Friday, 31 December 2010

George Leslie Mackay

Rev. Dr. George Leslie Mackay (1844-1901, 馬偕 or 偕叡理) was the first missionary commissioned to Formosa by the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
He left San Francisco for China on 1st November 1871 and it took him nearly two months to arrive in Takow (now Kaohsiung) on 29th December, during which he also visited Yokohama, Hong Kong, Canton, Swatow (in which he met Rev. George Smith), Kit-yang [揭陽?], and landed Tamsui on 9th March 1872.
Reading on board. It is very interesting for me, as a cultural historian, to look at his two-month voyage on which he kept reading works about China and the Chinese intensively and extensively. Below are some excerpts from his recently published diaries.

3 Nov (Fri) 1871: Read Mr. Williams' [?] Years in China [?] (1)
6 Nov (Mon): Read "Observations on China and the Chinese" by N.L.S. Smith. (1)
7 Nov (Tue): Finished reading "China and the Chinese" and began "Social life of the Chinese" by Rev. Justus Doolittle. (2)
9 Nov (Thurs): Read away at "Social life amongst the Chinese (?) (2)
10 Nov (Fri): Still kept reading Doolittle's work. (2)
11 Nov (Sat): Read Nevius on China, also Doolittle. (2)
15 Nov (Wed): Read Doolittles 2nd vol. (2)
17 Nov (Fri): Began to Read 'Middle Kingdom' by S. Wells. Williams. (3)
20 Nov (Mon): Read 'Middle Kingdom'. (3)
21 Nov (Tue): Read Dr. Speer's 'China and the United States?" (3)
24 Nov (Fri): Read 'Visit to China' by Rev. Geo. Smith. (3)
1 Dec (Fri): The roughest day on our voyage -- ate no food, read no books, and Simply vomited - (4)
5 Dec (Tue): Hong Kong. Very early in the morning entered between land on each side. Winding Serpent-like and at 8. A.M. saw the British flag away up on the top of a Peak, Soon entered broad Sheet of Water surrounded by hills. also houses rising in rows above each other on the side of a high hill. Hong-Kong at last. Went below and thanked God for His care and goodness. Went ashore. Met a man Dr. Eitel who asked "Are you Mackay?" (5)
6 Dec (Wed): Remained all night with Dr. Eitel the man who accosted me on the Street yesterday. It seems Dr. Maxwell told him to be on the lookout for me -- At 8 A.M. took steamer for Canton... (5)
8 Dec (Fri): ...arrived in Hong Kong. Went to the German Mission. Saw 40 girls who sang "There is a happy" (5)

Upon arriving in Formosa:
25 Jan 1872: ...Went over sections of MacGowan's book - (English and Chinese dictionary of the Amoy dialects 1883) [? then he frequently drilled on MacGowan] (11-12)
5 May 1873, he wrote "up to this date from the day I landed at Tamsui I gave medicines to one thousand and twenty three (1,023)." (82)

Source: Mackay's Diaries : original English version, 1871-1901 (馬偕日記英文版, 1871-1901年) (Taipei: Altheia University (真理大學), 2007. Trans. & eds. by Reestablishing Committee of Mackay's Diaries, Neng-che Yeh, Chih-Rung Chen, etc.).

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Does race matter?

What matter most in a multiracial metropolis, like London and Hong Kong?
Yes, for better or for worse, it remains to be race. Race still matters, and matters more than anything else in a world where multiracial/multiethnic/multicultural ethos continue to grow.
We do have our ways to identity ourselves in terms of race and ethnicity.
Society 'corrects' the ways in which we perceive ourselves and think about race and ethnicity in terms of appearance, skin colour, friends, tastes, etc. Even if we wish "to deny/assert legitimacy of ethnic and racial labels and constructs, or resist racial categorization, the wider societal gaze," the sociologist Miri Song argues, "could make it very difficult for... [us] to remain insulated from racial discourses which assign people to various racial categories."
Miri Song's latest article "Does 'Race' Matter? A Study of 'Mixed Race' Siblings' Identifications" (The Sociological Review, Vol. 58, No. 2, 2010, pp. 265-85) investigate the ways in which mixed siblings perceive and think about race and differences in racial, ethnic, and religious identification within their families. She asks the role of race and the recognition of difference play in sibling relationships and in family life more generally.
Some of her subjects considered themselves British and ethnicity a "side detail" while to some others physical appearance was the basis of judgement from others which tended to make it impossible to derogate race or ethnicity in their lives.
"People just stereotype me and most Black people on a daily basis. They have their preconceived ideas and prejudices," one respondent reported. One of the respondents who looked White said "When we [his younger sister, Jane, and he] were at school, I used to feel guilty because I never experienced the racism that Jane [who looked Asian because of skin colour] did. I used to see her crying about it as a child."
One interviewee confidently noted "I can blend with any group and I find that I do not get discriminated as a non-White individual...If I felt that my future prospects were being affected by my race I would diplomatically ensure that whoever was getting in my way received a verbal slap and then find another path to where I want to go. My life is not defined by what other people want to let me do."

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Recent readings XXII

T. H. Barrett with Antonello Palumbo, "The mystery of the precious seal of the ruler and the origins of printing," Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007, pp. 115-30. It may be that in future Daoist materials will prove to contain more useful materials for linking the use of seals to early printing.
Dŭsica Ristivojevic, "They Are Just like the Generations Past: Images of Chinese Women in the Women's Missionary Periodical Woman's Work in China (1884-1885)," Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2008, pp. 143-161.
Due to accessibility problem, Ristivojevic focuses on only four issues of Woman's Work in China (vol. 7(2), 8(1)-(2), 9(1), 1884-5), which was published by Kelly & Walsh? "Chinese and non-Chinese sinologists, in and out of China, in my view should not be unselectively criticized for using the term 'Westerners' as if that is a matter of negligence, oversimplication, and essentailization." (p. 144)
Four constructions of Chinese women: (1) despicable Chinese women who had shown no interest in complying with the Christian religion; (2) Chinese schoolgirls and women-students going through a process of conversion who are portrayed as having been risen from the depths of spiritual, mental and moral darkness, but are seen as constantly in danger of regressing to their degrading non-Christian tradition; (3) Chinese Christian women who are represented as a highly positive mirror image of Western men; and (4) upper-class Chinese women beyond the reach of women missionaries' but occupying a specific place, in the created imaginary, where the liberty of their converted/convertible lower-class sisters is deprived of and indulging in opium consumption.

When foreign advisers such as Edwin Dun came to Japan, they brought much more than their expertise: They brought deeply rooted opinions about the promise of modernization that, when integrated into the Japanese education system, work place, political values, and attitudes about the natural world, laid the foundation on which the modern Japanese nation would be built. political, social, and cultural values and attitudes about the natural world.
Source: Brett L. Walker's "Meiji modernization, Scientific agriculture, and the destruction of Japan's Hokkaido wolf," Environmental History, Vol. 9, No. 2, Apr 2004, pp. 248-74.

B. Luyt, "Colonialism, Ethnicity, and Geopolitics in the Development of the Singapore National Library," Libraries & the Cultural Record, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2009.
D. G. Davis, Jr., "International Trends in Library History," Libraries & the Cultural Record, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2010.
L. M. Han, "The Beginning and Development of the Raffles Library in Singapore, 1823-1941: A Nineteenth-Century and Early Twentieth-Century British Colonial Enclave," Library & Information History, Vol. 25, No. 3, Sep 2009.
T. Weller, "An Information History Decade: A Review of the Literature and Concepts, 2000-2009," Library & Information History, Vol. 26, No. 1, Mar 2010.
Gabriel M. Wilner, "The Mixed Courts of Egypt: A Study of The Use of Natural Law and Equity," Scholarly Works, Paper 210, 1975. For future use

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

English Next II

Following the post on English yesterday, I quickly flipped Graddol's English Next India: The future of English in India, which is free to download on the British Council's website.
Again, it is very informative and enjoyable. I found some similarities between India and Hong Kong, both being former British colonies for more than a century. Take an interesting example here:
In August 2009, the Indian television channel CNN-IBN carried out a "State of the Nation" poll, which showed ambivalence about English that 87% feel that knowledge of English is important to succeed in life and 54% feel those who can speak fluent English are superior whereas 82% feel that knowing the state language is very important and 57% feel that English making us forget our mother tongue. Adding to these, 63% feel jobs should be reserved for those who speak the state language?
If a similar poll could ever take place in Hong Kong (anyone knows?), how far the results would be different from India?

