Tuesday, 22 February 2011

the fate of the humanities

The humanities has been in crisis for more than a century. Corporate interests and values are eroding the ideals of the liberal arts and transforming the university into a thoroughly businesslike workplace. Humanists, as I myself am, are always there to defend our values and endeavour to awaken people souls and mind.

In his The last professors : the corporate university and the fate of the humanities (New York : Fordham University Press, 2008), Frank Donoghue rightly upholds that the terms of today's hostilities are the product of a long evolution, and that the batter will not end abruptly any time soon. In other words, I would say, it is necessary to forget unrealistic hope and be firm with our values.

At the heyday of American industrialization at the turn of the twentieth century, two prominent industrialists Andrew Carnegie and Richard Teller Crane represented the earliest and sharpest critics of liberal arts education. Carnegie considered traditionally educated students as "adapted for life on another planet" whereas Crane joined him by adding that no man who has "a taste for literature has the right to be happy because "the only men entitled to happiness in this world are those who are useful"; in other words, liberal arts students who pursue "impractical, special knowledge of literature, art, language or history" were not entitled to be so. (p. 4-6)

It's sometimes depressing to teach on the one hand (I hope you know what I mean) ; and, on the other hand, it could also be very fulfilling to teach a handful of serious faces who are eager to learn more about the topic/field you are most interested. Donoghue quotes, from some sources, a few magic moments in the classroom rewarding enough to offset the down side of teaching:

"I love the energy of the classroom and those special moments when I can do something good, when I see their eyes glowing and their faces shining, knowing that I am teaching them, I am doing something worthwhile."

"The rewards of teaching may be intermittent and transparent...It take only one serious inquiry, one student who genuinely wants to know why a certain painting looks the way it does...a single pair of shining eyes in your dim classroom that conceals out all the dulled ones...those brief flames in your teaching week are a kind of fuel. They are enough to sustain you from class to class. There are moments when...you feel that you're not speaking into the void the way you thought, that you are having en effect on how people think about life and reading." (p. 64)

The Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA's survey of incoming freshmen has asked its respondents to rank 20 goals that they hope to achieve by going to college. In 1971, the top three answers were "to help others who are in difficulty" (68.5%), "to become an authority in my field" (66%), and "to keep up to date on politics" (57.8%).

In 2001, the survey found that "being very well-off financially" (fifth in 1971) topped the list at 73%, "to help others who are in difficulty" had slipped to 61.5%, while "keep up to date with political affairs" had dropped to 28.1%. What does the change imply? Donoghue rightly argues that today's student, on the one hand, have been forced to approach college as apolitical egoists; and, on the other, they see college primarily as an investment in their personal financial future, the expense of which must ultimately be justified. (p. 91)

Friday, 18 February 2011


  1. 一百與一百二十五--談愛因斯坦致羅斯福的一封信
  2. 進步與保守
  3. 時間的究竟--序《愛因斯坦的夢》
  4. 三部自傳--哈代、溫納與戴森
  5. 時空之海--布萊克的一幅畫
  6. 鉛筆與釘子
  7. 莫須有與想當然
  8. 數學與電子
  9. 作家與版稅--塞萬提斯吃什麼,
  10. 談忠藎--今日朝廷須汲黯
  11. 談典故--雪夜燈前.作者答問
  12. 河邊古屋
  13. 駕快車與開飛機
  14. 閒雲與亂想
  15. 山色與花光
  16. 香港觀感
〈時空之海--布萊克的一幅畫〉(1995年寫於台南)談布萊克(William Blake)那首〈無邪的占兆〉的中譯:
(原文:To see a world in a grain of sand;
And a heaven in a wild flower; 接著是
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.)

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Recent readings XXVI

Ross Bassett's "MIT-Trained Swadeshis: MIT and Indian Nationalism, 1880-1947," OSIRIS, Vol. 24, 2009, pp. 212-230. Indian MIT-trained engineers, often from elite families, formed a technological elite. What about Chinese American(British? European?)-trained engineers? Top and second tiers?

Grace Yen Shen's "Taking to the Field: Geological Fieldwork and National Identity in Republican China," OSIRIS, Vol. 24, 2009, pp. 231-252. Ding Wenjiang 丁文江 (1887-1936) and Zhang Hongzhao 章鴻釗 (1877-1951)

Mark R. Hayllar's "Who owns culture and heritage? Observations on Hong Kong's experience," International Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2010, pp. 24-40. so-called public-private partnerships often involve just government-private interactions, with government failing in any meaningful way to represent 'the public'
Stephanie Po-yin Chung, "Chinese Tong as British Trust: Institutional Collisions and Legal Disputes in Urban Hong Kong, 1860s-1980s," Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 44, No. 6, 2010, pp. 1409-1432.

