Monday, 28 November 2016

to marry or not to marry: for men and women

"Oh, if you ever marry, don't make the mistake of treating the woman as an ideal. Treat her in every way as a human being exactly like yourself! With the same weakness, the same struggles, the same temptations! And as you have some mercy on yourself despite your faults, have some mercy on her despite hers."

- James Allen Lane's (1849-1925) The Choir Invisible (New York: Macmillan, 1897). 

May married men take this to heart, as well as bachelors.



又有一種不是正色,不是傍色,雖然比不得亂色,卻又比不得邪色。填塞了虛空圈套,污穢卻清淨門風,慘同神面刮金,惡勝佛頭澆糞,遠則地府填單,近則陽間業報。 奉勸世人,切須謹慎!正是:不看僧面看佛面,休把淫心雜道心。

Sunday, 27 November 2016

How big was the Commercial Press and Chung Hua?

Just some notes while reading North-China Daily News without cross-checking Chinese newspapers.

North-China Daily News, 12th August 1926, p. 10.
'Some 810 employees of the printing works of the Chung Hua Book Co. at 277 Bubbling Well Road, who struck on Monday, are still out. … About 150 employees in the printing works of the American Presbyterian Mission Press Works at 135 North Szechuen Road are still on strike.' (emphasis mine)

North-China Daily News, 14th August 1926, p. 8. 
'The strike in the Chung Hua printing works at 277 Bubbling Well Road, where about 810 persons have been out for more than a week, still continues. Agitators are now attempting to extend the dissatisfaction to the sales department at the corner of Foochow and Honan Roads. No settlement has yet been arrived at in the strike of 150 printers in the American Presbyterian Mission Press works at 135 North Szechuen Road.' (emphasis mine)

North-China Daily News, 19th August 1926, p. 10.
'Although no settlement has been reached in the strike of 810 printers in the Chung Hua printing works at 277 Bubbling Well Road, the employees of the sales department at the corner of Foochow and Honan Roads are working practically normally, only four employees failing to show up for work yesterday. The police are still giving their protection to the office and have succeeded in breaking up the gang of pickets which has been harassing the employees for several days.' (emphasis mine)

North-China Daily News, 19th August 1926, p. 10.
'It is reported that the 150 employees of the American Presbyterian Mission printing works at 135 North Szechuen Road, who went on strike on August 6, have expressed a desire to return to work and that the management is contemplating re-opening the works shortly.' (emphasis mine)

North-China Daily News, 4th October 1926, p. 14.
'About 1,600 of the 2,000 employees in the printing department of the Commercial Press, who struck on Friday to try and enforce a demand for the dismissal of a foreman, when they claimed had made a false report to the management to the effect that they were idling their time in gambling, resumed work unconditionally on Saturday afternoon. Of the remaining 400 on strike 50 representatives were chosen and held a meeting at the Commercial Press Employees Union in Paoshan Road when it was decided that they should proceed with the strike until the foreman was dismissed.' (emphasis mine)

North-China Daily News, 5th October 1926, p. 8.

'The backbone of the strike in the printing department of the Commercial Press was broken, when the remaining 400 of 2,000 originally on strike returned to work yesterday morning, unconditionally. It is understood that the management will not deduct the strikers’ wages for the three days’ duration of the strike.' (emphasis mine)

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Tones of the Mandarin Dialect are Given in English and Chinese (1865)

莎彝尊授男夢巖輯:《英語官話合講》(廣州:同治四年六月刊,1865)。Sau Mang Yian, Tones of the Mandarin Dialect are Given in English and Chinese (Canton, 1865). 誰是莎彝尊?誰是夢巖?誰是Sau Mang Yian?暫時不詳。


