Saturday 20 November 2021

Morrison Education Society's Library in Macao

Library of the Morrison Education Society.

The members of the Morrison Education Society, and the public in general are respectfully informed, that the Library of the Society continues open to the use of those who desire to borrow books from it, whether they be permanent members of the institution, or but temporary contributors to it; the contribution required from the latter being $10 yearly, or $5 for six months or any shorter period. Catalogues may be had from the Revd. S. R. Brown, Tutor of the Society's School, who will also forward such books as may be required any time (Sundays excepted) between thehours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., at the Society's house, near to St. Paul's Church, Macao.

J. Robt. Morrison, Recording Secretary and Librarian

Macao, 1st February, 1841

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