Thursday, 17 February 2011

Recent readings XXVI

Ross Bassett's "MIT-Trained Swadeshis: MIT and Indian Nationalism, 1880-1947," OSIRIS, Vol. 24, 2009, pp. 212-230. Indian MIT-trained engineers, often from elite families, formed a technological elite. What about Chinese American(British? European?)-trained engineers? Top and second tiers?

Grace Yen Shen's "Taking to the Field: Geological Fieldwork and National Identity in Republican China," OSIRIS, Vol. 24, 2009, pp. 231-252. Ding Wenjiang 丁文江 (1887-1936) and Zhang Hongzhao 章鴻釗 (1877-1951)

Mark R. Hayllar's "Who owns culture and heritage? Observations on Hong Kong's experience," International Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2010, pp. 24-40. so-called public-private partnerships often involve just government-private interactions, with government failing in any meaningful way to represent 'the public'
Stephanie Po-yin Chung, "Chinese Tong as British Trust: Institutional Collisions and Legal Disputes in Urban Hong Kong, 1860s-1980s," Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 44, No. 6, 2010, pp. 1409-1432.

Fredrik Thomasson, "Justifying and Criticizing the Removals of Antiquities in Ottoman Lands: Tracking the Sigeion Inscription," International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 17, 2010, pp. 493-517.
Feng Yi, "Shop signs and visual culture in Republican Beijing," European Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jul 2007, pp. 103-28.

Mohd Hazim Shah, "Historicising Rationality: The Transmission of Rationality and Science to the Malay States under British Rule," Asian Journal of Social Science, Volume 35, Number 2, 2007 , pp. 216-241

Stephen Baker, The Numerati (London : Jonathan Cape, 2008). how our behaviour are turning into behavioural data? how possible it is to model a pool of vast information across disciplines into a click or two?

Stephan Fairs, Forecast: the consequences of climate change, from the Amazon to the Arctic, from Darfur to Napa Valley (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2008. Chinese translation: 《大遷移:暖化如何影響你我的未來》,傅季強譯,台北:天下雜誌,2009)。thought-provoking.
Mark Lynas, Six degrees: our future on a hotter planet (London : Fourth Estate, 2007. Chinese translation:《改變世界的6℃》,譚家瑜譯,台北:天下雜誌, 2010)。engaging and contentious.
Wayne Lotherington, How creative people connect: or are they just dotty? (Singapore: TimeEdge Publishing, 2007. Chinese translation: 《創意沒什麼大不了》,劉盈君譯,台北:天下雜誌,2008)。 quite inspiring.

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