Sunday, 14 August 2011

The Edinburgh Festival

This evening I returned to what I wrote a couple of weeks ago as I had walked passed the frantic crowd in the Royal Mile in the afternoon.

The Edinburgh Festival kicked off yesterday (3 Aug). The streets, bars, supermarkets, even the usually deserted food bars are packed with tourists. Young and old, hippies and families. They enslave the city with laughs and noise as if they seek excitement only once a year. 
Competition between shows is keen. Part-time leafleters dotted around the box offices and the Royal Mile. What's more? Performers with funny and sometimes weird on stage make-up and costumes give out leaflets in the street to catch the eyes of festival-goers to give them a go.
I received one comedy booklet from one of the official leafleters. I flipped it through and one show caught my attention which I also saw from some advertising boards. It's about how we spend our time. If the average person spends (my thoughts follow):
seven years in the bathroom, I'd never give a snort of disgust when a smelly middle-aged guy walks passed;
four years doing housework, I'm completely convinced that domestic helper is the more sacred job in the world;
six months in traffic jams, I'd understand drink driving is as tempting as Sex on the Beach.
one week eating lasagna, I'd give up making lasagna because I'd spend even more time in making it.

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