Monday, 7 March 2011

exams, winners, and losers

We should rethink the conventional assumption that an undergraduate university course should be full-time at age 18 or 19. Perhaps we could change social norms so that it is usually part-time, made more accessible to more people, and undertaken later? That would reduce the insane pressure that the demands of university entrance at 18 or 19 now put on student at school, a pressure so antipathetic to the ideal of education for autonomous well-being. It would free up those years from 14 or so for pupils to throw themselves into all kinds of worthwhile pursuits - to lose themselves in them. This would be a far cry from the exam-dominated regime they have to suffer at the moment. It would also do something to prevent the education system becoming a device for separating Life's Winners from Life's Losers. (p. 15-6)
From John White's, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Education, University of London, "What does it mean to be well-educated?" Think, Vol. 10 (Summer 2011), pp. 9-16.
Apparently, the ideal education system is one thing and the society another. The cruel fact of the society is that it celebrates winners and keep mercy out of the possible reach of losers and is by all means a winner-take-all playground. Pick winners sooner and kick losers not later.

point of view

After a number of years of teaching and communicating with university students, I found the following observation sound and true.
Most undergraduates arrive on campus with fairly well formed political beliefs. The students drawn to our views are always those who already share them. We put ideas out for consideration. They can take them or leave them. Then we each get on with our lives. (Cary Nelson's No university is an island: saving academic freedom (New York : New York University Press, 2010), p. 14)

Friday, 4 March 2011

Hongkong and others

Shu-Yun Ma, "The Making and Remaking of a Chinese Hospital in Hong Kong," Modern Asian Studies Advance Access, 2011, 24pps. Tung Wah Hospital's role from the bubonic plague in 1894 to the SARS outbreak in 2003.
Flore Chevaillier, "Commercialization and Cultural Misreading in Dai Sijie's Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise," Forum for Modern Language Studies Advance Access, 2011, 15pps.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Nearly a year ago before setting off to Shanghai and then Edinburgh in May and June respectively, I made a list of papers, not too long I think, to read after the summer.

One of them is "Forum: History of Emotions," German History, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2010, pp. 67-80. The forum was formed by Frank Biess (University of California, San Diego), Alon Confino (University of Virginia), Ute Frevert (Max-Planck-Institut fur Bildungsforschung), Uffa Jensen (Universitat Gottingen), Lyndal Roper (Oxford University), and Daniela Saxer (Universitat Zurich/ETH Zurich).

from cultural turn to an "emotional turn" in cultural studies in light of massive increase in interest in emotions among historians, humanists, and natural scientists.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011



羅翼群、區芳蒲:〈港澳黨務視察報告〉(1939年3月25日),《朱家驊檔案 ‧ 香港黨務》(檔案2號30-3),台北中研院近史所。引自金以林:〈戰時國民黨香港黨務檢討〉,《抗日戰爭研究》,2007年第4期,頁85。


