Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Global Millennials

Time Style & Design, Spring 2008 Supplement. Excellent read! It surveys the luxurious quests of the Global Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, in the U.S., China, the Middle East and Japan. China section caught my eyes. Below are the excerpts of two interviews with two cosmopolitian young ladies from the privileged class in China.
  1. Bao Bao Wan, granddaughter of Wan Li 萬里, 26, was educated in the U.S and France and now lives part-time in Hong Kong."
  2. Wendy Ye, granddaughter of Ye Jianying 葉劍英, 28, engaged to an American banker, is an evening-wear designer

Excerpts from 1:

"'Chinese girls are not as conservative as you think,' she says, laughing. Her life in Beijing is spent forging her career, shopping for luxury goods, partying at private clubs..." (p. 40)

"'China has taken on the American Dream: if you work toward what you want and if you are smart enough, you'll het it.'" (p. 42)

Excerpts from 2:

"Ye wears silk gowns by Studio Regal, the label she started four years ago after graduating from London's St. Martins fashion school." (p. 42)

"among fashionistas trying to convey their insider knowledge, below-the-radar names like Loro Pianna and Bottega Veneta are desirable. 'Louis Vuitton is for girls from second-tier cities now," she says..." (p. 42)

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