Monday, 27 December 2010

English Next

Last week, I read a recent column on English Today titled "Will Chinese take over from English as the world's most important language?" (Vol. 26, 2010, pp. 3-4.). Questions of this kind, like "Will China take over the role of the US to become the world's sole superpower?", tend more often to draw anxiety and resistance than discussion and negotiation. The author, David Graddol, gives a fresh discussion saying that the next future of English probably is a language of different regional patterns of English-knowing bilingualism, and no single language taking over the role of English as a global lingua franca.
Graddol, coincidentally, is visiting my university in the Department of English. Not long ago in early November, he gave a public lecture titled "The Future of English in Hong Kong", in which he discussed the strategic importance of English to Hong Kong’s future economy. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the lecture, which I think should be of great interest to us all in Hong Kong.
He aroused my interest to read further on this topic and I just scanned his English Next (London: British Council, 2006) at the time when I am writing this post and shall now turn to his latest English Next India: The future of English in India (London: British Council, 2010).

Sunday, 26 December 2010

lovely sunflower eggs

Back in the days while I worked nine-to-five, I used to have breakfast with two sunflower eggs in my favourite nearby restaurant to kick off the blue Monday.
One day, I found something strange with the egg yolks. It looked gorgeous, more yellow than ever before. I thought, happily, the restaurant changed the egg supplier.
If you, like me in this case, find your restaurant's brilliant decision one day, you should be happy, shouldn't you?
You shouldn't. Because it might be the result of a vitamin mixture added to the hens' feed that changes everything.
It is possible, and practical, to add artificial colouring to the grain to enhance the hue of egg yolks. Martin Lindström, a very successful branding consultant, instead of doing so, which he considered unethical, helped his Saudi Arabian client identify the vitamin mixture that would produce yolks from light yellow to middling-yellow to the passionate yellow, and all the variations in between.
From his book, Buy.ology: truth and lies about why we buy (New York: Doubleday, 2008), I also found something more interesting to carry on and took pride of while being told that the pink-product boom was ignited by the Hong Kong company VTech, which manufactured pink laptop and made an unexpected success in the market.
Buy.ology is a book about marketing and science, neuromarketing technically, which explores "the subconscious thoughts, fellings, and desires that drive the purchasing decisions we make each and every day of our lives". Lindström brilliantly presented to us a lot of interesting stories, experiments and investigation, which stimulate us, as consumers, to think about our subconscious buying behaviour.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

a banquet

On April 15, 1952, the Encyclopaedia Britannica Corporation hosted a celebratory banquet in New York City's luxury Waldorf Astoria Hotel situated on the prestigious Park Avenue in the heart of midtown Manahattan.
Noteworthy invitees included Connecticut Senator William Benton; Hollywood film "Code" enforcer Will H. Hays, prominent businessmen Alfred Vanderbilt, Marshall Field, Jr., and Nelson A. Rockefeller.
Dinner speakers were the University of Chicago's Chancellor, Lawrence Kimpton, University of Chicago President Robert Hutchins, Professor Mortimer J. Adler, and Senator Benton. Attendees included Jacques Barzun, Scott Buchanan, William Gorman, Richard McKeon, and Mark van Doren.
The publisher announced the publication of the 54-volume Great Books of the Western World. Attendees feasted on prime rib and inspected "Founders Editions" of the set's two-volume Syntopicon and introductory volume, The Great Conversation. Subscribers had earned a $500 each, to get the set published.
The editorial board was not in the hope of achieving a "universal swindle" (selling art as trinkets), or to effect the "abolition of the individual" in favour of the "mass man," but for the practical purpose of instilling intellectual virtues by a thorough exploration of the history of Western ideas. The most important thing was to democratize the great books idea, and that meant maximizing accessibility to the great books for readers o varying intellectual backgrounds.

Source: Tim Lacy, "The Lovejovian roots of Adler's philosophy of history: authority, democracy, irony, and paradox in Britannica's Great Books of the Western World," Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 71, No. 1, Jan. 2010, pp. 113-137.

Friday, 24 December 2010

a coffee story

Not everyone can afford a luxury car, luxury holiday or a luxury meal but everyone can afford a luxury coffee.
I practised running with a good friend yesterday and we talked about ground coffee. It all started a few weeks ago I decided to make ground coffee drinks instead of instant ones in the office.
I was gulping down a cup of freshly ground coffee to kick off the morning on Christmas Eve while I was to finish reading Sahar and Bobby Hashemi's Anyone can do it: building Coffee Republic from our kitchen table: 57 real-life laws on entrepreneurship (Oxford : Capstone, 2002), which I also shared with Joyce, who is in her fledging handmade jewellery business.
The sister and brother team who built Coffee Republic generously tells their intriguing story of leaving their most sought-after professions (lawyer and ibanker) and swimming in the ocean of entrepreneurship, which is, Bobby says, the best business school in the real word, offers us thoughtful and instructive laws on entrepreneurship.
law 1 (above all): forget about the swashbuckling 'Richard Branson' type (you don't have to be a genius to be an entrepreneur)
law 2: entrepreneurship is not a personality trait (don't take it personal)
law 3: behaving like an entrepreneurship is a process anyone can learn (anyone can do it)
law 4: passion will activate your entrepreneurial qualities (24/7 jobs need real passion)
law 5: you don't need skills or expertise (all you need is to act)
law 6: anyone can do it - but does everyone want to? is entrepreneurship your sort of thing? (yes, anyone can do it)
law 7: warning: success is not all that easy to come by. the failure rate is 99% (let's face it)
law 8: so decide for yourself what to do. you have to make the decision and only you can do it (it's all on you)
law 9: you can't be a half-hearted entrepreneur (commitment!)
law 10: don't bother if you're just in it for the cash (don't chase after money. let money chase after you, their father said)
law 11: your idea doesn't need to be new, original or revolutionary (you have to be creative though)
law 12: remember that entrepreneurs are different from inventors (again, you don't have to be a genius to be a entrepreneur)
law 13: be your own first customer (buy yourself before selling to customers)
law 14: don't approach your idea with money in mind. money doesn't turn on your light bulb! (not the first thing at least)
law 15: make sure the business idea suits you (the business is an extension of you)
law 16: an idea not acted upon is worthless (act is the only action word here)
law 17: entrepreneurs do not procrastinate (act now!)
law 18: commitment is generated by working on your idea (again, act!)
law 19: market research is nothing more than a massive fact-finding mission (live it, sleep it, and breathe it)
law 20: follow the Zulu principle (anyone can become an expert about anything)
law 21: when it comes to market research, do it yourself (it's your business, not others')
law 22: inspiration is all around you (inspiration is as close to you as your iphone)
law 23: do not give the game away. be discreet (this is very important)
law 24: call as many people as you can bear to - there's safety in numbers (don't give up)
law 25: don't be selective. go to everything (possibility lies somewhere you never thought about)
law 26: become a regular of the competition (to learn from the competitors)
law 27: formal customer surveys are out! (it's worthwhile quoting what Henry Ford said: "If I had asked customers what they wanted they would have a faster horse.")
law 28: the 80:20 rule (be bold)
law 29: it's your recipe for success (that's is a business plan)
law 30: it's a structured brain dump, and brain dumps need structure (if you can't write it, you don't know it)
law 31: a business plan is your calling card. it gives you external credibility (much more than a name card)
law 32: raising money is the first critical sale you have to make (spend/raise before you earn)
law 33: strike a fine balance being conservative and ambitious (yin and yang)
law 34: write a plan you can beat (anyhow, write it)
law 35: 90% of start-ups are financed by the guts, creativity and faith of the founders (guts)
law 36: be prepared for rejection and disappointment (rejection is nothing to be ashamed of)
law 37: the success of your idea depends on the quality of your implementation (implementation is the key)
law 38: the quality of your implementation is what will set you apart from the competition (quality implementation)
law 39: you are still swimming against the tide (you'll need to grow a thick skin)
law 40: the resources won't be there so you have to fill the gap between what's out there and what you need (creativity counts)
law 41: credibility has to be earned. you have a 'liability of newness' (credibility doesn't grow on trees)
law 42: the devil is in the detail (there is no such thing as a minor detail)
law 43: the bootstrapping rule. 2+2=5 (doing and knowing come hand in hand)
law 44: you can do anything, no matter how monumental, if you break it down into the small, manageable chunks (piece by piece)
law 45: success happens when preparation meets opportunity (the twins of success)
law 46: there is a lot to be said for the naivety of entrepreneurs. the importance of being clueless (like swimming in the ocean)
law 47: don't expect customers to flock in. success is not an entitlement (good things take time)
law 48: it won't be easy at the beginning. you need stickability (never give up)
law 49: keep focused (don't be defeated by "I told you so")
law 50: it's a marathon not a sprint! look after yourself (it's meant to be tough)
law 51: there is no plateau - you either go up or down (evolves or die)
law 52: a warning - monitor your speed. growth can kill (lots of recent cases)
law 53: you will need to adapt and tweak your original concept (the need to change)
law 54: bootstrapping is not a long term strategy. time to upgrade your resources (be prepared to change)
law 55: go with smart money. angels bring in experience as well as money (investors might join at some point)
law 56: don't just accept the first cheque you are offered - bringing in an investor is like inviting someone to live in your home (be very discreet)
law 57: don't get too many small investors on board (be focused)

