George H. Danton, "Richard Wilhelm: Sinolog", Book Abroad: An International Quarterly of Comment on Foreign Books, vol. 4, no. 2 (April, 1930), pp. 124-6.
Friday, 6 August 2021
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
George Palmer Putnam's missed fortune with Japan
George Palmer Putnam, George Palmer Putnam: A Memoir, together with a record of the earlier years of the publishing house founded by him (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912).
Chapter XX
In 1867, there came to my father a business opportunity such as he had not frequently been favoured with, and which gave fair promise of very large and continued returns. It really seemed as if in this second stage of his business career, he was going to make a fortune. The fortune this time was lost, or rather failed to be made, through no error of judgment of his own, but from complications entirely outside of the control of the American publisher. (p. 414)
As these pupils returned to Tokio, they were instructed to bring with them specimens of the textbooks that they had been utilising in their higher-grade work, and also selections from those that were in use for the high schools and common schools. A careful examination was made as to the difficulties with which capable Japanese students had had to contend in mastering the languages and in coming to an understanding of the textbooks of these different countries. Some experiments were also made in the work of producing Japanese versions of German, French, English, and Dutch text-books. It was finally decided that it would be easier for the educational work required to utilise for text-book purposes a foreign language than to attempt to secure Japanese versions of books containing a long series of foreign terms for which there were no accurate Japanese equivalents. It was further decided, after a very careful comparison of the different national series of text-books, and also of the experiences of the students, that the English language was better suited for the requirements than the French, German, or Dutch. The Dutch language was, by the way, the first European tongue with which the Japanese had become acquainted. The final comparison was made between English and American text-books, and in this the preference was given to the books produced in the United States. The Minister of Public Education, Ono Tomogoro, with one or more interpreters and a staff of (p. 415) assistants, decided, in 1867, himself to make a journey to the United States for the purpose of selecting a series of American text-books for the Japanese schools, and at the same time of familiarising himself with American educational methods. He brought letters of introduction from the Tycoon's Minister of State to the President (Johnson) and to Mr. Seward, who was then Secretary of State. He also naturally took counsel with the Japanese Ambassador in Washington, Arinori Mori [森有礼], who was a scholarly and wide-minded statesman. Ambassador Mori had become known to my father through Mr. Seward, and had had occasion to ask some little service of my father in connection with the printing of a memorial or monograph which Mori had prepared on the subject of national religious toleration. In this monograph, the Japanese scholar took the highest possible ground in behalf of freedom of religious belief, and contended that the only responsibility that rested upon the national Government was to secure and to protect all groups of its citizens in the exercise of such freedom. ...
... My father's personal relations with the Japanese Minister and his old-time friendship with Mr. Seward, Secretary of State, caused him to be recommended to Ono Tomogoro [小野友五郎] as the best man to advise him in the matter of the formation of a text-book system and in the selection of the books themselves. The Minister called at our office in Broadway with his letters, an aid, and an interpreter. (p. 417) My father had received from Washington notice of his coming and was, therefore, to some extent prepared for the commission. The errand was explained, and the interpreter was instructed to make clear to the American publisher that the matter was one of considerable importance. The Minister wanted to take back with him, or to have sent by the following steamer, what he called a series of samples of the text-books, after the scheme or suggestions submitted had received his approval. He then wanted to execute a contract with the House recommended to him (in this case G. P. Putnam & Son) for the purchase from quarter to quarter or from half-year to half-year of such supplies of books as would be required for the high schools and the common schools of a nation of thirty millions of people. I remember particularly one remark made by the Minister which, while uttered in perfectly good faith, proved, unfortunately, not to be well founded. ... (p. 418)
My father gave, in company with myself and one or two other assistants, a fortnight's time to working up the scheme required for the text-books. As soon as some knowledge leaked out among the educational publishers of the nature of the business of our Japanese visitor, we were naturally enough beset with offers of lines of schoolbooks, and with very liberal suggestions concerning the commissions that would be paid to our House on the sales of any American books of which we might secure the introduction. It is probable (in accordance with the very frequent routine of trade) that the size of the commissions offered was in inverse proportion to the actual value of the books or to their relative value for the particular requirements. In any case, my father's selections were arrived at entirely irrespective of the relative margin of profit to the Putnams on one book or another. He gave pains simply to the preparation of a scheme which should present for Japanese schoolboys the most practical and most effective system of common-school education in the several branches indicated in the Minister's instructions. The tentative contracts for the books selected were made with the most responsible educational book publishers in the country. The scheme was submitted to Ono Tomogoro, and was promptly approved, and sample lots of the (p. 419) books were ordered, amounting in value to about $20,000. These first lots were promptly packed and started for Japan a few days after the departure of the Minister. The books were never seen by either the Minister or his assistants, but on the presentation of the invoices we received drafts on London for the full amount of our account.
