Saturday 15 September 2012

Mickey Mouse degrees

Here are something I copied from a free literary magazine in Britain some time ago about the Mickey Mouse degrees? Don't have a clue about the degrees? Find it out yourself:

I often hear people grumble about the Mickey Mouse degrees that our young people pursue at university these days. How they have no practical or economic value. How our nation doesn't create enough engineers and how too many students do subjects such as English that can't get you help you find a career except as an English teacher.

After all, Mickey Mouse has done rather well for himself, earning far more than most engineers. The degrees pursued by so many in his name have perhaps not let our economy down as much as people think.

I say this because when you look at our long-term national performance at producing things, we don't do too badly. Sure, we don't make as many cars ad the Germans but we do manufacture more dreams. That's what creativity is all about and we can be proud that we contribute so much of it to the world.

It is important for us all to understand our strength in the creative industries so we don't underrate ourselves. I think too many people do. I not only hear them dismissing university degrees, but I also hear them writing off our entire economy as somehow unworthy of the living standards it has delivered to us. Their tendency is to associate production with physical output. As they observe Britain is not quite the manufacturing powerhouse it once was, they assume that we have somehow been lazy in trying to make ourselves rich without getting our hands dirty.

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