王建祖字長信。年三十八歲。生於厦門。父鑑明。已婚。子一。女二。初學於香港皇仁書院。北洋大又留學日本。光緒二十七年。任南洋公學教員。譯歐洲文明史光緒二十八年。自費遊美。入加利佛尼大學。習經濟科。光緒三十一年。得學士學位。(頁5)Wang, Chien-Tsu...Studied at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1894-95; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1896-98; at Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 1899. Teacher, Nanang College, Shanghai, 1901-2. Translated Buckle's "History of Civilization," 1901. Arrived in America, October, 1902. Private support. Studied Economics at the University of California, 1903-5. B.S., 1905...(p. 6)
王寵佑字佐。年三十八歲。生於香港。已婚。女一。初學於香港皇仁書院。畢業於北洋大學。光媎二十七年遊美。入加利佛尼大學。習礦科。光緒二十八年。入哥侖比亞大學。習礦學及地質學。光緒二十九年。得碩士學位。(頁8) Wang, Chung-Yu. Born in Hongkong 1879. Married, 1912. Studied at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1893-95 ; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1895-99. Graduated from the Mining Department, Peiyang University, 1899. Arrived in America, 1901. Studied Mining at the University of California, 1901-2; Mining and Geology at Columbia University, 1902-5. M.A., 1903... (p. 8-9)
王紹瀛字叔海。年二十九歲。生於廣東廣州。父遜卿。業商。家中住址。香港德輔道中五十八號二樓。已婚。女一。初學於香港格致書院及唐山路礦學堂。(頁10) Wang, Shao-Ying. — Born in Canton, 1888. Married, 1915. Studied at Li Shing Scientific College, Hongkong, 1904-7 ; a Tangshan Railway and Engineering College, Tangshan, 1907-9. Arrived in America, August,
1910. Government support. Studied Mining at Colorado School of Mines, 1910-13. M.E., 1913... (p. 11)
李燦基字伯曜。年四十歲。生於上海。叔福疇。未婚。初學於香港拔萃書室。皇仁書院。畢業於天津北洋大學。任廣州英文學校英文教員。Lee, Beiyao Tsanchi Bom in Shanghai, 1877. Studied at Diocesan School, Hongkong, 1S91-94 ; at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1895; at Peiyans University, Tientsin, 1898-99. B.C.E., 1899. Teacher in English. English Educational School, Canton, 1901... (p. 32-3)
李豋輝字騰飛。年四十五歲。生於厦門。。。中華書局總輯。Lee, T. H...Graduated from Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore, 1890...Chief, Editorial Department, Chung Hua Book Co., Shanghai. (p. 36-7)
Some more figures here:
王寵惠字亮疇。年三十五歲。生於廣東。。。譯德國民法為英文。為中華書局編。Wang, Chung-Hui...Studied Law in England and Germany. Called to the English Bar at the Inner Temple. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Provisional Government, Nanking, 1911. (p. 7-8)
伍朝樞字梯雲.年三十一歲。廣東新會人。生於天津。父廷芳。永久住址。上海戈登路三號。已婚。女三。LL.B., University of London, England, 1911. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn,
1911. Holder of Inns of Court Studentship and University of London Scholarship, 1911. (p. 26-7)
李奉藻字采南。生於廣東香山。年三十三歲。父贊辰。前清舉人。叔恩富。。。初學於香港。。。民國三年。在香港行醫。Lee, Joe F. Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtuiig, 1881-. Married, 1914. Studied in Hongkong. Arrived in America, September, 1899. Private support. Prepared for college at Louisville Preparatory School, 1907-9. Studied Medicine at the University of Tennessee, 1909-13. M.D., 1913. Returned to China, December, 1913. Medical Practitioner, in Hongkong, 1914. Pathologist, Canton Hospital, 1915. (p. 35)
李應南字次薰。年三十七歲。生於廣州。本籍通信處。。。初學於聖保羅中書院。及皇仁書院。畢業於天津北洋大學。得數學第一名獎。Lee, Ying-Nan. — Bom in Canton, 1879. Married, 1904. Studied at St. Paul's College, Hongkong, 1889-93; at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1893-94; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1894-1900. Awarded first prize for best work in Mathematics, 1899. (p. 37-8)
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