The beginning of business with a "permanent customer" of this importance certainly seemed in every way promising. If the commissioner's calculations could be depended upon, our annual orders were going to amount to a million dollars or more, amounts which would in the course of a few years have left for the Putnam firm a substantial fortune. In the course of a few weeks' time, a representative of the firm started for Japan, by way of San Francisco, to receive the first series of orders, and to put into train in Yokohama and in Tokio the necessary machinery under which future orders would be cared for. He reached Yokohama a few weeks after the outbreak of the rebellion against the Government of the Tycoon, a rebellion which was instigated and carried on in the name of the defenders of the Mikado. The latter was, as is, of course, made clear in Japanese history, the titular head of the Government ; but for a term of a century or more (I am not taking time at this moment to look up the precise dates), the Mikado had been relegated to seclusion, and his responsibilities were apparently restricted to the headship of the ecclesiastical organisation. ... (p. 420)
Among the changes which were put into force were certain measures relating to the school system and providing for the organisation of a central educational institution or university, the chief direction of which was for many years in the hands of foreign instructors, largely American. The plan, however, for utilising American text-books, or any text-books in foreign languages, was, for the most part, given up. The use of a foreign language for educational purposes was restricted to works in higher technical science and in a few other divisions of instruction. With a rapidity that, considering the obstacles, was certainly noteworthy, a great series of common-school text-books in the Japanese language was produced and put into use in the schools. In some way or other, the original difficulty of the lack of equivalent terms was overcome.
Our representative learned, on landing in Yokohama, (p. 420) that all foreigners had already been expelled from Tokio. Trusting, however, to his introductions (he had with him letters of commendation left for the purpose by Ono Tomogoro and other letters from Mori and from Secretary Seward), he took the risk of making his way (in the face of rather peremptory prohibitions) to the capital and remained there for some weeks. He found in the Tokio custom-house the cases containing our books, just as they had been shipped. The cases had not been opened, and, in fact, the officials who were responsible for receiving them had already fled or were out of office. As far as our relations with the Japanese Government were concerned, we should apparently have been quite safe if we had rilled the cases with bricks instead of books. He was informed that two or three of the higher officials who were named in his letters had already committed hara-kiri, and were, therefore, not available for his purposes. After waiting a week or two in the capital, he was compelled to return to Yokohama. There he delayed for some little time in the hope that the rebellion would prove to be but a temporary outbreak. When it became certain that the Tycoon's Government was overthrown and that the civil war was likely to persist not only for months but for years, there was nothing for him to do but to return to San Francisco and to New York. ...
After the return of our representative to New York, one of the Daimios, or provincial princes, initiated correspondence concerning certain supplies of books required for his own principality. This Daimio was an adherent of the party of the Tycoon. His principality covered (p. 422) some islands and a portion of the mainland in the south, and after the Tycoon's main armies had been defeated, the Daimio kept up some contest (the Mikado's party naturally called it rebellion) on his own account for about three years. ... In the end, some terms were arrived at under which, without actually being overcome, the southern Daimio accepted the new order of things and disarmed his forces. During this time of independent action, he remained a customer of our House in New York. Our name had possibly been given to him by Mori, but a member of his own local government had, I think, been on the staff of Tomogoro.
