Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Shanghai in the early 1970s

Shanghai photographs in the early 1970s under the influence of the Cultural Revolution.

圖片來源:上海市攝影藝術展覽會編:《上海攝影藝術作品選》第2冊(上海人民,1974)、上海巿工人文化宮編:《上海工人業餘攝影作品選 》(上海人民,1975)及《上海工人攝影作品選 》及《上海工人攝影作品選 》(上海人民,1976)


《上海工人業餘攝影作品選 》前言:


同時,他們還充份利用攝影這一戰鬥武器,狠批林彪、孔老二搞復辟倒退的反動罪行,反擊安東尼奧尼[hoito: Michelangelo Antonioni, an Italian film director, 'made the documentary Chung Kuo, Cina, but it was severely denounced by the Chinese authorities as "anti-Chinese" and "anti-communist"']之流反華的醜惡行徑,使攝影作品真正成為「團結人民、教育人民、打擊敵人、消滅敵人」的有力武器。


Friday, 25 December 2015

Edinburgh old pictures in the 1890s

The following colour photochrome prints of Edinburgh were produced between 1890 and 1900.

Princess Street, the castle, and Scott Monument, Edinburgh, Scotland (1890-1900). Source.

Princess Street and castle from Scotts Monument, Edinburgh, Scotland
Princess Street and castle from Scotts Monument, Edinburgh, Scotland (1890-1900). Source

Edinburgh from the castle, Scotland
Edinburgh from the castle, Scotland (1890-1900). Source.

Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, Scotland
Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, Scotland (1890-1900). Source.

More picture postcards of Edinburgh could be found here.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

surrender or killed

敵人不投降堅決消滅他 surrender or killed. 

Chairman Mao


Persistent Link:
China. 敵人不投降堅決消滅他. [n.p., 1946 or 1947].
Harvard College Library Harvard-Yenching Library
Harvard University
14 December 2015

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Creating the 'Other' Hongkongers

blogpost first drafted in July 2011.

retrieve my mailbox archive to update the latest H-Net academic announcements, which arrived some time ago last week. In the context of Hong Kong, the following conference topic is especially inspiring in creating the 'Other' Hongkongers

Creating the ‘Other’
A Postgraduate Conference at the University of Essex, Department of History, 20 September 2011

Throughout history, there has been a recurrent theme of groups imagining others as apart, as fundamentally and irrevocably different and inferior, as ‘Other’. 

At intrapersonal, societal, and international levels, and governed by notions of, for example, class, gender, race/ethnicity, religion or patterns of consumption the tendency to define persons as beyond the boundaries of, or subordinate to, the community seems one which has been ever-present. 

These definitions have been continually utilised to seek legitimacy for discriminatory and exploitative social relationships. Such matters are of great interest to the historian, as to define what is ‘Other’ is also to define oneself in opposition to it; and the study of the creation of the ‘Other’ thus offers a means of discerning the self-conceptions of individuals and groups, and of the social and cultural forces and dynamics of power operating in specific historical contexts. 

This conference intends to explore these issues. Possible questions/themes could include (though are by no means limited to):

  • What is the ‘Other’?
  • How has the ‘Other’ been constructed throughout the history?
  • What purposes has the ‘Other’ served for individuals, groups and societies?
  • How have these processes of ‘Othering’ differed in respect to gender, race, and class for example?
  • What have been the results of these processes in history

Monday, 14 December 2015

Art and Politics in Hong Kong in 1949

Published in Hong Kong in October 1949 (misdated as 1939 in Havard-Yenching Library catalog), this paper-cutting art book is an excellent example of the relationship between art and politics, which will be used as teaching materials in my class next semester.



Persistent Link:
汪潛. 新剪紙藝術. 香港 : 紅田出版社, 1939.
Harvard College Library Harvard-Yenching Library
Harvard University
14 December 2015

Sunday, 13 December 2015

they deserve to stay at the bottom of the social pile

對這班"deserve to stay at the bottom of the social pile"的後生來說,經歷會考高考大學,浪費時間在沒有用的知識上,已經是最大的妥協和犧牲。



作為老鬼,我想我們也需要了解這班「新工人」,應該讀讀Ron Alsop's The trophy kids grow up : how the millennial generation is shaking up the workplace (New York: The Wall Street Journal, 2008).

