Saturday, 1 September 2012

the first western museum in China

The first western museum in China was founded in Macau in 1829. (not very surprising I guess)

From A Companion to the Anglo Chinese Kalendar; For the Year of Our Lord 1832: Corresponding to the Alexandrian Year of the World 7334; And the Chinese Cycle Æra 4469; Being the XIIth Year of the Reign Taoukwang (Macao, China: Printed at the Honorable East India Company’s Press, By G. J. Steyn and Brother, 1832), here I quote (p. 51-2):

The British Museum in China

        This Institution was established, in consequence of a resolution, passed at a meeting held among members of the British Factory, on the 21st February 1829. The object of the Institution is th collection of specimens of Natural History and of the productions of art.  it is fixed at Macao, and is supported by annual subscriptions of thirty dollars each, the subscribing members being British subjects alone. Natives of other Countries are eligible as honorary or corresponding members. The Museum is under a Committee of management, consisting of a Treasurer, a Curator, and a Secretary.
Treasurer. F. I. Morris, Esq.
Curator. John Russell Reeves, Esq.
Secretary. Rev. G. H. Vachell, B. A. 

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