the key was: for better or worse, they acted. their best advice is: start working immediately
At some point or other, I was deeply touched by the monumental passages about how they managed to turn their ideas into a business, the moment they secured the first loan and the triumphing email, the first day of opening and excitement, the bottle neck of the first few months, the persistence test, the media coverage, and even their departure from the business...
It's more than a book of self-help business book; it's a book of brilliant and touching story of successful business.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Why are we not rational?

Why would Harvard Business School MBA students pay as much as $204 for a $20 note?
The deeper the hole we dig themselves into, the more we continue to dig.
Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman
If you think you know how you think, you'd better think again!
Alan M. Webber
This week I am enchanted by a thoughtful and compelling book on behavioural science: Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman's Sway : the irresistible pull of irrational behavior (New York : Doubleday, c2008).
The hidden currents and forces that lead us to make irrational decision include loss aversion (our tendency to go to great lengths to avoid possible losses; thus we overreact to perceived losses), value attribution (our inclination to imbue a person or thing with certain qualities based on initial perceived value; thus we undermine invaluable evidence and information), and the diagnosis bias (our blindness to all evidence that contradicts our initial assessment of a person or situation; thus we listen only to our ego self).

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Recent readings XXI

Jens-Uwe Guettel, "From the frontier to German South-West Africa: German colonailism, Indians, and American westward expansion," Modern Intellectual History, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010, pp. 523-52. The United States was regarded as a "model empire" to German liberals. Guettel argues that positive perceptions of American westward expansion played a major role both for the domestic German debate about the necessity of overseas expansion and for concrete German colonial policies during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

大久保英哲 (Okubo Hideaki):〈近代日本体育史における林正十郎「木馬之書」(推定1867年)の意義〉 (On the historical meaning of "Mokuba no Sho" [The Book of Wooden Horse] written by Hayashi Shojuro (presumption in 1867) for the history of physical education in modern Japan),《体育学研究》 (Research of Physical Education),卷38 (Vol. 38),第3號 (No. 3),1993,頁157-173。 Hayashi Shojuro (1824-1896) was formerly a professor of Reench at Kaiseisho, National Academic Institute. He translated the French Army's textbok on gymnastics instruction Ministère de la guere: Instruction pour l'enseignement de la gymnastique (1847) into Japanese as「木馬之書」(The Book of Wooden Horse), which is held at 金沢市立図書館.

Glenn Timmermans, "Sir George Thomas Staunton and the Translation of the Qing Legal Code,"Chinese Cross Currents, Vol. 2, No. 1, January-March 2005, pp. 26-57.
日下翠 (Kusaka Midori):〈香港漫画考〉 (A study on "Hong Kong cartoons"),《比較社会文化:九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要》(Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University), 第10卷,2004,頁1-14。
日下翠 (Kusaka Midori):〈中国「新漫画」事情〉 (Chinese "new cartoons" as a new cultural form),《比較社会文化:九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要》(Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University), 第8卷,2002,頁17-26。
Richard C. Powell, "Geographies of science: Histories, localities, practices, futures," Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2007, pp. 309-29. Powell argues that different geographies of science are emerging considering a broad range of engagements with spatiality by historians, sociologists, anthropologists and posthmuanist practice theorists.
Mona Domosh, "The world was never flat: Early global encounters and the messiness of empire,"Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2010, pp. 419-35. Singer Manufacturing Company's archives, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
Andrew Godley, "Selling the sewing machine around the world: Singer’s international marketing strategies, 1850–1920," Enterprise and Society, Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2006, pp. 266-314. absence of China market?
Diarmid A. Finnegan, "Natural history societies in late Victorian Scotland and the pursuit of local civic science," British Journal for the History of Science, Vol. 38, Iss. 1 , pp 53 -72.
Falk Muller, "Johann WIlhelm Hittorf and the material culture of nineteenth-century gas discharge research," British Journal for the History of Science, article advance, 34pps. stimulating and interesting.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Chinese Pidgin English (CPE)

A friend of mine, Si Jia, Associate Professor in the Department of History, Fudan University, recently published an article on Chinese Pidgin English (CPE) from the eighteenth to early twentieth centuries in the latest issue of Chinese Culture Quarterly (《九州學林》), published by the Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong, in which I also contributed a review article on a recent work about British sinology (熊文華's 《英國漢學史》).
Her paper triggered me to look into the growing body of research on pidgin language and a scholarly journal in the genre: Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, from which I read some interesting discussion on varying scope of pidgin and creole language relating to the Chinese language. They are:
Bao Zhiming and Khin Khin Aye, "Bazaar Malay topics," Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2010, pp. 155-71. It's a shame that I know nothing about Malay though my aunt and her family live, study and work in Malaysia.
Umberto Ansaldo, Stephen Matthews, and Geoff Smith, "China Coast Pidgin: Texts and contexts," Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2010, pp. 63-94.
Jeff Siegel, "Chinese Pidgin English in southeastern Australia: The notebook of Jong Ah Siug,"Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2009, pp. 306-37. A 80-page notebook written in a form of English by a Chinese gold miner, Jong Ah Siug (Zhongshan, 1837 - Melbourne, 1900), who arrived in Victoria around 1855. Ruth Moore and John Tully's A Difficult Case by Jong Ah Siug: An Autobiography of a Chinese Miner on the Central Victorian Goldfields (translated and annotated by the authors, with a historical introduction) (Daylesford, VIC: Jim Crow Press, 2000).
Ronald I. Kim, "California Chinese Pidgin English and its historical connections," Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2008, pp. 329-44. Sources: a collection of telegrams sent among Chinese immigrants to and from Downieville, Sierra County in 1874; legal testimony from the trial of The People of the State Califronia vs Ah Jake, Defendant on 23 October 1874;The Chinese Must Go: A Farce in Four Acts, a drama by Henry Grimm of San Francisco, published in 1879.
Roman Shapiro, "Chinese Pidgin Russian," Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2010, pp. 5-62. existed at the Chinese-Russian border since at least the 18th century. rare primary and secondary sources. It is shame that I don't read the Russian language.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Haggis again

Elizabeth Buettner's 'Haggis in the Raj: Private and public celebrations of Scottish in Late Imperial India,' The Scottish Historical Review, Vol. 81, No. 2, Oct. 2002, pp. 212-239.
Philip Constable's 'Scottish missionaries, "Protestant Hinduism" and the Scottish sense of empire in nineteenth-and early twentieth-century India,' The Scottish Historical Review, Vol. 86, No. 2, Oct. 2007, pp. 278-313.
Robert Anderson's 'Ceremony in context: the Edinburgh University tercentenary, 1884," The Scottish Historical Review, Vol. 87, No. 1, Apr. 2008, pp. 121-145.