Saturday, 12 December 2015


 1959 年5月20日,黔[即貴州]南布依族苗族自治州首府都匀市推行「三保四好」運動:


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Chinese rare books in Hong Kong: 清怡親王府藏書




Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The Ivory Tower

Research universities announcing seemingly meaningful but domineeringly useless and pompous claims about their cutting-edge research or discovery is no new.

Abstract: This is a historical survey of how and why the notion of the Ivory Tower became part of twentieth- and twenty-first-century cultural vocabularies. It very briefly tracks the origins of the tag in antiquity, documents its nineteenth-century resurgence in literary and aesthetic culture, and more careful assesses the political and intellectual circumstances, especially int he 1930s and 1940s, in which it became a common phrase attached to universities and to features of science and in which it became a way of criticizing practices and institutions deemed to be 'irrelevant'. The paper concludes by reflecting on the tag's relationship to pervasive cultural tropes and how its modern history may be used to appreciate better where science and its academic setting now stand in the ancient debate between the active and contemplative lives.

"...following the figure of the Ivory Tower is tracing the historical trajectory of schemes linking knowledge and the polity, epistemic and social virtue." (25)
"It started as a religious figure, which it remained until nineteenth-century writers respecified it in an artistic context. Its subsequent mobilization to say something about what a university was and should be, and the conditions the university provided for the production of knowledge, largely happened during and after the Second World War, as did its relocation from comment on the imaginative arts to those practices which had the potential to produce materially useful goods - the sciences, engineering and the knowledge of the professional schools in particular...the cultural geography of Ivory Tower usages tracks changes in the recognized social value of different intellectual practices."
"it is a modern instantiation of the ancient religious and secular debate over the active and contemplative lives, negotium and otium: is it better, more virtuous, more authentically human to be engaged with civic affairs or is it better - from time to time or always - intentionally to live apart from the polis?" (26)

Steven Shapin's "The Ivory Tower: the history of a figure of speech and its cultural uses," British Journal for the History of Science, 43:1, 1-27.

Sunday, 18 October 2015



國定敎科書初中代數 (1943)
國定敎科書初中公民 v1-2 (1943)
國定敎科書初中動物 v1-2 (1943)
國定敎科書初中化學 (1943)
國定敎科書初中國文 v1-2 (1943)
國定敎科書初中外國史 (1943)
國定敎科書初中外國地理 (1943)
國定敎科書初中日語 (1942)
國定敎科書初中本國史 v1-2 (1943)
國定敎科書初中本國地理 v1-4 (1943)
國定敎科書初中植物 v1-2 (1943)
國定敎科書初中生理衛生 (1942)
國定敎科書初中算術 (1943)
國定敎科書初小常識 (1943)
國定敎科書高小公民 v1 -4(1943)
國定敎科書高小地理 (1943)
國定敎科書高小歷史 v1-4 (1943)
國定敎科書高小算術 v1-4 (1943)
國定敎科書高小自然 v1-4 (1943)

Friday, 11 September 2015

Peter Pan in colonial Shanghai

Peter Pan! Peter Pan was one of my favourite characters in my childhood and I was thrilled to see the following advertisement of this play presented by the Shanghai Public School for Girls in the Shanghai-based nationwide English newspaper North-China Daily News in the 1920s.

(NCDN, 10 January, 1920, front page)

Thursday, 10 September 2015

professionalization of everything

"professionalization of everything - the provision of degrees for so many different kinds of work - is one form in which higher education acts opportunistically. That is: it attracts more customers for credit hours with the (increasingly hollow promise of the kinds of security nostalgically associated with the classical professions of law, medicine, education, and so forth." (p. 148)

- Marc Bousquet's How the university works : higher education and the low-wage nation (New York: New York University Press, 2008), p. 148.

Recommended list:
Cary Nelson's No university is an island : saving academic freedom (New York: New York University Press, 2010), and the right-wing activist David Horowitz's The professors : the 101 most dangerous academics in America (Washington, DC: Regnery Pub., 2006).