The orders to us during these two or three years covered chiefly supplies of American text-books, but not exclusively of those that had been specified in the original selections. Jn addition to these common-school supplies, the orders called for a number of books for higher-grade classes, and I suppose that the Daimio must have instituted in his own capital something in the shape of collegiate work. I remember among other works supplies of Watts on the Mind, Paley's Moral Philosophy, etc.
The Daimio employed during his campaigns the services of a number of Americans and other foreigners having knowledge of army organisation and military practice. Under the suggestions of these advisers, he included in his orders for books works on artillery practice, infantry and cavalry drill, bridge-building, etc. Finally, in connection, I believe, with illness among his troops, and under some counsel that was evidently not that of a regular practitioner, he found occasion for supplies of patent medicines, the orders for which were jumbled in with the lists of moral philosophy and infantry tactics. I remember, after the (p. 423) arrival of one Japanese order, my father giving me a note to John F. Henry, who was the head of one of the large patent medicine houses in the city. ...
When our Daimio's rebellion had been overcome, his business correspondence with our House came to an end. I imagine that his school system must have been assimilated with that of the Empire as a whole. Since that date, increasing numbers of American works in higher education have found their way into Japan, but the heads of colleges or of educational departments and the Japanese dealers have found it to their advantage to place these orders directly with the American publishers. The commonschool books are, as explained, now written in the Japanese language and are manufactured in Japan.
For a series of years after the establishment of the Government of the Mikado, the printer-publishers of Japan carried on a satisfactory business in reprinting American and European books that had been found suited for the requirements of the Japanese schools, and the larger portion of the text-books and works of reference so appropriated originated in the United States. The shrewd Japanese left to the American publishers the initiative and the expense of securing the introduction of the books, a work that involved, of necessity, considerable expense in sending skilled educational travellers to Japan and in the distribution of specimen copies. When the books were generally accepted and a current demand for them had been established, the Japanese printers were ready, (p. 424) partly through the use of photographic processes, to produce reprints at a price perhaps one third, or not to exceed one half, of that which it was necessary to charge for the American editions. The risk of appropriation of Japanese literature either in Europe or in the United States was, of course, inconsiderable, and Japan had, therefore, good business grounds for remaining outside of copyright conventions. The desire, however, to be fully accepted into the comity of nations caused the Japanese Government to secure membership in the Convention of Berne in 1899; while, in 1906, it took the further step of arranging for a copyright treaty with the United States. The Japanese publishers were, therefore, called upon, for the sake of the dignity of the nation, to sacrifice a business that had been for them decidedly advantageous. (p. 425)
Tuesday, 3 August 2021
A New Yorker in Japan in 1868
Three letters were by John Bishop Putnam (1849-1915), son of the American publisher George Palmer Putnam (1814-1872), in Japan to his family: "Family Letters from Japan," Putnam's Magazine 1(May1868): 631-35; "A New Yorker in Japan," Putnam's Magazine 1 (June 1868): 758-62; and "A Visit to Yedo," Putnam's Magazine 2 (July 1868): 103-6.
"A New Yorker in Japan," Putnam's Magazine 1 (June 1868): 758-62.
YOKOHAMA, February 1 , 1868.
Most of the houses in Yokohama are of a single story , and are built of a light framework of wood, covered with small square slate, neatly joined by ridges of white mortar ; the roofs are covered with tile, also cemented by mortar ; thus giving to the town a sort of checkered appearance that from a distance is very neat. Since the fire of 1866 , which swept away a large portion of the foreign settlement, quite a number of houses have been erected of a light-green stone, almost equal to marble in texture - dear-bought experience teaching merchants that flames lick up tile-buildings as if they were tinder.