James Huntley Grayson, "Basil Hall's Account of a Voyage of Discovery: The value of a British naval officer's account of travels in the seas of eastern Asia in 1816," Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-18. Basil Hall's, a Scot of the petty nobility (baronetage) of Scotland, eldest child Eliza Jane (1825?-1856?) was the mother of Basil Hall Chamberlain (1850-1935).
Tamson Pietsch, "A British sea: making sense of global space in the late nineteenth century," Journal of Global History, Vol. 5, 2010, pp. 423-46. The paper offers detailed discussion of the journeys of James Thomas Wilson (1861-1945), a young Scottish medical student in Edinburgh who between 1884 and 1887 made three voyages to China and one to Australia, whose letters to his parents are held in the University of Sydney Archives. His biography could be found in Australian Dictionary of Biography Online here. In Hong Kong, in 1885, "Wilson was delighted by the Chinese New Year celebrations, marvelling at the rich and gorgeous clothes: 'But the colours! Brilliant & various they are'...In Shanghai, he procured a Chinese guide and 'paid a visit to the Chinese city - Shanghai proper'. (USA, JTWP, P162 6/1, 16 February 1885; 25 February 1885)

Saturday, 18 December 2010

history of medicine

Although I am a layman of history of medicine, I recently surfed a related journal, Social History of Medicine. Here are some articles interested me most.
Pierre-Yves Donzé, "Studies abroad by Japanese doctors: A prosopographic analysis of the nameless practitioners, 1862-1912," Social History of Medicine, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2010, pp. 244-260. Between 1862 and 1912, no fewer than 763 Japanese doctors trained abroad in western universities. China context?
M. Cristina Zaccarini, "Modern medicine in twentieth-century Jiangxi, Anhui, Fujian and Sichuan: Competition, negotiation and cooperation," Social History of Medicine, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2010, pp. 338-355. China Christian Advocate, Chinese Medical Journal, and Chinese Recorder.
Mark Emmanuel, "Viewspapers: The Malay press of the 1930s," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2010, pp. 1-20. a revisionist contribution to the bourgeois public sphere in Colonial Malaya.
Ryan Johnson, "Colonial mission and imperial tropical medicine: Livingstone College, London, 1893-1914," Social History of Medicine, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2010, pp. 549-66. The Scot physicians Patrick Manson (1844-1922) and James Cantlie (1851-1926) were among the earliest lecturers.
Willemjin Ruberg, "The letter as medicine: Studying health and illness in Dutch daily correspondence, 1770-1850," Social History of Medicine, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2010, pp. 492-508. letter writing as social practice approach. It should be noted that new approaches often stereotyped their predecessors to emphasise their own innovative aspects. From the social history of medicine in the 1970s against a traditional medical history which concentrated on the celebrated of great doctors and their discoveries and instead studied patients as well as the daily practices of medicine to the rise of the cultural history of medicine, in the 1990s, with an increasing interest in the social construction of disease and the body, which focused on textual and discursive analysis and examined the making of meaning, studying language, power and the construction of medical categories. Ruberg also draws my attention to Frank Huisman and JohnHarley Warner (eds.)'s Locating Medical History: the stories and their meanings(Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004) and Willem de Blécourt and Cornelie Usborne (eds.),Cultural approaches to the history of medicine : mediating medicine in early modern and modern Europe (New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).

Friday, 17 December 2010

how Confucian are YOU?

From time to time, I am astounded by rumours about certain highly distinguished and widely known professors of Confucianism/Chinese philosophy jumped the queue at a bus stop in campus considering himself the first in a non-existent queue solely for professors or literally sneered at (via email) a perspective postgraduate student who was unable to study with him due to family responsibility.
They, of course, might be misunderstood or mistaken, or even in their highest esteem were teaching students invaluable lessons of life. Yet, this is life. They are still considered professors of Confucianism/Chinese philosophy.
After all, is it not possible to measure/categories/label Confucian actors, or strong/weak Confucians? A distinguished scholar and his team tell us why it is possible.
I strongly recommend interested (or disinterested; you will be inspired) researchers of humanities and social sciences (sciences and engineering too; interdisciplinary is a discipline) of Chinese (or non-Chinese; you will also be enlightened) decent living in Chinese (or non-Chinese; we are living in a multi-cultural world, ain't we?) societies should read the following scholarly article on contemporary Chinese and ask yourself a big question: how Confucian I am, by using the yardstick of the researchers suggest. Have a go. Confucius will be pleased.
Tak Sing Cheung, Hoi Man Chan, Kin Man Chan, Ambrose Y.C. King, Chi Yue Chiu, Chung Fang Yang, "How Confucian are contemporary Chinese? Construction of an ideal type and its application to three Chinese communities," European Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oct. 2006, pp. 157-80.
Given that normative and behavioural orientations derived from Confucianism may still guide Chinese behaviour as a consequence of processes of social reproduction across generations, they seeks to question to what extent and in what respects is Confucianism still relevant for understanding Chinese society, and endeavour to contemplate a methodical tool for the measurement of Confucianism; in other words, they attempt to construct the ideal type of Confucian actors and distinguish between formal and substantive values in Confucianism. The big question of the paper is to ask "How Confucian are contemporary Chinese?"
In searching relevant entry of this paper, I found, from the leading author's (Tak Sing Cheung) website, surprisingly (without any mention in the English paper) that he also wrote a similar Chinese paper on this topic in 2001 titled 當代華人有幾儒?儒人理念型的構造及大陸、港台三個地區的調查分析,in 《社會理論論叢》,第1輯,頁151-172。

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Recent readings XX

Daniel Cook, "Bodies of scholarship: witnessing the library in Late-Victorian Fiction," Victorian Literature and Culture, article advance, 2011, 19pps. the library nineteenth-century Chinese fiction.
Andrew M. Stauffer, "Digital scholarly resources for the study of Victorian literature and culture," Victorian Literature and Culture, article advance, 2011, 11pps. very useful.
Anthony Webster, "The development of British commercial and political networks in the Straits Settlements 1800-1868: The rise of a colonial and regional economic identity?" Modern Asian Studies, article advance, 2010, 31pps. Scottish merchants in the SS.
Sabine MacCormack, "Pausanias and his commentator Sir James George Frazer," Classical Reception Journal, Vol. 2, Iss. 2 (2010), pp. 287-313. Sir Frazer was born in Glasgow. It reminds me of the Chinese scholar Xu Dishan, who had applied Frazer's comparative and anthropological method to his studies on Chinese religion.
Jan van der Putten, "Negotiating the Great Depression: The rise of popular culture and consumerism in early-1930s Malaya," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2010, pp. 21-45. illustrated Malay commercials includes the Singapore-based Fraser and Neave Company.
Timothy P. Barnard, "Film Melayu: Nationalism, modernity and film in a pre-World War Two Malay magazine," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2010, pp. 47-70. The magazine was written and produced by Utusan Melayu Publications, Ltd., one of the strongest advocates of Malay nationalism in the late 1930s an early 1940s, in Singapore and printed at the Shaw Printing Works.
Terence Chong, "Manufacturing authenticity: The cultural production of national identities in Singapore," Modern Asian Studies, 2010, 21pps.
Stanislas Dehaene's Reading in the brain : the science and evolution of a human invention (New York : Viking, 2009). "The uniqueness of our species," Dehaene says "may arise from a combination of two factors: a theory of mind (the ability to imagine the mind of others) and a conscious global workspace (an internal buffer where an infinite variety of ideas can be recombined). (p. 9)