Tuesday, 8 September 2015









Sunday, 6 September 2015










Thursday, 3 September 2015

brilliant quotes on education

"We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet

‎"Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts."
- Henry Brooks Adams, writer

"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten."
- B. F. Skinner, psychologist

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
- Mark Twain, writer

"Your learning is useless to you till you have lost your textbooks, burnt your lecture notes, and forgotten the minutiae which you learned by heart for the examination."
- Alfred North Whitehead, philosopher

Monday, 31 August 2015

55 essential ideas to help smart people

The rules of business: 55 essential ideas to help smart people (and organizations) perform at their best / by Fast company's editors and writers, and Paul B. Brown. (New York : Doubleday, 2005).

illuminating quotes from famous or important figures in different fields.

Chapter 1 - Change
#1 The first rule of business is the same as the first rule of life: Adapt or die.
#2 Innovation is difficult and often painful. But there is no alternative. (See Rule 1: Adapt or die.)
#3 When should you initiate change? When things are going perfectly.
#4 Regardless of how realistic you think you are being, the change process will take three times as long as you like.

Chapter 2 - Communication
#5 Employees need to know—in painstaking detail—what you want to do and why. They need to hear it again and again. Don’t forget: It’s impossible for them to hear it too often.
#6 If you can’t communicate, you can’t lead.
#7 If you can’t get your message across quickly, you aren’t going to get it across at all.

Chapter 3: Creativity and Innovation
#8 Nothing is more overrated than a new idea. Ideas by themselves are worthless. It’s what you do with them that matters.
#9 If your cool new product or service doesn’t generate enough money to cover costs and make a profit, it isn’t innovation, it’s art. If you covet awards, go to Hollywood.
#10 Make innovation pay its way. Business units should have to fund the research they want, instead of receiving a handout from corporate. Having to pay for it is a sure way to guarantee that the research is going to be focused.

Chapter 4: Customer Service
#11 In the proverbial 10 words or less, here is the key to customer service: Ask customers what they want, and give it to them.

Chapter 5: Decision Making
#12 “No” is the second best answer you can get to any question you ask.
#13 Not deciding is a decision. That’s the problem with procrastinating.
#14 It is extremely hard to make a list of all the things you haven’t thought of. That explains why it is important to open up the decision-making process to as many people as possible.

Chapter 6: Welcome to the Design Revolution
#15 Design will be the next place companies battle for competitive advantage.
#16 Yes, it is important to be innovative, eye-catching, and fun. But if consumers can’t easily use your design, they won’t buy your product.

Chapter 7: Execute!
#17 If you don’t execute, you won’t accomplish a thing.
#18 Hold people accountable. Reward those who execute. Coach those who don’t. And if they still don’t get it, fire them. You aren’t helping them, or the organization, by having them stick around.

Chapter 8: Hiring and Developing and Retaining Great Employees
#19 No matter how overwhelmed you are with work, it is always better to hire no one than to hire the wrong person.It sounds so basic, but the rule is violated every day everywhere—with disastrous results.
#20 A players hire A players, B players hire C players, and C players hire losers. Let your standards slip once and you’re only two generations away from death.
#21 If you lose great people, you lose success. It’s that simple.

Chapter 9: Technology Is Not a Strategy
#22Technology is not the answer. It can enable and support the corporate vision, but by itself, technology will not give you a competitive advantage.
#23Operational silos are bad anywhere. But they are especially crippling when it comes to information technology (IT), which is vital to almost every organization’s success.

Chapter 10: Knowledge
#24 Don’t have your people waste time figuring out what someone else in the company has already discovered. Create and maintain an efficient knowledge management system to share experiences companywide.
#25 Data are a series of facts. Information is a lot of data about a topic combined with some context. Ideally companies want to manage information in such a way that it yields knowledge: information that has been processed in such a way that it can be used for competitive advantage.

Chapter 11: Leadership
#26 The principles governing how you lead must remain absolutely constant. How you express them must vary every single time, depending on your audience. You need to make sure they understand what you are trying to do—and what their role is.
#27 Leaders lead.
#28 Leadership is the art of getting people to do what you want because they want to.
#29 Leaders need to say two things: “This is where we are going,” and “This is why we need you to help us get there.”

Chapter 12: Life and Career
#30 Achieving balance in your life is a time-management problem and needs to be treated as such. What that means is you figure out what you absolutely must accomplish in your personal and professional lives, and let everything else slide.
#31 You can do anything, but not everything.
#32 Take breaks. Not only will it make you more productive, if you go out and see the world you are bound to spot opportunities.

