Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Shanghai in the early 1970s

Shanghai photographs in the early 1970s under the influence of the Cultural Revolution.

圖片來源:上海市攝影藝術展覽會編:《上海攝影藝術作品選》第2冊(上海人民,1974)、上海巿工人文化宮編:《上海工人業餘攝影作品選 》(上海人民,1975)及《上海工人攝影作品選 》及《上海工人攝影作品選 》(上海人民,1976)


《上海工人業餘攝影作品選 》前言:


同時,他們還充份利用攝影這一戰鬥武器,狠批林彪、孔老二搞復辟倒退的反動罪行,反擊安東尼奧尼[hoito: Michelangelo Antonioni, an Italian film director, 'made the documentary Chung Kuo, Cina, but it was severely denounced by the Chinese authorities as "anti-Chinese" and "anti-communist"']之流反華的醜惡行徑,使攝影作品真正成為「團結人民、教育人民、打擊敵人、消滅敵人」的有力武器。


Friday, 25 December 2015

Edinburgh old pictures in the 1890s

The following colour photochrome prints of Edinburgh were produced between 1890 and 1900.

Princess Street, the castle, and Scott Monument, Edinburgh, Scotland (1890-1900). Source.

Princess Street and castle from Scotts Monument, Edinburgh, Scotland
Princess Street and castle from Scotts Monument, Edinburgh, Scotland (1890-1900). Source

Edinburgh from the castle, Scotland
Edinburgh from the castle, Scotland (1890-1900). Source.

Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, Scotland
Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, Scotland (1890-1900). Source.

More picture postcards of Edinburgh could be found here.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

surrender or killed

敵人不投降堅決消滅他 surrender or killed. 

Chairman Mao


Persistent Link:
China. 敵人不投降堅決消滅他. [n.p., 1946 or 1947].
Harvard College Library Harvard-Yenching Library
Harvard University
14 December 2015

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Creating the 'Other' Hongkongers

blogpost first drafted in July 2011.

retrieve my mailbox archive to update the latest H-Net academic announcements, which arrived some time ago last week. In the context of Hong Kong, the following conference topic is especially inspiring in creating the 'Other' Hongkongers

Creating the ‘Other’
A Postgraduate Conference at the University of Essex, Department of History, 20 September 2011

Throughout history, there has been a recurrent theme of groups imagining others as apart, as fundamentally and irrevocably different and inferior, as ‘Other’. 

At intrapersonal, societal, and international levels, and governed by notions of, for example, class, gender, race/ethnicity, religion or patterns of consumption the tendency to define persons as beyond the boundaries of, or subordinate to, the community seems one which has been ever-present. 

These definitions have been continually utilised to seek legitimacy for discriminatory and exploitative social relationships. Such matters are of great interest to the historian, as to define what is ‘Other’ is also to define oneself in opposition to it; and the study of the creation of the ‘Other’ thus offers a means of discerning the self-conceptions of individuals and groups, and of the social and cultural forces and dynamics of power operating in specific historical contexts. 

This conference intends to explore these issues. Possible questions/themes could include (though are by no means limited to):

  • What is the ‘Other’?
  • How has the ‘Other’ been constructed throughout the history?
  • What purposes has the ‘Other’ served for individuals, groups and societies?
  • How have these processes of ‘Othering’ differed in respect to gender, race, and class for example?
  • What have been the results of these processes in history

Monday, 14 December 2015

Art and Politics in Hong Kong in 1949

Published in Hong Kong in October 1949 (misdated as 1939 in Havard-Yenching Library catalog), this paper-cutting art book is an excellent example of the relationship between art and politics, which will be used as teaching materials in my class next semester.



Persistent Link:
汪潛. 新剪紙藝術. 香港 : 紅田出版社, 1939.
Harvard College Library Harvard-Yenching Library
Harvard University
14 December 2015

Sunday, 13 December 2015

they deserve to stay at the bottom of the social pile

對這班"deserve to stay at the bottom of the social pile"的後生來說,經歷會考高考大學,浪費時間在沒有用的知識上,已經是最大的妥協和犧牲。



作為老鬼,我想我們也需要了解這班「新工人」,應該讀讀Ron Alsop's The trophy kids grow up : how the millennial generation is shaking up the workplace (New York: The Wall Street Journal, 2008).

Saturday, 12 December 2015


 1959 年5月20日,黔[即貴州]南布依族苗族自治州首府都匀市推行「三保四好」運動:


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Chinese rare books in Hong Kong: 清怡親王府藏書




Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The Ivory Tower

Research universities announcing seemingly meaningful but domineeringly useless and pompous claims about their cutting-edge research or discovery is no new.

Abstract: This is a historical survey of how and why the notion of the Ivory Tower became part of twentieth- and twenty-first-century cultural vocabularies. It very briefly tracks the origins of the tag in antiquity, documents its nineteenth-century resurgence in literary and aesthetic culture, and more careful assesses the political and intellectual circumstances, especially int he 1930s and 1940s, in which it became a common phrase attached to universities and to features of science and in which it became a way of criticizing practices and institutions deemed to be 'irrelevant'. The paper concludes by reflecting on the tag's relationship to pervasive cultural tropes and how its modern history may be used to appreciate better where science and its academic setting now stand in the ancient debate between the active and contemplative lives.

"...following the figure of the Ivory Tower is tracing the historical trajectory of schemes linking knowledge and the polity, epistemic and social virtue." (25)
"It started as a religious figure, which it remained until nineteenth-century writers respecified it in an artistic context. Its subsequent mobilization to say something about what a university was and should be, and the conditions the university provided for the production of knowledge, largely happened during and after the Second World War, as did its relocation from comment on the imaginative arts to those practices which had the potential to produce materially useful goods - the sciences, engineering and the knowledge of the professional schools in particular...the cultural geography of Ivory Tower usages tracks changes in the recognized social value of different intellectual practices."
"it is a modern instantiation of the ancient religious and secular debate over the active and contemplative lives, negotium and otium: is it better, more virtuous, more authentically human to be engaged with civic affairs or is it better - from time to time or always - intentionally to live apart from the polis?" (26)

Steven Shapin's "The Ivory Tower: the history of a figure of speech and its cultural uses," British Journal for the History of Science, 43:1, 1-27.