Wednesday, 15 December 2010



Tuesday, 14 December 2010

林奕華 V


Monday, 13 December 2010

林奕華 IV


Sunday, 12 December 2010

林奕華 III


「大多數的『香港女人』均願意相信『身體就是本錢』......最重要的,還是『財不可露眼』。......香港女人不習慣被人『看』,說穿了,是不喜歡成為別人想入非非的對象。於是,『眼啒啒』與『嘴藐藐』的女人走在街上比比皆是,也矚目驚心!......香港女性太uptight了。......『香港女人』的前途......想結婚,想生孩子,想拍拖......問題的源頭會不會是『香港女人』的類型在過去十年已變得越來越少?而最主流的一種,剛巧又是男人們避之則吉的『婆仔』?......她們並不知道怎樣去celebrate自己的sexuality.....『香港女人』的前途其實也有點像現在的香港:明明處於不太有利的境況,卻不懂得與時並進,反而繼續『幸福』不是來自個人的努力進取,而是由於她是不折不扣的『小女人』!真的要衝出困局另覓新天,我認為『香港女人』必須摒棄『幸福』與『小女人』之間的等號。」("Re-inventing Hong Kong Women", 2003年3月,頁19-20)
「『女人』根本就想每日看上去都是簇新的,且不管這渴望是否會教她們看來像不斷被重新包裝上的貨品。」("I Shop, Therefore I am", 2003年4月,頁23)
「在我眼中,黃碧雲是很沒趣的寫作人,因為她缺少想像力,沒有幽默感。是的,我認為她沒有才華。連英文裏的considerable talent,我都認為沒有。......我認為黃能有今天的地位,是她完全切合一般文學愛好者對『文學(家)』所抱存的幻想(對我來說,是定見)--寫作使作者的痛苦受到正視......『受苦』,一直是黃的『主題』(抑或『風格』)......黃的文字,如果是苦澀,是苦瓜的皮,並未苦到肉和核心。」(〈皺眉女子〉,2000年8月18日,頁139)

Saturday, 11 December 2010

林奕華 II


Friday, 10 December 2010

林奕華 I



Thursday, 9 December 2010

French Colonial History

Glanced a few articles in French Colonial History.

First of all, it is Takao Abe's "What determined the content of missionary reports? The Jesuit Relations compared with the Iberian Jesuit accounts," French Colonial History, Vol. 3, 2003, pp. 69-83. The former refers to the mission in Canada in the first half of the seventeenth century, the latter in Japan in the second half of the sixteenth/early seventeen centuries. Abe argues, by comparing them, that one cannot entirely count on the published official reports to reveal each priest's profound personality and ideas, especially about non-Christian people; and however personal the written observations may appear to be, the thematic and interpretive descriptions were influenced more by the interests of the Jesuit mission as a religious order than by personal initiatives.

Secondly, Christina E. Firpo's "Lost boys: 'abandoned' Eurasian children and the management of the racial topography in colonial Indochina, 1938-1945," French Colonial History, Vol. 8, 2007, pp. 203-221. The French colonial government's "use" of abandoned Eurasians to augment the colony's white presence amounted to social engineering for the purpose of managing the racial order, and they, who were recognized as social pariahs in the 1930s but later considered French, were used to bolster white authority and domination.
The third one is Ronald S. Love's "'A Passage to China': A French Jesuits perceptions of Siberia in the 1680s," French Colonial History, Vol. 3, 2003, pp. 85-100. Père Philippe Avril (1654-1698)'s, who departed in 1684 on an expedition to find an eastward passage to China but was rejected by the Qing authority to traverse Chinese inland and thus returned six years later to Europe not having found a path to the East, Voyage en divers états d'Europe & d'Asie, entrepris pour découvrir un nouveau chemin à la Chine (Paris: Claude Barbin, Jean Boudot, and George et Louis Josse, 1692), which was translated into English in 1693 titled Travels into divers parts of Europe and Asia, Undertaken by the French King's Order to discover a new way by land into China (London: T. Goodwin, 1693). Having met Père Philippe Couplet (1623-1693) at Paris in 1684, Avril might have met the widely-known Chinese convert Michael Shen Fu-Tsung (Miguel Shen Fuzong), who was brought with him to France in 1684 and later became a Jesuit.
Next one is Frédéric Roustan's "Français, Japonais et Société Coloniale du Tonkin: Exemple de Représentations Coloniales," French Colonial History, Vol. 6, 2005, pp. 179-204. Nice postcards. Japanese residents in Indochine were 192 in 1912, 161 in 1915, 316 in 1925, 234 in 1938 while in Hong Kong were 881 in 1909, 1149 in 1912, 1555 in 1915, 1649 in 1925.
Last but not least, it is Matthew G. Stanard's "Selling the Empire between the Wars: Colonial Expositions in Belgium, 1920-1940," French Colonial History, Vol. 6, 2005, pp. 159-178. To popularize the Belgian Congo.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

history of science and seriality

Nearly finished the special issue of the History of Science of the latest titled "Seriality and scientific objects in the nineteenth century".
Nick Hopwood, Simon Schaffer and Jim Secord, "Seriality and scientific objects in the nineteenth century," History of Science, Vol. 48 Pt. 3/4, No. 161, Sep./Dec. 2010, pp. 251-285.
Volker Hess and J. Andrew Mendelsohn, "Case and Series: Medical Knowledge and Paper Technology, 1600–1900," pp. 287–314
Nathan Schlanger, "Series in Progress: Antiquities of Nature, Numismatics and Stone Implements in the Emergence of Prehistoric Archaeology," pp. 343-369.
Chitra Ramalingam, "Natural History in the Dark: Seriality and the Electric Discharge in Victorian Physics," pp. 371-398.
Alex Csiszar, "Seriality and the Search for Order: Scientific Print and its Problems During the Late Nineteenth Century," pp. 399–434.
Marianne Sommer, "Seriality in the Making: The Osborn-Knight Restorations of ­Evolutionary History," pp. 461–482.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

why I love Edinburgh, sometimes?

Two papers made me to.

