Dating back to Owens College, which was founded in 1851 and named after John Owens (1790-1846), a Manchester textile merchant who traded in China, it became the first federal Victoria University since 1880 followed by University College in Liverpool and Yorkshire College in Leeds. The red brick university was designed to emphasize practical knowledge, such as science and commerce, over academic subjects like languages and philosophy. In 1904, the university was renamed Victoria University of Manchester. After all, it was - is - one of the best universities in England and attracted people from all around the world, including Chinese.
In the previous post, I mentioned Chow Tien (周典). Chow was a Pekingese who came to pursue undergraduate study in 1904 and received B. Comm. in 1909. In the same year, he traveled to America for advanced study in Commerce in University of Pennsylvania and returned to China with a M.A. Upon his return, he taught at Peking University and later worked in the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce.
In 1904, there was another Chinese student studying in the university and it was 何育傑(1882-1939), one of the earliest physicists in China. Below are from Chinese sources.
何育傑是浙江慈溪人, 1897年中秀才,1898年就讀於寧波中西儲才學堂。1902年入京師大學堂速成科師範館格致科數學物理學部,1904年被派赴英國留學,入讀Victoria University (later Victoria University of Manchester),攻讀物理學,1907年獲B. Sci.。後遊歷德國和法國。1909年回國任京師大學堂格致科教習。1912年任北京大學理科物理學教授。1914年主編中國第一部高等教育物理學教材。1917-20年任物理科(系)主任。1927年赴東北大學任物理系主任至1931年。
王憲鍾(1918-1978) Wang, Hsien-chung,於1941年畢業於昆明清大學數學系,1944年研究院畢業(導師陳省身)。1945年獲英國文化委員會獎學金(British Council Scholarship),赴英國留學。1948年獲英國曼徹斯特大學博士學位,導師為馬克斯威爾·紐曼(Maxwell Newman)。在曼徹斯特大學時期,發現了代數拓撲學中以其命名的「王氏序列」(Wang Sequence)。1948年─1949年任中央研究院數學研究所副研究員,後隨中研院遷台,其後赴美,先後任教於普林斯頓大學、華盛頓大學、西北大學、康奈爾大學。1966年當選台灣中央研究院院士。(Wiki)
胡世楨(1914-)Hu Sze-tsen. BS, NCU 38. Ph.D. & D.Sc., U. of Manchester. Assc. Res. Fel., Acad. Sinica 47-48. Mem., Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton U. 50-52. (〈=tc)
胡適亦曾到講學。1926 年11 月26 日,在曼徹斯特維多利亞大學講演《處在十字路口的中國:新與舊的衝突》(邵建:《胡適前傳》,頁447)
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