Monday, 14 November 2016

Book donations to the Mission at Malacca (London Missionary Society) in 1818

The members of the Mission at Malacca, take this opportunity of returning their thanks to the gentlemen and friends, whose names are mentioned below, for donations of books to the Mission Library.
Major Wm. Farquhar, Malacca:
Marsden’s Dictionary of the Malay Language, 1 vol. 4to.
Rev. Mr. Supper, Batavia:
Walker’s (of Edinburgh) Sermons, 4 vols. 8vo.
Walker’s (of Truro) Sermons, 2 vols. 8vo.
Newton’s Sermons on the Messiah, 2 vols. 8vo.
Capt. Peter Gordon,
Chamber’s Harmony of the Gospel, 1 vol. 8vo.
Reports of the Society for promoting Chrisitan Knowledge, vol. 8vo.
Transactions of the Missionary Society, 3 vols. 8vo. (p. 69)
              Campbell on the 4 Gospels, 2 vols.
              Bachauan’s Researches in India, 1 vol. 8vo.
J. Hancox, 411, Oxford-Street, London,
              Life of the Rev. T. Robinson, Leicester, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Elliat’s Sermons.
              Father on Genesis, 2 vols. 8vo.
              Ball on Terms of COmmanion.
Miss Toomer, Southampton – Missionary Register, 4 vols. 8vo.
An unknown friend,
              Manton’s Works, 3vols. folio,
              Peak’s [?] Annotations, 2 vols. folio,
              Chambers’s Dictionary, 2 vols. folio
              Annrose’s [?] works, 1 vol. folio,
              Perlink’s [?] works, 1 vol. folio,
              Goodwin’s Works, 2 vols, folio.
              Ainsworth’s Annotations, 1 vol. folio.
Dr. Styles, Brighton,
              Styles’s Sermons, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Boston’s Covenial [?] of Grace, 1 vol. 8vo.
Rev. Mr. ___, England
              Indime micuities [?], by Maurice, 6 vols. 8vo.
              Watt’s works, 9 vols, 8vo.
Mrs. Brewer – Christian Chserver, 13 vols. 8vo.
Mr. Bunnell – Theological Magazine and Review, 3 vols. 8vo.
Mr. Webster,
              Theological Magazine, 2 vols. 8vo.
              Parable of the ten virgins, 1 vol. folio.
Mr. W. Smith- Brighton – Bailley’s History of Asia, 2 vols. 12mo.
Mr. J. Landies, London,
              Evengeical Magazine, 2 vols. 8vo.
              General anding to the Chief of Sinners [?], 1 vol. 12mo.
W. S. Davison, Esq. China
              Marcartney’s Embassy to China, 2 vols. 4to.
              Waidon the Hindoos, 1 vol. 4to.
Dr. Clark, H. C. S. Waterloo – Sermons, by Rev. Matthew Henry
J. Livingstone, Esq, Macao,
              Sampson’s Algebra, 1 vol. 8vo. (p. 70)
              Gregory’s Mechanics, 3 vols. 8vo.
              Smith’s Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. 8vo.
Sir Andrew Ljunsteds, Macao,
              A Grammar of the Spanish Language, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Wilson’s Elements of Hebrew Grammar, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Dowling’s Elements and Theory of the Hebrew Language, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Vocabulario de la Langua Tagala* Primera, 2 vols. 4to.
              Historia de la Provincia del Santisimo Rosario de Filipians, China, y Tunquin Orden de Predicadores, 1 vol. 4to.
              Catceismo de Doctrina Christiama, en Lengua BIsaya, 1 vol. 12mo.
              Parrochio de Indios Instruido, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Arte de la Leagua Tagala, para la Administracion de la Santos Sacramentos, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Compendia de la Arte de la Lengua Tagala, 1 vol. 12mo.
              Practico del Ministerio, en Philipinas, 1 vol. 8vo.
Missionary Society,
              Encyclopaedia Britannica, 22 vols. 4to.
              Rollin’s Ancient History, in French, 12 vols. 12mo.
              Stockii Clavis Linguae Sanctae, 2 vols. 8vo.
              Schlensueri Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, in Novum Testamentum, 2 vols. 8vo.
              Newcomb’s Minor Prophets, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Gray’s Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Butler’s Horae Biblicae, 2 vols. 8vo.
              Gerard’s Biblical Criticism, 1 vol. 8vo.
              Lowth’s Isaiah, 2 vols. 8vo.
              Missionary Transactions, 3 vols. 8vo.
              Stower’s Printer’s Grammar, 1 vol. 8vo.

We have also to acknowledge the favours of several young friends in England, for some smaller Publicatios, which are no less acceptable.

source: The Indo-Chinese gleaner, vol. 3, February, 1818.