Robert W. Rix's "Oriental Odin: Tracing the east in northern culture and literature," History of European Ideas, Vol. 36, Issue 1, Mar. 2010, pp. 47-60. Thomas Percy (1729-1811). It draws me to The Percy Letters (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, and New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944-88), which are not available locally but in Edinburgh (hooray! will meet them soon in the coming summer), and James Watt's "Thomas Percy, China, and the Gothic," The Eighteen Century, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2007, pp. 95-109.
Ruth Scurr's "Inequality and political stability from Ancien Régime to revolution: The reception of Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments in France," History of European Ideas, Vol. 35, Issue 4, Dec. 2009, pp. 47-60. Another paper leads me to some further readings; they are Kenneth E. Carpenter's The dissemination of The wealth of nations in French and in France, 1776-1843 (New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 2002), which is, again, not available in HK but in the NLS.
Additional reading: Brian Dolan's "Second opinions: history, medical humanities and medical education," Social History of Medicine, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 393-405.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Japanese spirit, or Yamato damashii

Today's list: Richard Reitan's "Völkerpsychologie and the appropriation of “spirit” in Meiji Japan"(Modern Intellectual History, Vol. 7, issue 3, Sep 2010, pp. 495-522), which resonates with the conception of Yamato damashii 大和魂, drew me to reconsider the Japanese translation strategies toward European texts in favour of their articulation of the Japanese ethos in relation to Chinese context and led me to rethink the publishing sphere of the late-nineteenth-century Japan particularly in Tokyo.
Reitan's article also brought me to two important works: Nitobe Inazo (ed.), Western Influences in Modern Japan (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931) [HK none], and the French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931)'s The Psychology of Peoples (Les Lois psychologiques de l'évolution des peuples, 1894), which divided humanity into four groups: the primitive, inferior, intermediate, and superior races, the Japanese and the Chinese being in the intermediate category, was translated three times into Japanese: Rubon shi minzoku shinrigaku, trans. Tsukahara Msaji (Tokyo: Ikuseikai, 1900); Kokumin shinrigaku, trans. Kokmin kyoiku gakkai (Tokyo: Kinshodo, 1900); and Minzoku hatten no shinri, trans. Maeda Chota (民族発展の心理. Tokyo: Dai Nihon bunmei kyokai, 1910). It is intriguing to note that, as Reitan told us, Chota's translation edited out all references to Japan.



Sunday, 5 December 2010

spatial turn

'Spatial turn', the idea of place and space, of place as social practice and of placing as a process in accounting for the uneven movement of ideas over space and time may help provide some precision and strengthen connections between geography and history. (Withers, p. 638-9) I have been recently intrigued by two related articles:
Robert J. Mayhew, "Geography as the eye of Enlightenment historiography," Modern Intellectual History, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010, pp. 611-27.
Charles W. J. Withers, "Place and the 'Spatial Turn' in Geography and in History," Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 70, No. 4, October 2009, pp. 637-658.

And drawn to the following references, some of which might look too hard for me:
Diarmid Finnegan, ‘‘The Spatial Turn: Geographical Approaches in the History of Science,’’ Journal of the History of Biology, Vol. 41 (2007): 369–88;
Tim Cresswell, Place: A Short Introduction (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004).
John Agnew, Place and Politics (Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1987).
John Agnew and James Duncan, eds., The Power of Place (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990).
Nicholas Entrikin, The Betweenness of Place: Towards a Geography of Modernity (London: Macmillan, 1991).
Lynn Staeheli, ‘‘Place,’’ in A Companion to Political Geography, ed. John Agnew, Kathrynne Mitchell and Gerard Toal (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003), 158–70.
Edward S. Casey, The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997),
Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space, trans. D. Nicholson-Smith (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991).
Lewis Holloway and Phil Hubbard, People and Place: The Extraordinary Geographies of Everyday Life (Harlow: Pearson, 2001 and, as part of a series concerned with ‘‘Re-Materialising Cultural Geography,’’ Tom Mels, ed., Reanimating Places: A Geography of Rhythms (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004).
J. E. Malpas, Place and Experience: A Philosophical Topography (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
J. E. Malpas, Heidegger’s Topology: Being, Place, World (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2006).
Robert Sack, Place, Consumption and Modernity (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992).
Robert Sack, Homo Geographicus (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997).
Marc Augé, Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity (London:
Verso, 1995).

Saturday, 4 December 2010

sociology frenzy II

Race frenzy
Becky Francis and Louise Archer, "Negotiating the dichotomy of boffin and triad: British-Chinese pupils' constructions of 'laddism'," The Sociological Review, Vol. 53, No. 3, Aug 2005, pp. 495-521. a thought-provoking article about race, gender, and discourse.
ill-conceived stereotypes of the Chinese as collectivist, conformist, entrepreneurial, deferent, and conforming to Confucian values, and the Chinese pupils as uniformly ‘good pupils’.
"the discourses of ‘the good Chinese pupil’ and ‘Chinese value of education’ were frequently drawn on by pupil respondents [80 British-Chinese pupils, 48 girls and 32 boys from Years 10 and 11, i.e. 14-16 years old], with the result that the pupils often presented British-Chinese manifestations of ‘laddism’ as unnatural as 'infected' by 'others' and mild versions in comparison with pernicious ‘others’ [British]"
Given their "finding that teachers tend to stereotype British-Chinese boys as non-laddish, obedient, 'good pupils', Francis and Archer found that "a majority of teachers presented a dichotomous view of British-Chinese, being that the vast majority are seen as diligent and obedient, and as not expressing 'laddish' behaviours," which resonates with traditional, if not imagined, stereotypes of the Chinese in general, "except in a small minority of cases where 'bad' Chinese boys (often 'infected' by Anglo and African-Caribbean working-class boys) are frequently associated with Triadism."
Teachers tends to position British-Chinese as good pupils, but not ideal pupils, which derives from the dominant construction of the ideal pupils as active, questioning, challenging, and 'naturally brilliant'; traits which are ascribed as masculine and as white and middle-class. British-Chinese pupils, in a way, are positioned as feminised.
Francis and Archer found that "both teachers and some British-Chinese pupils saw 'laddish' British-Chinese boys as having been 'contaminated' by (working-class) white and black boys". "[S]ome teachers", Francis and Archer observed, "appeared to apply an orientalist view of the Chinese as a homogeneous mass uniformly conforming to industrious Eastern values and tyrannous family expectations".
If time allows, I would pick some of the references cited in the article below.
Ang, M. (2001) On Not Speaking Chinese: Living between Asia and the West, New York: Routledge.
Archer, L., (2002), 'It's easier that you're a girl and that you're Asian: interactions of 'race' and gender between researchers and participants' Feminist Review, 72: 108-132.
Archer, L. & Francis, B., (2005) ‘‘The never go off the rails like other ethnic groups’: Teachers’ constructions of British Chinese pupils’ gender identities and approaches to learning’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol. 26, No. 2, Apr. 2005, pp. 165-182.
Chau, R. & Yu, S., (2001), ‘Social Exclusion of Chinese People in Britain’, Critical Social Policy, 21 (1): 103-125.
Francis, B. & Archer, L. (2005a) British-Chinese Pupils’ and Parents’ Constructions of the Value of Education, British Educational Research Journal, 31 (1) 89-107.
Song, M., (1997), ‘‘You’re Becoming More and More English’: investigating Chinese siblings’ cultural identities’, New Community, 23 (3): 343-362.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

sociology frenzy

Japan's hikikomori and Manchester's gay village
The Japanese education system is single track, rigidly organised and highly pressured. There are few second chances or alternative routes. In many western societies, however, there are frequently second chances and alternative routes. A process of drift is socially acceptable and can occur without long-term damage, whereas in Japan it is a process that is often viewed with suspicion. (Andy Furlong, "The Japanese hikikomori phenomenon: acute social withdrawal among young people," The Sociological Review, Vol. 56, Issue 2, May 2008, pp. 309–325.)
To be cosmopolitan is to be educated or sophisticated; to be a cosmopolitan one has to have access to a particular form of knowledge, able to appropriate and know the other and generate authority from this knowing; thus cosmopolitanism is conceived as a particular attitude towards difference. (Jon Binnie and Beverley Skeggs, "Cosmopolitan knowledge and the production and consumption of sexualized space: Manchester's gay village," The Sociological Review, Vol. 52, Issue 1, February 2004, pp. 39–61.)