Fredrik Thomasson, "Justifying and Criticizing the Removals of Antiquities in Ottoman Lands: Tracking the Sigeion Inscription," International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 17, 2010, pp. 493-517.
Feng Yi, "Shop signs and visual culture in Republican Beijing," European Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jul 2007, pp. 103-28.

Mohd Hazim Shah, "Historicising Rationality: The Transmission of Rationality and Science to the Malay States under British Rule," Asian Journal of Social Science, Volume 35, Number 2, 2007 , pp. 216-241

Stephen Baker, The Numerati (London : Jonathan Cape, 2008). how our behaviour are turning into behavioural data? how possible it is to model a pool of vast information across disciplines into a click or two?

Stephan Fairs, Forecast: the consequences of climate change, from the Amazon to the Arctic, from Darfur to Napa Valley (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2008. Chinese translation: 《大遷移:暖化如何影響你我的未來》,傅季強譯,台北:天下雜誌,2009)。thought-provoking.
Mark Lynas, Six degrees: our future on a hotter planet (London : Fourth Estate, 2007. Chinese translation:《改變世界的6℃》,譚家瑜譯,台北:天下雜誌, 2010)。engaging and contentious.
Wayne Lotherington, How creative people connect: or are they just dotty? (Singapore: TimeEdge Publishing, 2007. Chinese translation: 《創意沒什麼大不了》,劉盈君譯,台北:天下雜誌,2008)。 quite inspiring.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011



生平最討厭八婆。八婆平日不會甚麼,只會搬弄是非,但一旦有人有事,就忽然的變成專家,表演機會不可失;時為婚姻顧問,時為殯儀專家,卻是知識少,意見多,唯恐世界不亂。(〈該死八婆〉、〈想摑八婆〉,頁25-6)By definition, 八婆就是過街老鼠,人人得而誅之。

Tuesday, 15 February 2011


又,作家石渡嶺司引述在大學課堂上,一名學生問;「教授,報告上的答案,網路上找不到......」(《最高学府はバカだらけ : 全入時代の大学「崖っぷち」事情》(東京:光文社,2007。劉錦秀譯作《最高學府笨蛋一籮筐》))

Sunday, 13 February 2011













Saturday, 12 February 2011


讀Yong Z. Volz的"Going public through writing: women journalists and gendered journalistic space in China, 1890s-1920s" (Media, Culture & Society, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 469-489),引發對於光緒二十四年六月上旬(1898年6月24日)創刊於上海的《女學報》(Chinese Girl's Progress)的興趣。




Thursday, 10 February 2011

Chinese men more romantic

Are Chinese men more romantic than Chinese women and, in general, the Chinese more idealistic than the Americans?
Based on two empirical investigation in American and Chinese college/university students, a study finds that in the North American sample (n=693), men, as compared to women, were more willing to marry without love, were more ludic and agapic but less erotic and pragmatic in their love styles, and were less likely to view emotional satisfaction as important to the maintenance of marriage. Whereas the Chinese sample (n=735) shows that Chinese men were more romantic and storgic than Chinese women, but less likely to believe in destiny or fate concerning love. Chinese men were also more likely than Chinese women to view physical pleasure as important for maintaining marriage. In general, the Chinese had both a more idealistic and a more practical approach to love than the Americans.
Source: Susan Sprecher and Maura Toro-Morn's "A Study of Men and Women from Different Sides of Earth to Determine if Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus in their Beliefs about Love and Romantic Relationships," Sex Roles, Vol. 46, No. 5/6, Mar 2002, pp. 131-47.

Other readings at the same time:
Robert H. Frank, Thomas Gilovich, and Dennis T. Regan's "Does Studying Economics Inhibit Cooperation?" Journal of Economic Perspective, Vol. 7, No. 2, Spring 1993, pp. 159-71. exposure to the self-interest model, which is commonly used in economics, does in fact encourage self-interested behaviour.
David Stack's "The Death of John Stuart Mill," The Historical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2011, pp. 167-90. Stack surveys the fiercely contested posthumous assessments of JSM in the newspaper and periodical press, in the months following his death in May 1873, and elicits the broader intellectual context.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