Chapter 13: Managing
#33 Great managers are just as important as great leaders.
#34 The closer top management is to the customer, the more successfuI an organization is Iikely to be.
#35 Your employees are never going to know how they are doing—and how they can do better—unless you tell them.

Chapter 14: Marketing
#36 Nothing happens in business until the customer says yes.
#37 If the dogs won’t eat the dog food, it is bad dog food. Period. Similarly, if customers won’t buy your product or service, you are not giving them what they either want or need. It’s your fault, not theirs.
#38 Every communication with a customer must answer the two questions that they always have (even if they don’t always express them to you): “What do you have and why should I care?”
#39 Our three rules of advertising: Don’t insult us, tell the truth, and have a sense of humor. Violate these rules at your own peril.

Chapter 15: The Organization and Corporate Culture
#40 We get the kind of organization we deserve.
#41 If you have a senior vice president of administration, something is terribly wrong. You shouldn’t need a bureaucracy to manage thebureaucracy. In fact, you shouldn’t have a bureaucracy at all.
#42 Ultimately, everything is personal.

Chapter 16: Teamwork and Partnerships
#43 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. If not, you have a serious management challenge on your hands.
#44 In well-run companies, everyone is needed but no one is indispensable. In other words, teamwork is built in.
#45 Just because everyone wears the same uniform does not mean they are a team.

Chapter 17: Risk
#46 Let us edit a long-standing cliché: No prudent risk, no fairly predictable rewards.

Chapter 18: Social Responsibility, Trust, and Ethics
#47 You can’t be a little bit ethical. Either you are ethical or you are not. There is no in-between.
#48 Everybody must understand and internalize the company’s core values. Doing so frees up time, because you don’t have to debate the organization’s core beliefs. Everyone knows what they are. It also frees resources. When people know what they are supposed to do, they need less supervision.
#49 If it is not right, don’t do it; if it is not true, don’t say it.

Chapter 19: Speed
#50 In today’s economy, it’s the fast companies that trounce the slow.
#51 Look to streamline your operation everywhere. The cumulative effect can be astonishing.
#52 Just because you occasionally step on the accelerator doesn’t mean you can keep it floored indefinitely. Organizations can run flat out only for short periods.

Chapter 20: Strategy and Growth
#53 If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. You need a clear strategy and a clear direction, one that everyone in the organization understands as well as you do.
#54 As IBM’s Tom Watson would say: Think!

Chapter 21: The Link Between Success and Failure
#55 If you haven’t had one spectacular failure in your life, you haven’t tried hard enough.

Friday, 14 August 2015

The Educational Directory for China (1905)

The Educational Directory for China - An Account of the Various Schools and Colleges Connected with Protestant Missions and also Government and Private Schools under Foreign Supervision (1905)

Appendix A: Courses of study for male institutions
  1. Anglo-Chinese College. Ningpo, Chehkiang Province (Eng United Meth. Mission)
  2. Anglo-Chinese College. Shanghai, Kiangsu Province (Meth. Ep. South)
  3. Christian College in China. Canton, Kwangtung Province. (Undenominational)
  4. East China Baptist Theological Seminary. Shao-shing, Chehkiang Province. (Bap. Miss. Un.)
  5. Hui-An Boys' School. Hui-An (via Amoy), Chehkiang. (London Mission)
  6. International Institute. 尚賢堂. Shanghai, Kiangsu Province. (Secular)
  7. Nanking University. Nanking, Kiangsu Province. (Meth. Ep.)
  8. Nanyang College. Shanghai, Kiangsu Province. (Secular)
  9. Peking University. Peking, Chihli Province. (Meth. Epis. Mission)
  10. Soochow University. Soochow, Kiangsu Province. (M. E. Church, South)
  11. St. John's University. Shanghai, Kiangsu Province. (Am. Prot. Ep. Ch.)
  12. The Shantung Union College. Wei-Hsien, Shantung Province (P.)
  13. Tung Wen Institute. Amoy, Fuhkien Province. (Secular)
  14. Arsenal Naval School. Foochow, Fuhkien Province. (Government)
  15. China Inland Mission School. Chefoo, Shantung. (C. I. M.)
  16. Kinwha School. (A. Bapt. M. U.) 
  17. Nyen-hang-li Middle School for Boys (Basel Mission) 
  18. Dublin University Mission Course in Country Day-schools (Fuhning) 
  19. London Mission Day-school Curriculum (Hankow) 
  20. David Hill School for the Blind (W. M. S., Hankow)
Appendix B: Courses of study: for females