Elite frenzy
John Scott, "Modes of power and the re-conceptualization of elites," The Sociological Review, Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1: Remembering Elites, May 2008, pp. 27-43.
Michael Moran, "Representing the corporate elite in Britain: capitalist solidarity and capitalist legitimacy," The Sociological Review, Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1: Remembering Elites, May 2008, pp. 54-79.
Paul du Gay, "Keyser Süze elites: market populism and the politics of institutional change," The Sociological Review, Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1: Remembering Elites, May 2008, pp.80–102. the rise of market populism, elite of anti-elitists, elitist denial, and irresponsibility.
Charles Harvey and Mairi Maclean, "Capital theory and the dynamics of elite business networks in Britain and France," The Sociological Review, Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1:Remembering Elites, May 2008, pp. 105-120. interesting.
Dave Griffiths, Andrew Miles and Mike Savage, "The end of the English cultural elite?" The Sociological Review, Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1: Remembering Elites, May 2008, pp. 189-209.
Alan Warde and Tony Bennett, "A culture in common: the cultural consumption of the UK managerial elite," The Sociological Review, Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1: Remembering Elites, May 2008, pp. 240-259.
Shinobu Majima and Alan Warde, "Elite consumption in Britain, 1961-2004: results of a preliminary investigation," The Sociological Review, Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1: Remembering Elites, May 2008, pp. 210-239.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

What makes capitalism work?

Jagdish Bhagwati's "What makes capitalism work?" in Michael Kinsley with Conor Clarke,Creative capitalism : a conversation with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and other economic leaders (New York : Simon & Schuster, 2008; Chinese translation: 《從貪婪到慈悲:啟動金字塔底層的商機》,李芳齡譯,台北:天下雜誌,2009), pp. 190-2.)
Capitalism flourishes when one of the following five conditions exist:
1. the poor do not envy or resent the rich because they believe in the myth that the too can get rich;
2. even if the poor do not buy into the upward mobility myth, if the rich do not flaunt their wealth by practicing an ostentatious style of living;
3. the poor feel that the riches are deserved or legitimate;
4. wealth is not used for instrusion into politics;
5. last but not least, the rich spend their money not on themselves but on social projects.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Recent readings XIX

游博清、黃一農:〈天朝與遠人--小斯當東與中英關係(1793-1840)〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,第69期,2010年9月,頁1-40。搜尋游博清:〈英人小斯當東與鴉片戰爭前的中英關係〉,收入周振鶴編:《跨越空間的文化:16-19世紀中西文化的相遇與調適》(上海:東方出版中心,2010);吳曉鈞:〈阿美士德使節團探析:以天朝觀的實踐為中心〉(國立清華大學歷史研究所碩士論文,2008);常修銘:〈馬戛爾尼使節團的科學任務:以禮品展示與科學調查為中心〉(國立清華大學歷史研究所碩士論文,2006);劉熾楷:〈第一次改革後之英國國會與1839-1842年中英戰爭的關係〉(香港珠海大學中國歷史研究所博士論文,1991);Lydia Luella Spivey, "Sir George Thomas Staunton: Agent for the British East India Company in China, 1798-1817" (M.A. thesis, Duke University, Durham, 1968); Zhang Shunhong (張順洪), "British Views on China: During the Times of the Embassies of Lord Macartney and Lord Amherst, 1790-1820" (Ph.D. thesis, London University, 1990); Tsao Ting Man, 'Representing China to the British Public in the Age of Free Trade, c. 1833-1844' (Ph.D. thesis, State University of Hong Kong, Albany, 2000); Glenn Henry Timmermans, 'Sir George Thomas Staunton and the Translation of the Qing Legal Code,' Chinese Cross Currents, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan-Mar 2005, pp. 26-57.

Jimena Hurtado, "Jeremy Bentham and Gary Becker: utilitarianism and economic imperialism,"Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2008, pp. 335-357.
Michael V. White, "Sympathy for the devil: H. D. MacLeod and W. S. Jevons's Theory of Political Economy," Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 26, No. 3, Sept 2004, pp. 311-329.
Donald E. Frey, "Francis Wayland's 1830s textbooks: evangelical ethics and political economy,"Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2002, pp. 215-231.
Gregory Moore, "Nicholson versus Ingram on the history of political economy and a charge of plagiarism," Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2000, pp. 433-460.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Recent readings XVIII

Michela Bussotti 米蓋拉, "Editions of Biographies of Women as Examples of Printed Illustrations from the Ming Dynasty," 明代坊刻古籍版畫--以《列女傳》版本為例, Chinese Studies 漢學研究, Volume 28, No. 2, Jun 2010, pp. 169-224.

Gregory A. Barton & Brett M. Bennett, "Forestry as Foreign Policy: Anglo-Siamese Relations and the Origins of Britain's Informal Empire in the Teak Forests of Northern Siam, 1883-1925,"Itinerario, Vol. 34, Issue 2, 2010, pp. 65-86. forest officer in colonial HK?
Adam Clulow, "European Maritime Violence and Territorial States in Early Modern Asia, 1600-1650," Itinerario, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2009, pp. 72-94. VOC, EIC, Mughal India, and Tokugawa Japan.
Lissa Roberts, "Situating Science in Global History: Local Exchanges and Networks of Circulation," Itinerario, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2009, pp. 9-30.
Elizabeth Green Musselman, "Indigenous Knowledge and Contact Zones: The Case of the Cold Bokkeveld Meteorite, Cape Colony, 1838," Itinerario, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2009, pp. 31-44.
Antonella Romano and Stéphane van Damme, "Science and World Cities: Thinking Urban Knowledge and Science at Large (16th-18th Century)," Itinerario, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2009, pp. 79-95.
Portia L. Reyes, "Eyes on a Prize: Colonial Fantasies, the German Self and Newspaper Accounts of the 1896 Philippine Revolution," Itinerario, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008, pp. 105-133.

Barbara Meisterernst, "The Syntax of hou 後 in Temporal Phrases in Han Period Chinese," The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2010), pp. 503-533.
Laura Hein, "Modern Art Patronage and Democratic Citizenship in Japan," The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 69, No. 3 (August) 2010, pp. 821-841. 脇村義太郎
Ewout Frankema, "Raising revenue in the British empire, 1870-1940: how 'extractive' were colonial taxes?" Journal of Global History, Vol. 5, 2010, pp. 447-477.

Isobel Armstrong, Victorian glassworlds : glass culture and the imagination 1830-1880 (OUP, 2008). Although glass is 'an antithetical material' (p. 11), it was central to Victorian culture. Glass was everywhere, from windows, mirrors and greenhouses to telescopes, cameras and so on. Armstrong sees 'a period through glass'.

Jacqueline Young's 'Rewriting the Boxer Rebellion: The Imaginative Creations of Putnam Weale, Edmund Backhouse, and Charles Welsh Mason,' Victorian Newsletter, Vol. 114, 2008, pp. 7-28. Young examines Weale's edited Indiscreet Letters from Peking (9th ed., 1906) and his Wang the Ningh: The Story of a Chinese Boy (1920), Bland and Backhouse's China Under the Empress Dowager (1912), and, last but not least, Mason's The Chinese Confession of Charles Welsh Mason(1924).

