Today I began flipping through this extraorindary book on MTR,
Who's who of American returned students 《遊美同學錄》 (Peking: Tsing Hua College, 1917) by G.T. Chao, F.T. Liang, M. Wu. What interested most was not those who came from St. John's University and proceeded to the graduate schools among the Ivy League institutions, but those who received high school education in Hong Kong and returned to China for bachelor degrees, then studied in the U.S.A. To name a few here:
王建祖字長信。年三十八歲。生於厦門。父鑑明。已婚。子一。女二。初學於香港皇仁書院。北洋大又留學日本。光緒二十七年。任南洋公學教員。譯歐洲文明史光緒二十八年。自費遊美。入加利佛尼大學。習經濟科。光緒三十一年。得學士學位。(頁5)Wang, Chien-Tsu...Studied at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1894-95; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1896-98; at Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 1899. Teacher, Nanang College, Shanghai, 1901-2. Translated Buckle's "History of Civilization," 1901. Arrived in America, October, 1902. Private support. Studied Economics at the University of California, 1903-5. B.S., 1905...(p. 6)
王寵佑字佐。年三十八歲。生於香港。已婚。女一。初學於香港皇仁書院。畢業於北洋大學。光媎二十七年遊美。入加利佛尼大學。習礦科。光緒二十八年。入哥侖比亞大學。習礦學及地質學。光緒二十九年。得碩士學位。(頁8) Wang, Chung-Yu. Born in Hongkong 1879. Married, 1912. Studied at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1893-95 ; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1895-99. Graduated from the Mining Department, Peiyang University, 1899. Arrived in America, 1901. Studied Mining at the University of California, 1901-2; Mining and Geology at Columbia University, 1902-5. M.A., 1903... (p. 8-9)
王紹瀛字叔海。年二十九歲。生於廣東廣州。父遜卿。業商。家中住址。香港德輔道中五十八號二樓。已婚。女一。初學於香港格致書院及唐山路礦學堂。(頁10) Wang, Shao-Ying. — Born in Canton, 1888. Married, 1915. Studied at Li Shing Scientific College, Hongkong, 1904-7 ; a Tangshan Railway and Engineering College, Tangshan, 1907-9. Arrived in America, August,
1910. Government support. Studied Mining at Colorado School of Mines, 1910-13. M.E., 1913... (p. 11)
李燦基字伯曜。年四十歲。生於上海。叔福疇。未婚。初學於香港拔萃書室。皇仁書院。畢業於天津北洋大學。任廣州英文學校英文教員。Lee, Beiyao Tsanchi Bom in Shanghai, 1877. Studied at Diocesan School, Hongkong, 1S91-94 ; at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1895; at Peiyans University, Tientsin, 1898-99. B.C.E., 1899. Teacher in English. English Educational School, Canton, 1901... (p. 32-3)
李豋輝字騰飛。年四十五歲。生於厦門。。。中華書局總輯。Lee, T. H...Graduated from Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore, 1890...Chief, Editorial Department, Chung Hua Book Co., Shanghai. (p. 36-7)
Some more figures here:
王寵惠字亮疇。年三十五歲。生於廣東。。。譯德國民法為英文。為中華書局編。Wang, Chung-Hui...Studied Law in England and Germany. Called to the English Bar at the Inner Temple. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Provisional Government, Nanking, 1911. (p. 7-8)
伍朝樞字梯雲.年三十一歲。廣東新會人。生於天津。父廷芳。永久住址。上海戈登路三號。已婚。女三。LL.B., University of London, England, 1911. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn,
1911. Holder of Inns of Court Studentship and University of London Scholarship, 1911. (p. 26-7)
李奉藻字采南。生於廣東香山。年三十三歲。父贊辰。前清舉人。叔恩富。。。初學於香港。。。民國三年。在香港行醫。Lee, Joe F. Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtuiig, 1881-. Married, 1914. Studied in Hongkong. Arrived in America, September, 1899. Private support. Prepared for college at Louisville Preparatory School, 1907-9. Studied Medicine at the University of Tennessee, 1909-13. M.D., 1913. Returned to China, December, 1913. Medical Practitioner, in Hongkong, 1914. Pathologist, Canton Hospital, 1915. (p. 35)
李應南字次薰。年三十七歲。生於廣州。本籍通信處。。。初學於聖保羅中書院。及皇仁書院。畢業於天津北洋大學。得數學第一名獎。Lee, Ying-Nan. — Bom in Canton, 1879. Married, 1904. Studied at St. Paul's College, Hongkong, 1889-93; at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1893-94; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1894-1900. Awarded first prize for best work in Mathematics, 1899. (p. 37-8)