  1. Chinkiang Girls' School. Chinkiang, Kiangsu Province. (M. E. Mission)
  2. Church Missionary Society Girls' Boarding-School. Fuhning, Fuhkien Province. (C. M. S.)
  3. Girls' Boarding School of the Reformed Church in America. Kolongsu, Amoy, Fuhkien Province. 
  4. London Mission Girls' School. Huian (via Amoy), Fuhkien Province.
  5. Presbyterian Girls' Boarding School. Shanghai, Kiangsu Province. (A. P. M.)

Monday, 20 July 2015

Intercultural Communication and Networks: Cross Pacific English-Chinese Phrase Books in the Nineteenth Century

Intercultural Communication and Networks: Cross Pacific English-Chinese Phrase Books in the Nineteenth Century (first draft published on 20 July 2015)

Route 1: From Malacca to Canton (Anglo-Chinese College)
Route 2: From Hong Kong to California and Australia (Anglo-Chinese College, translators, and Chinese Migration)
Route 3: Trans-America: From New York to California (Chinese Migration)
Route 3: Shanghai to Beijing (Translation, translators, and Modernisation)

1. The English and Chinese student’s assistant, or colloquial phrases,letters &c, in English and Chinese: The Chinese by Shaou Tih, a native Chinese student, in the Anglo Chinese College, Malacca (Malacca: The Mission Press, 1826). 袁德輝

2. Devils Talk (Canton: 1830s-1840s). 《鬼話》

3. James Legge, A Lexilogus of the English, Malay, and Chinese Languages; Comprehending the Vernacular Idoms of the Last in the Hok-Keen and Canton Dialect (Malacca: Printed at the Anglo-Chinese Mission Press, 1841).

4. 《紅毛買賣通用鬼話》 (Canton: 榮德堂 1837). The Common Foreign Language of the Redhaired People.

5. 《紅毛番話貿易須知》 (Canton: 富桂堂, 以文堂, 五桂堂, c.1837 ). The Redhaired People's Buying and Selling Usual Ghost Language.


6. Robert Thom, Chinese and English Vocabulary, Part First 《華英通用雜話》上卷 (Canton, 1843). 羅伯聃。 《漢英通用雜話》(東京:青井堂,1860)。

7. Stanislas Hernisz, A Guide to Conversation in the English and Chinese Languages for the Use of Americans and Chinese in California and Elsewhere 《習漢英合話》 (Boston: John P. Jewett & Co.; Cleveland, Jewett, Proctor and Worthington; London, Trubner & Co., 1854).

8. 子卿/子芳:《華英通語》(香港?:協德堂藏板,1855)。《增訂華英通語》(東京:快堂藏板,1860)。《華英通語》(香港:西營盤恆茂藏板,1860)。《華英通語集全》(香港:藏文堂印,1879)。《華夷通語》(新嘉坡:古友軒藏板,1883)《新增華英通語》(香港:文裕堂,1893)。  據内田慶市:〈Pidgin──異語言文化接觸中的一種現象〉,《東アジア文化交渉研究》,第2号,2009,頁197-207。

9. 朱瑞生:《廣肇英語》(香港?:1857-1862)。 English through the Vernaculars of the Canton and Shiuhing Prefectures.  竊以上帝鑒民,遐邇一體。聖人愛眾,天下一家。......東粵通商,近悅遠來,而英賈物盛,洋行買賣,全以英語互相答問。博學之士,以文譯語,以語通傳者,不乏其人。......余生長廣肇,少習英文,爰將廣肇土談而通譯之,俾得將文求語,了然無疑。由此申之,別省別府,俱可尋文而垂譯焉。其于通商貿易遠遊外邦,未必無小補云爾。 咸豐辛酉嘉平月 瑞生朱祿序。 who was 朱瑞生 (Chu A-luk, a graduate of Anglo-Chinese College and a student of James Legge)? To be continued.