intelligent design

let us face it: not being able to answer a question is no excuse for giving an answer that is false. I think that contemporary biology supports the claim that intelligent design is a false answer (Emile Zuckerkandl's "Intelligent design and biological complexity," Gene, Vol. 385, 2006, p. 4)
Being urged to keep an open mind about whether there has or has not been biological evolution is a comical invitation. It is equivalent to being urged to keep an open mind about whether the earth is flat or round, to consider that matter critically. (p. 3)
in the case of the phenomenon of evolution intelligent design not be presented as a scientific alternative, because it isn't. Intelligent design is a consideration extraneous to science that cannot affect science in the slightest. The effects of the results of science on religion are in some ways considerable, if slow in making their way; the effects of religion on the results of science are nil and can only be nil. (p. 3)
The observations in question definitely do not suggest that living systems have been built up thanks to the insights and decisions of a master engineer. Rather, the observations testify to a vast amount of continuous tinkering by trial and error with macromolecular interactions. The results of this tinkering are often retained when they can be integrated into the organism's functional whole. But why would God tinker? Doesn't He know in advance the biological pathways that work? Isn't a tinkering God one who loudly says "I am not"? And why would He say so if He existed? (p. 10)

Source: Emile Zuckerkandl's "Intelligent design and biological complexity," Gene, Vol. 385, 2006, pp. 2-18.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011




Sunday, 6 February 2011

tropical medicine

Tropical medicine is the branch of modern medicine that deals with endemic diseases widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, such as malaria. The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (1898) and the London School of Tropical Medicine (1899) in Britain are two eminent examples dedicated to fighting against tropical disease. I recently read an article related to this: G. C. Cook's "Charles Wiberforce Daniels, FRCP (1862-1927): underrated pioneer of tropical medicine," Acta Tropica, Vol. 81, 2002, pp. 237-250.

The story begins from Dr. Patrick Manson, who founded the London School of Tropical Medicine in 1899, to Charles Wiberforce Daniels, who was one of the earliest pioneers of tropical medicine. Daniels became Director of the new Institute of Medical Research in the Federated Malay States from 1903 to 1905 during which he released Observations on the disease of British Malaya (Studies from Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States, No. 3, Part 1 & 2, pp 66) and The Outbreaks of rinderpest in Selangor, 1903 & 1904 (Studies from Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States, No. 3, Part 4, pp. 19), which were published by Kelly and Walsh in Singapore in 1904. (K & W, which is my focus, also published Hamilton Wright's Malarial fever of British Malaya (Studies from Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States, No. 1, Vol. 1, pp 98) in 1901)

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Not for profit?

what do we choose between an education for profit-making and an education for a more inclusive type of citizenship?

