Monday, 4 April 2011

middle class revisited

The Right's culture warriors did not openly attack the economic position of the middle class, but they did attach the university. In doing so, they created the conditions for repeated budget cuts to the core middle-class institution [i.e. university]. More fundamentally, they discredited the cultural conditions of mass-middle-class development, downsized the influence of its leading institution, the university, and reduced the social and political impacts of knowledge workers overall. (italic original. p. 11)

The middle class as an emerging anti-conservative bloc (p. 46):

Middle-class bulwark
Emerging nonconservative middle class
Multiracial mass democracy
Expert rule; no power sharing
Majoritarian democracy; antielitism
Decline of profits, labor conditions
Market, growth, consumption, deregulation
Planned mixed economy; mass affluence; human needs
Qualitative, context-specific, cross-cultural knowledge
White supremacism; "cultural deficiency" of other groups
Cultural and social equality; self-development; liberation

Christopher Newfield's Unmaking the Public University: The Forty-Year Assault on the Middle Class (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008).

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