10. 《華番貿易言語通曉》(廣州:省城 ○ 經堂,1858)。內附各國磅碼成斤秤法鬼字。上卷詞彙,下卷句子。

11. 馮澤夫:《英話註解》(上海:著昌堂,1860)。張寶楚

12. 唐廷樞:《英語集全》(廣州:緯經堂,1862)。

13. William Lobscheid, Select Phrases and Reading Lessons in the Canton Dialect (Hongkong: Noronha, 1864).

14. 莎彝尊授男夢巖輯:《英語官話合講》(廣州:同治四年六月刊,1865)。Sau Mang Yian, Tones of the Mandarin Dialect are Given in English and Chinese (Canton, 1865).

15. Benoni Lanctot, Chinese and English phrase book: with the Chinese pronunciation indicated in English : specially adapted for the use of merchants, travelers and families 《華英通語》 (San Francisco; A. Roman & Company, 1867, 2nd rev. and enl. ed.).

16. 曹驤:《英字入門》(1874)。

17. N. B. Dennys, A Handbook of the Canton Vernacular of the Chinese Language: Being a Series of Introductory Lessons, for Domestic and Business Purposes (London: Trübner & Co.; Hong Kong: “China Mail” Office, 1874). 初學階

18. Wong Sam, An English-Chinese Phrase Book: Together with the vocabulary of trade, law, etc. : also, a complete list of Wells, Fargo & Co's offices in California, Nevada, etc. (San Francisco: Cubery & Co., Book and General Job Printers, 1875). 

19. 楊勛:《英字指南》(1879)。

20. (英)喀爾氏撰,汪鳳藻譯:《英文舉隅》(北京:北京同文館聚珍版本,1879(光緒五年),丁韙良鑑定)。蜚英館1887年有重印。多誤以為是 Simon Kerl’s A Common-School Grammar of the English Language (New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, & Co., 1866),其實是其 An Elementary Grammar of the English Language (New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co., 1868, 21st ed.).

21. 無師自通英語錄(上海:點石齋畫報,1884)。

22. Kwong Ki Chiu, The First Conversation Book, Containing Common and Simple Words Wrought into Illustrative Sentences, Classified and Accented, and Many of Them Defined, with Some Grammatical Information and Word Analysis, to Which Are Added Sections on the English Language, Penmanship, Health, Duties in Various Relations; also Sketches of Peter the Great, President Lincoln, Grant, and Garfield. Designed for Use in Schools 《英語彙腋初集》(Shanghai: Wah Cheung, 1885). The Second Conversation Book, Containing a Section on Aids to Reading, an Illustrated List of Important and Special Words, Also, Extended Conversations on One Hundred and Eighty-nine Familiar Practical Subjects, Under the General Heads : the Weather, Social Intercourse, the Expression of Thought and Feeling, Education, Business, Travel, Etc., Etc.,. Designed for Use in Schools 《英語彙腋二集》 (Shanghai: Wah Cheung, 1885).

23. T. L. Stedman and K. P. Lee, A Chinese and English Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect (New York: William R. Jenkins, 1888). 英語不求人

24. J. Dyer Ball, Cantonese Made Easy: A book of simple sentences in the Cantonese dialect, with free and literal translations, and directions for the rendering of English grammatical forms in Chinese (Hong Kong: “China Mail” Office, 1888, 2nd ed.).

25. Johnson Sun, The Self-Educator  (Sydney, c1891; Sydney, 1892, 2nd enlarged ed.). 孫俊臣 editor of the "Chinese Herald" 廣益華報, Sydney, Australia. 無師自曉 英文雜話

26. Second Book of Chinese and English Lessons, for the use of schools (on the basis of the “Second Book of Lessons”). Translated by Chow Loke Chee. Second edition. Hongkong : Man Yu Tong, 1893. BL

27. 鄭聰博:《華英類語》(1893)

28. 張德彝:《英文話規》(1898)。

29. 謝洪賚:《華英初階》(上海:商務書館,1898)。Christian Literature Society for India (before 1891, Christian Vernacular Education Society for India): archives in SOAS and HKBU (microfiches).

30.  Walter Brooks Brouner and Fung Yuet Mow 馮悅茂, Chinese Made Easy (New York: Macmillan; London: Macmillan, 1904). 你噲講唐話咩

31. 鄭聰甫: Chinese and English Phrase Book and Dictionary 華英類語 (Vancouver: Thomson Stationery Company, 1909)。

references for future use:
Elizabeth Sinn, Pacific Crossing: California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong (HKU, 2012).
Adam M. McKeown, "Chinese Emigration in Global Context, 1850-1940." Journal of Global History 5 (2010): 95-124.
Adam M. McKeown, "Conceptualizing Chinese Diasporas, 1842 to 1949." Journal of Asian Studies 58 (1999): 306-37.

newspaper database:
California Digital Newspaper Collection
language books:

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Banks in Hong Kong in 1864-65

28,016. The Hong Kong stock market rallied in the past few days surging to 7-year high since the global financial crisis yesterday.