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Recent readings XVII

Christian F. Rostbøll's 'The use and abuse of "universal values" in the Danish cartoon controversy," European Political Science Review, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2010, pp. 401-422.
Nasar Meer, Claire Dwyer and Tariq Modood's 'Embodying nationhood? conceptions of British national identity, citizenship, and gender in the "veil affair",' The Sociological Review, Vol. 58, No. 1, 2010, pp. 84-111.
Simon Locke's 'Conspiracy culture, blame culture, and rationalisation,' The Sociological Review, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2009, pp. 567-585.
Eduardo Posada-Carbó's 'Newspapers, politics, and elections in Colombia, 1830-1930,' The Historical Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2010, pp. 939-962.
Daniel M. Stephen's '"Brothers of the empire?': India and the British Empire Exhibition of 1924-25," Twentieth Century British History, 2010, advance access, 25pps. Stephens examines the reactions of Indians to the Exhibition, which provides a key to understanding how 'race' was increasingly a subject of contestation and negotiation between Britain and colonized subjects, and illustrates how changes in 'racial boundaries occurring in imperial culture were a response to challenges mounted by colonized people. Have a look of W. K. Hancock's Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs (OUP)
Jack W. Chen, 'Blank spaces and secret histories: questions of historiographic epistemology in medieval China,' The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 69, No. 4, Nov 2010, pp. 1071-1091.
Elisa Giunchi, 'The reinvention of shar¯ı‘a under the British Raj: In search of authenticity and certainty,' The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 69, No. 4, Nov 2010, pp. 1119-1142.
Anthony E. Clark, "Early modern Chinese reactions to western missionary iconography,"Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 30, 2008, pp. 5-22.
Dana Irwin, "Sheikhs and samurai: Leon Roches and the French Imperial Project," Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 30, 2008, pp. 23-40.
Richard Bradshaw, "Victim of colonialism or model of colonial rule? changing Japanese perceptions of Egypt, ca. 1860-1930," Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 31, 2009, pp. 143-163.
Rickw W. Law, "Runner-up: Japan in the German mass media during the 1936 Olympic Games,"Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 31, 2009, pp. 164-180. The case of China in foreign mass media in the past?
Natalia Starostina, "Engineering the empire of images: constructing railways in Asia before the Great War," Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 31, 2009, pp. 181-206. railway construction in Indochina and Yunnan, e.g. the pont sur Albaletriers (Crossbow Bridge) by French engineers' "civilizing mission".
Wei Lin, "The Southern dynasties (420-589) Buddhist caves at Qixiashan, China," Southeast Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 31, 2009, pp. 254-261.
Rosanne Trottier's 'Intellectual property for mystics? considerations on protecting traditional wisdom systems,' International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 17, 2010, pp. 519-546.
Michael F. Brown's "Culture, property, and peoplehood: a comment on Carpenter, Katyal, and Riley's 'In defense of property'," International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 17, 2010, pp. 569-579.
Kristen A. Carpenter, Sonia K. Katyal, and Angela R. Riley's 'Clarifying cultural property,'International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 17, 2010, pp. 581-598. Carpenter et al. propose the ideas of sovereignty and stewardship on the protection of indigenous cultural heritage/property.
Daphne Voudouri's 'Law and the politics of the past: legal protection of cultural heritage in Greece,' International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 17, 2010, pp. 547-568. Voudouri quotes Handler that 'retentionists' often 'defend their position by deconstructing the national identity of their opponents - claiming, for example, that modern Greeks are not 'true descendants of ancient Greeks...[without] simultaneously willing to call into question their own nationalistic claims to cultural superiority. In other words, retentionists are quick to condemn the parochial nationalism of their opponents, but rarely question their own more imperial nationalisms, which they mask in the name of internationalism.' ("Who owns the past? History, Cultural Property, and the Logic of Possessive Individualism," in Brett Williams (ed.), The Politics of Culture (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991), p. 71) The paper also draws me to James Cuno's Who Owns Antiquity? Museums and the Battle over Our Ancient Heritage (Princeton: PUP, 2008) and Whose Culture: The Promise of Museums and the Debate over Antiques (Princeton: PUP, 2009) and David Lowenthal's The Heritage Crusade and the Spoil of History (Cambridge: CUP, 1998).

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Deluxe IV

So, "What do the rich do now?" a Hollywood producer friend asked her. For the ultimate in lingerie, the rich go to Alice Cadolle in Paris. The really rich still buy and wear couture, which runs from $20,000 for a basic suit to $100,000 for an evening gown. The really rich do not attend the couture shows for they don't even have to show up to shop. They, "who are richer than air," crossed the oceans by private jets for fitting. The women who buy couture don't want to be identified with actresses. More than a couple of these new fortunes live in China. In the United States, the rich shop at Giorgio Armani. For jewelry, the rich prefer custom-made. For handbags, the order Hermes. Yet they also shop at outlets. (p. 331-334)
Luxury was a successful niche business. But when luxury changed its target audience to the cost-conscious middle market that shops when flush but stops cold when times get tough, it made itself dangerously vulnerable to recessions. "Without tourism, Hong Kong," Joanne Ooi, president of East from Seventh Ltd., a wholesale showroom in Hong Kong for Western designers trying to break into the Asian market, "is only a city of six million inhabitants. How is it going to support nine Prada stores?" (p. 264)
She also interviewed Kenneth Fang, the chairman of Fang Bros. 肇豐, a company taking orders from luxury brands to produce knitwear in Guangdong, who took over the luxury Scottish cashmere knitwear company Pringle in 2000. (p. 226-32)

Counterfeiting. Santee Alley, Los Angeles, where fakes are sold, attracts everyone, including judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, affluent people from Newport Beach, and even the wives of the police. It confirms the old saying that "consumers don't buy luxury branded items for what they are, but for what they represent." Good fakes now represent socially the same thing as real.
Thomas recalled what she witnessed in the posh Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong, where she saw a chic New Yorker in her fifties, well dressed in a designer pantsuit, good jewelry, and Chanel sunglasses. The woman asked the chief at the concierge desk, "Where can I buy a good fake Roles? You know, a really good fake." (p. 279-80)

Luxury has become democratic. Everyone could enjoy a taste of it, from lipsticks to ready-to-wear gowns. In today's luxury industry, outlets make good business sense: they sell goods that the movie stars, the flagships, the ads, and the billboards flack to the masses, but at a price that the masses can actually afford, sometimes in bulk. (p. 247)
Outlet shopping has formed part of our life. When luxury brands themselves go mass-market, however - selling a full range of goods in ubiquitous boutiques, outlets and duty-free stores and on their own Web sites - they undermine their well-crafted message. They become an everyday occurrence, a common presence. They aren't a luxury anymore. (p. 259)

Friday, 26 November 2010

Deluxe III

Why women fancy handbags? Handbags are visible on the body and give the wearer the chance to brandish the logo and publicly declare her aspiration. They are the easiest luxury fashion item to sell because they don't require sizing or trying on: you look at it, and if you like it, you buy it. "It's easier to choose a bag than a dress," Miuccia Prada told her, "because you don't have to face the age, the weight, all the problems." For brands, it is easy money. Unlike shoes and clothes, there are no leftovers because there are no sizes. "Everyone can afford a luxury handbag, Karl Lagerfeld said. Handbags "make your life life more pleasant, make you dream, give you confidence, and show your neighbors you are doing well." (p. 168)

The luxury brand handbag is a study in globalization: hardware, like locks, come from Italy and China (primarily Guangzhou); the zipper comes from Japan; the lining comes from Korea; the embroidery is done in Italy, India, or northern China; the leather is from Korea or Italy; and the bag is assembled partly in China and partly in Italy. The sourcing is sometimes as questionable as the true provenance of the bag. (p. 202)
Luxury brands deny outright that their bags are made in China make their bags in China. Thomas visited a factory in Guandong province and she had to promise the manufacturer that she wouldn't reveal the brand names. Each brand made the manufacturer sign a confidentiality agreement stipulating that he could not reveal the fact that he produced their products in China. (p. 197)
Vouge China is among the most popular fashion magazine in China, selling about half a million copies every month. The editor Angelica Cheung said, "Most Chinese buy luxury as a status symbol rather than taste. They like logos. The want people to know the are carrying something expensive. You see people walk into stores and say, 'Where is this brand from? Italy? Must be good!" They can't pronounce the names and they don't know where it comes from. The just want it because it's expensive." (p. 303)
"Chinese people," said Tom Doctoroff, director for JWT advertising in Shanghai, "will gladly spend a price premium for goods that are publicly consumed. But it's like buying a big glob of shiny glitter. They know which brands are famous, but they can't tell you the difference between them in terms of quality or design. [They buy] to burnish their credentials as someone of the modern world by stocking up on a year's supply of prestige." "These people," explained Wang Lianyi, an expert in comparative cultural studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, "are rich economically but lacking in basic manners, and they are not very fond of their own reputation," and they "not only want money, they want people to respect them in the future." (p. 307)