電影Queen’s Road Ripper也會以舊香港作為背景,緊接著的可能是多部以舊香港為題的電影。






由石板街交界起向東一帶的皇后大道中,華洋商號雜處。華人商號都以售賣洋貨為主,售賣洋服、呂宋(即菲律賓)雪茄和裝訂書籍的華商都開設於此。售賣洋服的有泉興、南盛,較具規模的是經常在英文刊物上登廣告的達昌,售賣呂宋雪茄如義興、惠和等,裝訂西式書籍的如天成、泰昇、祺盛等。洋人商號最著名的有兩間都是由蘇格蘭人開設的公司霍見拿鐘表行(G. Falconer & Co.)和連卡佛,旁邊有售賣珠寶眼鏡鐘錶的播威鏢店(Gaupp & Co.)。這處又是華洋律師辦公室的集中地,華人定例局(即今立法會)議員何啟大律師就在73號,同樣曾任定例局議員的曹善允律師則在相隔不達的39號。有趣的是,華人律師都在皇后大道中的北側,英國律師則在南側,如Wilkinson & Grist70號,J. F. Reece62號,H. K. Holmes54號。

皇后大道中與德己立街交界前有成立於1870年的絡興號,專賣廣東上海絲綢象牙銅器瓷器金銀器。旁邊就是最高法院和郵政局。步行至此雲咸街口的花市,左前方是畢打街口上經常被批評為阻塞交通的鐘樓。雲咸街是印刷報館和文化藝術的集中地,王鋼在他的《圖說雲街滄桑1840年代–1960年代》說之甚詳,不在此贅。雲咸街的特色還不止於此,就是各國領事館曾經雲集於此。在雲咸街口遠眺左側是Club Germania(德國會所),德國領事署就在裡頭。1901年,沿著雲咸街的領事官辦公室有日本(14號)、比利時(39號)、葡萄牙(47號)、巴西(47號)、荷蘭(53號)。這裏還聚集了許多葡萄牙人。同年的人口普查顯示,葡萄牙人佔全香港歐洲人(約6,000人)的三分一(約2,000人),僅次於英國人(約3,000)。葡萄牙人是當時香港乃至東亞出版業的翹楚,在雲咸街經營的印刷館有Hongkong Lithographic Co.Hongkong Printing Press(香港印字館)、Eastern Printing Office(東興印字館)、Victoria Lithographic Works等,葡萄牙語周報O Porvir也是在此印刷,至於其他印刷報館往往也有葡萄牙人擔任排字工人。


從石板街轉入荷李活道,迎面會見到印度人商號Framjee Hormusjee & Co.,旁邊是另一間印度人商號H. A. Asger & Hajee Esmail。荷李活道是印度人商號的集中地,沿路還有好幾間,好像是Jeejeebhoy & Co.(譯作之之杯)、Tata & Co.(譯作打打)和Talati & Co.(譯作打剌的)。《十月》中提及的《中國日報》,其辦公室就在前方的9294號。

荷李活道與鴨巴甸街交界是孫中山曾經就讀過的雅麗氏醫院,側鄰的百子里是輔仁文社舊址。輔仁文社取自《論語‧顏淵第十二》:「曾子曰:『君子以文會友,以友輔仁。』」同一時間的上海租界,剛巧也有一個由外國人組成的活躍文化組織,其中文名字也是取自這一句,名為:文友輔仁會。它的英文原名Shanghai Literary and Debating Society,由英國傳教士艾約瑟(Joseph Edkins)與偉烈亞力(Alexander Wylie1857年在上海成立。

由鴨巴甸街東轉入紀志街,再經租庇利街返回威靈頓街,穿過皇后大道中入石板街。孫中山在左側(2123號)會見到西餐廳Criterion Restaurant,名字應該是來自倫敦因阿瑟‧柯南‧道爾爵士在內創造出福爾摩斯偵探故事的同名餐廳。孫中山最後穿過德輔道西至干諾道德忌利士碼頭,抱著悲壯的心情順利離開香港。


Friday 1 January 2010

Chinese or English

Seriously, I can't help but ask my friends who write only Chinese: how many readers you could reach if you write only Chinese, if not simplified Chinese or English?

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2010啟示:中產窮人論,everything reduces to self-content middle-class poverty.