Besides these there are a number of godwons built of mud, which are said to stand any amount of fire without injury; indeed, the Japanese merchants consign their valuables to a mud godown, feeling as much confidence in it as we should in a Herring safe.
The native town, although containing but few fine buildings, is by far the most interesting place to a stranger, Entering "Cuio-street," the Broadway of the town, I was first struck by the extreme neatness and cleanliness of every thing. Each street is swept scrupulously clean daily, and there is scarcely a city in the world whose corporation could not learn a lesson from the towns and villages of Japan on this point. On each side of this street, and extending for half a mile, are the wonderful "Curio stores." The first of these, appearing to have full confidence in the pockets of its American customers, has a sign over the entrance on which, in large letters, we read, "The 4th of July Store." On the opposite aide of the street is the great bronze establishment, containing some splendid samples of Japaneae art. Although their instruments for this work are of the rudest description, they succeed in turning out some beautiful articles; indeed, their large bronze vases are wonderful. Standing about five feet high, they are covered with the most intricate and delicate work of vines and leaves, birds and snakes. Next door we found some beautiful tortoise-shell ware, card-baskets made from which are exceedingly rich; here also was a large assortment of ivory goods, from which every variety of article is manufactured.
Small ivory cabinets made from a solid block of tusk, without a joint of any description; charms, studs, and sleeve-buttons; balls of ivory on which the most exquisite miniature landscapes are cut; and boxes and goblets beautifully unlaid with minute, life-like representations of flies and bright-colored insects. Besides these articles, there is the much-famed lacquer ware, which has greatly deteriorated in quality the last few years, owing partly to the increased demand, but principally to the fact that all but the initiated can be humbugged with the inferior article. There are but one or two men in the town who keep really fine specimens of lacquer ware, and these can only be bought at what appeared to me an alarming figure. Indeed, those who "go shopping" with the idea that, because they are in Japan, they can make unlimited purchases without lightening their purse, will find themselves grievously disappointed. I found that, if we paid the prices asked by some of the dealers, we should soon discover that Yokohama is the dearest place in the world to buy Japanese articles. The only way to deal witht he fellows to advantage, is to take plenty of time for the operation, and to have no conscientious scruples about "Jewing."
On entering one of the stores, we are saluted by the proprietors, who are almost invariably found seated on the floor in the squatting posture of Eastern nations, with a profound bow, and "oh hayo" (good-morning), to whch we reply with all politeness. Taking up a small ivory cabinet, I asked, "How muchee?" "One hundred fifty ichiboos" (fifty dollars). The cabinet is immdiately dropped as if it had been hot, and we starte to leave the shop, when the proprietor calls our attention to the fact that it is "numb' one" (the best), and asks us to "makee talkee how muchee give." "Seventy-five ichiboos." He considers this an excellent joke, and says, "Make talkee true pricee." A gentleman who is with me now offers one hundred ichiboos, and on his refusing to accept this, we leave the establishment; but before we have gone far we are recalled, and our terms accepted. This is the modus operandi for the majority of purchases, but there are one or two stores in the (p. 758) town, containing some of the finest specimens, on which, with no amount of bargaining, can one obtain the alightest reduction. They persistently call your attention to the placard over the door, which informs all whom it may concern that this is a "One-Price Store;" and, indeed, they are no independent about disposing of their goods, that a person feels as though he were treated with peculiar consideration in being allowed to make any pruchases whatever.
At the end of Curio-street is the large and aristocratic bookstore of Yokohama, in which all the choice literature of the day can br found. Here are military books and naval books, illustrated works on London and Paris, and beautiful maps of the island and cities of Japan, which are said to be very accurate. [hoito: what is the possible name of the bookstore???] While the stores of Curio-street are almost entirely devoted to goods of Japanese manufacture for export, those of its next-door neighbor, "Beuten Doree," are filled with imported aritcles of every description for home use. Tools, hardware, lamps, drygoods, crockery, looking-glasses, photographic apparatus and materials, are some of the numerous articles sold in these variety stores. Strange though it may seems, the Japs have made considerable progress in photography, and really manage to turn out some very fair pictures.