A couple of hours after the market closed, investors and speculators resumed to their laptops and tablets to take another chance. HSBC 150th Anniversary Banknote.

Several weeks ago, my mother phoned me to ask whether I will apply for the winners-take-all lucky draw for the banknote for myself and her online. I coldly declined.

I never knew my mother, a retired housewife-investor/speculator, is, like me, a historian. I never knew she is interested in HSBC's history. I never knew HSBC was established in 1865.

All in a sudden, everyone in town is talking about HSBC but rarely touches on its founding history.

150th anniversary means that HSBC opened for business in 1865. As a historian obsessive with facts and figures, without Frank H.H. King's formidable books on HSBC's history from the beginning and David Kynaston and Richard Roberts' latest book on HSBC's modern history (published in March 2015, exactly 150 years) in hand, I searched my database for an answer and found three directories published in Hong Kong from 1864 to 1866 particularly useful.

Century-old directories were produced for commerce use and similar to today's business directories, which list names of companies, its proprietors and employees. They were published in January. A directory for 1865, for example, is the work done by the compiler in 1864.

According to the Directory for both 1866 and 1865, there were 11 banks  in Hong Kong (yes, nearly a dozen in this small colony!):
     1. Agra and Masterman's Bank, Limited.
     2. Asiatic Banking Corporation [agent only]
     3. Bank of Hindostan, China and Japan (Limited)
     4. Bank of India
     5. Central Bank of Western India
     6. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China
     7. Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China
     8. Commercial Bank Corporation of India & the East
     9. Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris
     10. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Co. (Limited)
     11. Oriental Bank Corporation

Whilst the Directory for 1866 gives a list of managers, accountants, a clerk, and an agent in London, only the manager, Victor Kresser (who was an acting manager for Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris before joining HSBC), is recorded in the Directory for 1865. It means that in 1864, HSBC was founded but with a single staff member in 1864 it may be true that it opened for business not until March 1865 as it is stated in HSBC's official history.

Saturday, 28 March 2015


元朗一日遊,由一個零晨兩點的whatsapp voice message開始。

零晨兩點,電話傳來舊生的whatsapp voice msg,

畢竟,在lecture room/hall教書,面對少則50人,多則200人,
總有上台表演的感覺,每次都要求自己good show。


勝利牛丸,獨沽一味,牛。丸 ●●●●●●●●

P.S. 在澳洲牛奶公司,只要你配合,一樣有講有笑



Tuesday, 17 March 2015










P.S. 《吃史》的最新寫法:「中華民國政府宣佈遷台,中華民國在大陸的統治宣告結束。」

Saturday, 14 March 2015

敦煌 vs 博物館



Pierre Bourdieu和Tony Bennett說,博物館是培養文化資本和社會管治的地方。菁英份子參觀博物館,以顯示其知識水平及文化修養。政府透過博物館的種種約束和規範,達到社會管治的目的。香港的情況,是只知前者,不知後者。參觀者的行為如何,心中有數。




Wednesday, 11 February 2015






某日,耆英與法國欽差大臣Theoose-Marie de Lagrene談判期間小休,移席享用茶點,閒聊攀談。法國使團準備了法國和南非白酒,招待耆英等代表。耆英品嘗了Champagne, Frontignan muscat和Constantia (dessert wine)。

耆英似乎對洋酒的認識十分有限,問法國代表們,Champagne和Frontignan muscat是否來自法國(?!)。他說,英國使團曾經邀請他飲酸得無法下咽的紅酒,然後再讓他飲Champagne和其他甜酒。英國人說前者是法國酒,後者是英國酒(!?),再說自己是唯一製造和出口好酒的西洋國家(!?)。



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資料來源:加略利(Joseph Marie Callery)著;謝海濤譯:《1844年法國使華團外交活動日記》 Journal des opérations de la légation française en Chine (桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2013),頁211。