Wednesday, 25 April 2012

拾文化 ‧ 不是拾下拾下


1. 馬國明主編:《組裝香港》(香港:嶺南大學文化研究系,2010)。

2. 許寶強、羅永生、馬國明主編:《寫在下一次金融海嘯之前》(香港:嶺南大學文化研究系,2010)。

3. 何詠華、余嘉雅、陳文晶主編:《文化G點(增訂本)》(香港:嶺南大學文化研究系,2010)。
  G for green, graduation, and growth. 有新意。

4. Cult 通主編:《通識 X 文化研究》(香港:嶺南大學文化研究系,2010)。

5. 羅永生主編:《文化研究與文化教育》(香港:嶺南大學文化研究系,2010)。論文集。

Monday, 23 April 2012

Hong Kong Man

Many Hong Kong people nowadays, especially netizens in social networking websites, uphold the idea of Hong Kong identity, and the pride of using traditional (or standard in contrast to China's definition) Chinese characters and speaking Cantonese, which distinguish them from the Mandarin-speaking and simplified-Chinese-reading-and-writing counterparts in the mainland.

Hong Kong pride has never been so popular and powerful, and, however, considered notorious and parochial. Economy situations between Hong Kong and the Mainland play a vital part in shaping this popular sentiment . Three decades ago, Hong Kong pride was greatly admired and the idea of Hong Kong Man was as widespread and sought-after as iphones and ipads today.

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In his informative paper published in the early 1980s during the start of negotiations between Great Britain and China on the future of Hong Kong, Hugh D. R. Baker discusses several key areas of Hong Kong, such as housing, family size, education, health care, industry, and entertainment.

"In a highly urbanized, industrialized, large-scale enterprise, skill-hungry economy," he contends that, "it is not enough to be born into a particular family or language group. Hong Kong life is hectic and highly competitive and bears little resemblance to Trollope's 'horrible' but non-metropolitan description." (p. 471-2)

More important, he describes the rise of Hong Kong Man, who are "go-getting and highly competitive, tough for survival, quick thinking and flexible. He wears western clothes, speaks English or expects his children to do so, drinks western alcohol, has sophisticated tastes in cars and household gadgetry, and expects life to provide a constant stream of excitement and new openings."

Hong Kong Man, however, he argues, "is not British or western (merely westernized). At the same time he is not Chinese in the same way that the citizen of the PRC are Chinese...Admiration for the empathy with his compatriots Hong Kong Man certainly has, but he also now has pride in and love of the society which he has created through his own determination and hard work. He gives little credit to the Union Jack under which his success has been nurtured, and he is not necessarily happy at the prospect of the five-starred red flag presiding over his activities. Hong Kong Man is sui generis and the problems of the territory's future are more difficult to resolve because of it."

Source: Hugh D. R. Baker "Life in the cities: the emergence of Hong Kong man," The China Quarterly, Vol. 95, Sep. 1983, pp. 469-479

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A generation has gone. Hong Kong Man too. Interestingly, children began to learn Mandarin from nursery level (while parents barely know enough the language to survive in Shenzhen) and Chinese class in primary schools is mostly taught in Mandarin but textbooks are written in traditional Chinese.

"Why are they not written in simplified Chinese?" I overheard this from an angry mother complaining in a salon. She has a point here. If the future career of her kid(s) is in the Mainland, what is the point to learn traditional Chinese? It is a waste of time and resources. Is traditional Chinese truly worthwhile to defend whilst wasting money to offer additional courses to teach simplified Chinese (the opposite will do for those who want to learn traditional Chinese)? If children are meant to communicate with Mandarin speakers or even work and live in the Mainland, they should know how to read a restaurant menu and write properly to bosses and clients.

When I heard a child of my friend greeting in Mandarin instead of Cantonese, I felt that time has changed.  

Sunday, 22 April 2012









1. 讓孩子自己打點第二天的上學所需。
2. 讓孩子在餐桌上寫功課。
3. 父母不要幫孩子做功課。
4. 讓孩子朗讀當天學習的東西。
5. 不要跟孩子說「趕快唸書」。
6. 將圖鑑放在客廳裡。
7. 在孩子面前翻閱字典。
8. 學習才藝一週至多以三天為限。
9. 親子相偕一星期到圖書館一次。
10. 決定做事情的時間。
11. 到博物館去。
12. 親子一同去散步,認識自己生活的地方。
13. 把地球儀放在電視機旁邊。
14. 教導孩子正確的握筆方法。
15. 持續做百格計算直到效果出現為止。
16. 一個人做不來的話,大家一起來做讀寫計算。

1. 吃飯時間把電視機關掉。
2. 讓孩子去倒垃圾。
3. 在洗澡時,聽孩子說說今天所發生的事情。
4. 媽媽也要看哈利波特。
5. 生日派對時不要將孩子打扮成國王。
6. 孩子回家之後要看著他說聲「你回來啦!」。
7. 出差時打電話回家給孩子。
8. 孩子即使碰壁了也不要插手。
9. 運動會時不要拿著DV追逐自己的孩子。
10. 讓孩子自己去問「廁所在哪裡」。
11. 親子一起收看新聞節目。
12. 將家人的行程表貼在冰箱上。
13. 不讓孩子和朋友有金錢上的往來。

1. 父母不要幫孩子整理書桌。
2. 不要每次都去幫孩子加油。
3. 說教是「稱讚」、「斥責」」、「稱讚」的三明治。
4. 讓孩子自己清洗鞋子。
5. 一定要讓孩子每天吃早餐。
6. 讓孩子在前一個車站就下車走路回家。
7. 讓孩子自己綁鞋帶。
8. 製造「孩子自己一個人的時間」。
9. 讓孩子自己挑選當天要穿的衣服。
10. 讓男孩子也學做飯、讓女孩子也學修繕。
11. 孩子的零用錢要符合家計。
12. 親子一起玩丟球遊戲。

最後,我想加一項,就是let child be child.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012





所以,老行尊Mei Ling姐的話難聽但現實,也是常識。難聽的話,人人不愛。付出了勇氣變身,難道還要別人成全妳的幻想,把妳捧到上天嗎?要搵白馬王子(同理,或白雪公主),請過主。除非,你相信有宿世姻緣(我信)。



