Saturday, 29 December 2007
讀Hong Kong Government Gazette 2
1. 1885: House no. 47, The Female Prison
Source: Government Notification no. 372, GA 1885 no.372.
B. Weather tables/reports / Meteorological observation
Published from 1860 to 1887, data collected from Victoria Peak, Praya East, Kowloon Bay etc. include temperature, humidity, wind, rainfull, duration of sunshine etc.
Meteorological observations, since 1861, were reported by the Government Civil Hospital and later the Royal Observatory.
C. International Exhibition
Includes prospectus, catalogues, invitation etc. of various International Exhibitions in Nuremberg, Amsterdam, Dublin, Paris, London, Melbourne, New Zealand, Chicago, Jamaica, Tasmania etc.
讀Hong Kong Government Gazette 1
1. 曾任“革命機關報之元祖”《中國日報》(註1)的英文翻譯。
2. According to GA 1880, Fung Fu, the Master of an Anglo-Chinese School in the Third Street, Sai-ying-pun, was awarded a $25 reward for the school being classed as "very good" for the year 1879 . Having had a collegiate education in America, the master Fung was recognised as "a thoroughly competent teacher."
Source: Prize Distribution at Government Schools and a Grant-in-Aid School, GA 1880 11-Feb-1880, pp. 144-152.
Question: Are the two named Fungs the same person? According to an article on 中國文化研究所學報 (to be located in vol. 18-19, 1987-88, p. 414), they should be the same person.
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Colonial India and the Raj
Was lazy last month, not because of lack of time or energy, but lack of motivation to add words on the blog. Been reading colonial India stuff because of a constructive note from Peter Korniki.
First of all, it is Rimi B. Chatterjee's inspiring book Empires of the Mind: A History of the Oxford University Press in India under the Raj (New Delhi: OUP, 2006) in which I have found the clues of K & W in engagining trans-continental book trade with OUP long before the note. I have now began a closer reading on this rich archival works. Gyan Prakash's illunimating work: Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India (PUP, 1999), which has become the classics in the field of the Raj, and, to a larger extent, colonial form of knowledge, is another work I found interesting.
I need a well-defined framework for K & W, or broadly speaking, British cultural colonialism/imperialism to make significant historial sense.
Lazy Nov and Hard-working Dec
Gyan Prakash, Another Reason : Science and the Imagination of Modern India (PUP, 1999).
Rimi B. Chatterjee, Empires of the Mind : A History of the Oxford University Press in India under the Raj (New Delhi: OUP, 2006).