Saturday 2 July 2016

Preliminary Examinations of the Hongkong College of Medicine in 1909

According to the Calendar of the Hongkong College of Medicine 1910, an applicant was required to pass a preliminary examination before being permitted to matriculate in the college. The examination subjects are as follows:

  1. English, including reading, dictation, composition, grammar, analysis with questions on the general outlines of English History, and on the general outlines of the Geography of Europe and Asia, with special reference to the geography of China.
  2. Latin, or Classical Chinese, or other Classical language (Grammar, and easy translation from and into English.)
  3. Mathematics, comprising: (1) arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions, proportion, percentage, square root, and simple interest; (2) algebra, including simple equations and easy quadratic equations; and (3) geometry, including the subject matter of Euclid, Books I., II. and III., with easy deductions.
  4. One optional subject: Greek, French, German, a modern Chinese dialect, or other modern language. (Grammar and easy translation from and into English.)
Among the four subjects, English attracted my attention. Below I quote some of the questions in two preliminary examinations which I found quite interesting.
  1. Write a short essay on one only of the following subjects.
    1. Patriotism: true and false;
    2. Trades Unions: the wrong and right use of;
    3. Election by ballot: its advantages and disadvantages.
  2. What were the good and evil results of the Crusades; and which English kinds took part in them?
  3. Mention some of the more conspicuous attempts made by the English Parliament to limit the power of the monarch.
  4. Associate with English History and Literature: Shakespeare; Bunyan; Samuel Johnson
  5. Give an estimate of any one of Shakespeare's most celebrated characters.
  6. Indicate the various routes from Hongkong to England; and describe briefly a journey by any one of them.
  7. What parts of Europe would you visit for the sake of: a) Fine scenery; b) fine architecture; c) historic remains?
  8. Write a short essay one one only of the following subjects:
    1. China, now and a hundred years ago.
    2. International Conciliation: - with special reference to Peace Conferences.
    3. Chinese Emigration.
  9. When and by whom were Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively united to England?
  10. Trace briefly the rise and progress of the English power in Hindoostan.
  11. Write a short account of any well-known English author who flourished in the reign of Queen Anne.
  12. What is meant by: a) The British Empire; b) the British Isles; c) Great Britain? Name the British Possessions in Asia.

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