A few weeks ago William C. Kirby, T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies and Director of Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard, came to Hong Kong to give a public lectures titled The Chinese Century? Consumption, Production, and Education for China's New Middle Class, as one of the three public lectures on history and business in China 2010-2011 at the Central Library (others could be found here). At the end of the lecture, Kirby emphasized the importance of liberal arts and its tradition at Harvard, which I found very inspiring as I was reading a relevant book on the subject. I was quite inclined to talk to him about this after the lecture but being home too late was not an wise option (it was about 8.30pm).
The book is Martha C. Nussbaum's Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanities (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010).
Nussbaum quoted Harvard's president Drew Faust: "Higher learning can offer individuals and societies a depth and breadth of vision absent from the inevitably myopic present. Human beings need meaning, understanding, and perspective as well as jobs. The question should not be whether we can afford to believe in such purposes in these times, but whether we can afford not to." (p. 124. originally from "The University's Crisis of Purpose," New York Times Review, September 6, 2009, p. 19)
This thought-provoking book is divided into seven chapters: 1. The Silent Crisis; 2. Education for Profit, Education for Democracy; 3. Educating Citizens: The Moral (and Anti-Moral) Emotions; 4: Socratic Pedagogy: The Importance of Argument; 5. Citizens of the World; 6. Cultivating Imagination: Literature and the Arts; and 7. Democratic Education on the Ropes.
In 2006, a prestigious American university was to hold a symposium celebrating a major anniversary, a centerpiece of which was to discuss the future of liberal education. The president, however, changed his mind because he thought a symposium on liberal education would not 'make a splash,' he changed the focus to the latest technological achievements and their roles in generating profits for business and industry. (p. 5)
Nuassbaum reminds us, as the author of the foreword, Ruth O'Brien, Professor at the Graduate Center in Political Science and American Studies at CUNY, said "great educators and nation-builders understood how the arts and humanities teach children the critical thinking that is necessary for independent action and for intelligent resistance to the power of blind tradition and authority. Students of art and literature also learn to imagine the situations of others, a capacity that is essential for a successful democracy, a necessary cultivation of our 'inner eyes.'" (p. ix) "A democracy filled with citizens who lack empathy will inevitably breed more types of marginalization and stigmatization, thus exacerbating rather than solving its problems." (p. x) "Neglect and scorn for the arts and humanities", Nussbaum warns, "puts the quality of all our lives, and the health of our democracies, at risk." (p. xi)
Modern democracy requires a strong economy and economy and a flourishing business culture. This economic interest requires us to draw on the humanities and arts to promote a climate of responsible and watchful stewardship and a culture of creative innovation. (p. 10)
We are facing a worldwide crisis in education, which sees economic growth as the primary goal of education. Nations all over the world is "producing generations of useful machines, rather than complete citizens who can think for themselves, criticize tradition, and understand the significance of another person's sufferings and achievements." (p. 2)
"educator for economic growth will do more than ignore the arts. They will fear them. For a cultivated and developed sympathy is a particularly dangerous enemy of obtuseness, and moral obtuseness is necessary to carry out programs of economic development that ignore inequality. It is easier to treat people as objects to be manipulated if you have never learned any other way to see them." "Art is a great enemy of that obtuseness, and artists...are not the reliable servants of any ideology, even a basically good one - they always ask the imagination to move beyond its usual confines, to see the world in new ways." (p. 24-5)
"if we have not learned to see both self and other in that way, imagining in one another inner faculties of thought and emotion, democracy is bound to fail, because democracy is built upon respect and concern, and these in turn are built upon the ability to see other people as human beings, not simply objects." (p. 6)
"All modern democracies," Nuassbaum says, "are societies in which the meaning and ultimate goals of human life are topics of reasonable disagreement among citizens who hold many different religious and secular views, and these citizens will naturally differ about how far various types of humanistic education serve their own particular goals." (p. 9)
"abilities...are at risk of getting lost in the competitive flurry, abilities crucial to the health of any democracy internally, and to the creation of a decent world culture capable of constructively addressing the world's most pressing problems. These abilities are associated with the humanities and the arts: the ability to think critically; the ability to transcend local loyalties and to approach world problems as a 'citizen of the world'; and, finally, the ability to imagine sympathetically the predicament of another person." (p. 7)
"the ability to imagine the experience of another - a capacity almost all human beings possess in some form -," Nuassbaum argues, "needs to be greatly enhanced and refined if we are to have any hope of sustaining decent institutions across the many divisions that any modern society contains." (p. 10)
the spirit of the humanities are "searching critical though, daring imagination, empathetic understanding of human experiences o many different kinds, and understanding of the complexity of the world we live in." (p. 7)
Science "is a friend of the humanities rather than their enemy." (p. 8) So are technology, engineering, business, and social sciences.

what abilities will it need to produce "humane, people-sensitive democracy dedicated to promoting opportunities for 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" in its citizens?
- The ability to think well about political issues affecting the nation, to examine, reflect, argue, and debate, deferring to neither tradition nor authority.
- The ability to recognize ellow citizens as people with equal rights, even though they may be different in race, religion, gender, and sexuality: to look at them with respect, as ends, not just as tools to be manipulated for one's own profit.
- The ability to have concern for the lives of others, to grasp what policies of many types mean for the opportunities and experiences of one's fellow citizens, of many types, and for people outside one's own nation.
- The ability to imagine well a variety of complex issues affecting the story of a human life as it unfolds: to think about childhood, adolescence, family relationships, illness, death, and much more in a way informed by an understanding of a wide range of human stories, not just by aggregate data.
- The ability to judge political leaders critically, but with an informed and realistic sense of the possibilities available to them.
- The ability to think about the good of the nation as a whole, not just that of one's own local group.
- The ability to see one's own nation, in turn, as a part of a complicated world order in which issues of many kinds require intelligent transnational deliberation for their resolution. (p. 25-6)

what schools can and should do to produce citizens in and for a healthy democracy?
- Develop students' capacity to see the world from the viewpoint of other people, particularly those whom their society tends to portray as lesser, as "mere objects".
- Teach attitudes toward human weakness and helplessness that suggest that weakness is not shameful and the need for others not unmanly; teach children not to be ashamed of need an incompleteness but to see these as occasions for cooperation and reciprocity.
- Develop the capacity for genuine concern for others, both near and distant.
- Undermine the tendency to shrink from minorities of various kinds in disgust, thinking of them as "lower" and "contaminating".
- Teach real and true things about other people (racial, religious, and sexual minorities; people with disabilities), so as to counter stereotypes and the disgust that often goes with them.
- Promote accountability by treating each child as a responsible agent.
- Vigorously promote critical thinking, the skill and courage it requires to raise a dissenting voice. (p. 45-6)

Thursday, 3 February 2011