On this street are a number of the celebrated bath-houses, where men and women and children, old and young, rich and poor, meet on the common ground of cleanliness, and the bright and contented faces of the Japs as they come from these establishments make one fully believe that "cleanliness is next to godliness."
I was so fortunate as to be in Yokohama during the Japanese New-Year holidays, which begin the latter part of January and continue about ten days, during which time scarcely any business is transacted, as every one, from the lowest coolie to the highest official, considers that he has no more important duty on hand than that of enjoying himself, and accordingly goes to work with a will to accomplish this. A row of bamboo canes, fifteen or twenty feet high, is put up before each door, while from the side of the house a fringe of neatly-braid rice-straw is suspended, in the centre of which is a shield made of a boiled lobster surrounded with oranges and rice-straw as an offering to the god of "chow-chow." Then the calling commences. The gentry, dressed to kill, and preceded by a servant bearing presents and cards, appear to pay their respects at each house.
It is a curious sight to witness the meeting of two of these gay cavaliers. With hands on their knees, they bow almost to the ground, and in this position all the compliments of the season pass between them. They then raise their heads, but, appearing to be alarminged lest they have not shown each other sufficient respect, they "bob" once more, and this is often kept up for a minute or two; the same operation being repeated on parting.
The green decorations, the bright straw-work, and the gala costumes of the people, all combine to give to the town a gay appearance; but what struck me particularly was the perfect good humor and happiness of every body. Singing, masquerading, and drinking "saki" until the faces of the men become the color of a beet, one sees no quarreling, fighting, or disturbance of any kind. All seem equally bent on enjoying themselves, and, to judge from the result, not without success. The 26th of January, their New-Year, capped the climax of excitement, as on this day the grand parade and review of the Fire Department came off.
In everytown there are a number of organized fire companies, Yokohama having twelve or fifteen, each provided with the following instruments: first, a small wooden engine about two feet square, which is carried on the shoulders of two of the company; a circular paper-charm about two feet in diameter, gaudily colored, and fastened at the top of a long pole; and a bamboo ladder. Besides which, each member is provided with a pole with an iron hook fastened at the end of it, for tearing down the buildings surrounding the fire. On the bells striking the alarm, the different companies start on a full run for the scene of action, keeping up at the same time such a yelling and screaming as would put to the blush even the old Fire Department of New York. Arriving at the fire, the charm-bearer, entirely enveloped in an inflammable coat, takes up his position on one of the neighboring buildings, and, keeping his charm in constant motion, has full confidence that the flames will expire before such a terrible instrument.
Believing that "prevention is better than cure," the firemen do not attempt to throw water on the burning building, but, instead, keep up a steady stream on their leader, to "keep him cool," while a few of their number attack the nearest building with their pikes; but before they have got it half down, they are driven off, the fire usually following (p. 759) them entirely through the town in this way. Indeed, a fire seldom breaks out in any of their towns, but what it leaves it in ashes in a few hours. The inspection of the companies concluded with the following performance: each company, in passing before the Governor's house, who as standing on the balcony surrounded by his officials, halted, and having rested one end of their ladder on the ground, they clustered around it, and a dozen of them thrusting their pikes into it about eight feet from the ground, they braced themselves, and in this way held it firmly. One of their number, dressed in tight-clothes, now mounted to the top, and, at the height of twenty-five feet, went through some of the most surprising evolutions imaginable - standing on his head, turning himself inside out, and making a sudden jump from the ladder it seemed as if nothing could save him from a fearful fall, and then being jerked back with tremendous force by a cord which he had fastened to his leg. Each member went through these various manoeuvres with slight variations, the performance being kept up all the afternoon.
On the morning January 27th, I was awakened by a tremendous yelling and shouting,
[to be continued]