Sunday, 11 May 2008

What a girl should learn

An interesting column from a late nineteenth-century Hong Kong newspaper, the Hongkong Telegraph (June 14, 1889), caught my curious attention above all. It quoted the above title from the Spingfield Union, which suggested a list of virtues, in fact, not all exclusively for girls. After all, 'what a girl should learn?':

To sew.
To cook.
To mend.
To be gentle.
To value time.
To dress neatly.
To keep a secret.
To be self-reliant.
To avoid idleness.
To mind the baby.
To darn stockings.
To respect old age.
To made good bread.
To keep ahouse tidy.
To control her temper.
To be above gossiping.
To make a home happy.
To take care of the sick.
To humor a cross old man.
To marry a man for his worth.
To be a helpmate to a husband.
To take plenty of active exercise.
To see mouse without screaming.
To read some books beside novels.
To be light-hearted and fleet-footed.
To wear shoes that don't cramp the feet.
To be a womanly woman under all circumstances.

So, what a boy should learn? To sew? Like Giorgio? (I can't) To cook? Like Jamie? (I love to though) Shall make a list for my boy someday.

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