Sunday 5 June 2016

The Chinese Scientific Magazine (Review, NCH)

Review of The Chinese Scientific Magazine, North-China Herald, May 6, 1876, pp. 427-8.

"Literary men in China have hitherto been devoting their lives' exertions to the acquirement of comparatively profitless erudition, and to the elaboration of empty metaphysical truths. They have yet to be given a fairer and more practical direction to their energies. Let them know that while the lower classes are labouring physically for the support of the country, it is the duty of the learned to work hand in hand with them mentally in perfecting the arts and manufactures of the land and thus to assist in the great scheme of economy of labour and material. If the Scientific Magazine of Shanghai can awaken this sentiment, its editor may well have reason to be satisfied with the result of so laborious an undertaking." (p. 428)

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