Route 1: From Malacca to Canton (Anglo-Chinese College)
Route 2: From Hong Kong to California and Australia (Anglo-Chinese College, translators, and Chinese Migration)
Route 3: Trans-America: From New York to California (Chinese Migration)
Route 3: Shanghai to Beijing (Translation, translators, and Modernisation)
1. The English and Chinese student’s assistant, or colloquial phrases,letters &c, in English and Chinese: The Chinese by Shaou Tih, a native Chinese student, in the Anglo Chinese College, Malacca (Malacca: The Mission Press, 1826). 袁德輝
2. Devils Talk (Canton: 1830s-1840s). 《鬼話》
3. James Legge, A Lexilogus of the English, Malay, and Chinese Languages; Comprehending the Vernacular Idoms of the Last in the Hok-Keen and Canton Dialect (Malacca: Printed at the Anglo-Chinese Mission Press, 1841).
4. 《紅毛買賣通用鬼話》 (Canton: 榮德堂 1837). The Common Foreign Language of the Redhaired People.
5. 《紅毛番話貿易須知》 (Canton: 富桂堂, 以文堂, 五桂堂, c.1837 ). The Redhaired People's Buying and Selling Usual Ghost Language.
6. Robert Thom, Chinese and English Vocabulary, Part First 《華英通用雜話》上卷 (Canton, 1843). 羅伯聃。 《漢英通用雜話》(東京:青井堂,1860)。
7. Stanislas Hernisz, A Guide to Conversation in the English and Chinese Languages for the Use of Americans and Chinese in California and Elsewhere 《習漢英合話》 (Boston: John P. Jewett & Co.; Cleveland, Jewett, Proctor and Worthington; London, Trubner & Co., 1854).
8. 子卿/子芳:《華英通語》(香港?:協德堂藏板,1855)。《增訂華英通語》(東京:快堂藏板,1860)。《華英通語》(香港:西營盤恆茂藏板,1860)。《華英通語集全》(香港:藏文堂印,1879)。《華夷通語》(新嘉坡:古友軒藏板,1883)《新增華英通語》(香港:文裕堂,1893)。 據内田慶市:〈Pidgin──異語言文化接觸中的一種現象〉,《東アジア文化交渉研究》,第2号,2009,頁197-207。
9. 朱瑞生:《廣肇英語》(香港?:1857-1862)。 English through the Vernaculars of the Canton and Shiuhing Prefectures. 竊以上帝鑒民,遐邇一體。聖人愛眾,天下一家。......東粵通商,近悅遠來,而英賈物盛,洋行買賣,全以英語互相答問。博學之士,以文譯語,以語通傳者,不乏其人。......余生長廣肇,少習英文,爰將廣肇土談而通譯之,俾得將文求語,了然無疑。由此申之,別省別府,俱可尋文而垂譯焉。其于通商貿易遠遊外邦,未必無小補云爾。 咸豐辛酉嘉平月 瑞生朱祿序。 who was 朱瑞生 (Chu A-luk, a graduate of Anglo-Chinese College and a student of James Legge)? To be continued.
10. 《華番貿易言語通曉》(廣州:省城 ○ 經堂,1858)。內附各國磅碼成斤秤法鬼字。上卷詞彙,下卷句子。
11. 馮澤夫:《英話註解》(上海:著昌堂,1860)。張寶楚
12. 唐廷樞:《英語集全》(廣州:緯經堂,1862)。
13. William Lobscheid, Select Phrases and Reading Lessons in the Canton Dialect (Hongkong: Noronha, 1864).
14. 莎彝尊授男夢巖輯:《英語官話合講》(廣州:同治四年六月刊,1865)。Sau Mang Yian, Tones of the Mandarin Dialect are Given in English and Chinese (Canton, 1865).
15. Benoni Lanctot, Chinese and English phrase book: with the Chinese pronunciation indicated in English : specially adapted for the use of merchants, travelers and families 《華英通語》 (San Francisco; A. Roman & Company, 1867, 2nd rev. and enl. ed.).
16. 曹驤:《英字入門》(1874)。
17. N. B. Dennys, A Handbook of the Canton Vernacular of the Chinese Language: Being a Series of Introductory Lessons, for Domestic and Business Purposes (London: Trübner & Co.; Hong Kong: “China Mail” Office, 1874). 初學階
18. Wong Sam, An English-Chinese Phrase Book: Together with the vocabulary of trade, law, etc. : also, a complete list of Wells, Fargo & Co's offices in California, Nevada, etc. (San Francisco: Cubery & Co., Book and General Job Printers, 1875).
19. 楊勛:《英字指南》(1879)。
20. (英)喀爾氏撰,汪鳳藻譯:《英文舉隅》(北京:北京同文館聚珍版本,1879(光緒五年),丁韙良鑑定)。蜚英館1887年有重印。多誤以為是 Simon Kerl’s A Common-School Grammar of the English Language (New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, & Co., 1866),其實是其 An Elementary Grammar of the English Language (New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co., 1868, 21st ed.).
21. 《無師自通英語錄》(上海:點石齋畫報,1884)。
22. Kwong Ki Chiu, The First Conversation Book, Containing Common and Simple Words Wrought into Illustrative Sentences, Classified and Accented, and Many of Them Defined, with Some Grammatical Information and Word Analysis, to Which Are Added Sections on the English Language, Penmanship, Health, Duties in Various Relations; also Sketches of Peter the Great, President Lincoln, Grant, and Garfield. Designed for Use in Schools 《英語彙腋初集》(Shanghai: Wah Cheung, 1885). The Second Conversation Book, Containing a Section on Aids to Reading, an Illustrated List of Important and Special Words, Also, Extended Conversations on One Hundred and Eighty-nine Familiar Practical Subjects, Under the General Heads : the Weather, Social Intercourse, the Expression of Thought and Feeling, Education, Business, Travel, Etc., Etc.,. Designed for Use in Schools 《英語彙腋二集》 (Shanghai: Wah Cheung, 1885).
23. T. L. Stedman and K. P. Lee, A Chinese and English Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect (New York: William R. Jenkins, 1888). 英語不求人
24. J. Dyer Ball, Cantonese Made Easy: A book of simple sentences in the Cantonese dialect, with free and literal translations, and directions for the rendering of English grammatical forms in Chinese (Hong Kong: “China Mail” Office, 1888, 2nd ed.).
25. Johnson Sun, The Self-Educator (Sydney, c1891; Sydney, 1892, 2nd enlarged ed.). 孫俊臣 editor of the "Chinese Herald" 廣益華報, Sydney, Australia. 無師自曉 英文雜話
26. Second Book of Chinese and English Lessons, for the use of schools (on the basis of the “Second Book of Lessons”). Translated by Chow Loke Chee. Second edition. Hongkong : Man Yu Tong, 1893. BL
27. 鄭聰博:《華英類語》(1893)
28. 張德彝:《英文話規》(1898)。
29. 謝洪賚:《華英初階》(上海:商務書館,1898)。Christian Literature Society for India (before 1891, Christian Vernacular Education Society for India): archives in SOAS and HKBU (microfiches).
30. Walter Brooks Brouner and Fung Yuet Mow 馮悅茂, Chinese Made Easy (New York: Macmillan; London: Macmillan, 1904). 你噲講唐話咩
31. 鄭聰甫: Chinese and English Phrase Book and Dictionary 華英類語 (Vancouver: Thomson Stationery Company, 1909)。
references for future use:
Elizabeth Sinn, Pacific Crossing: California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong (HKU, 2012).
Adam M. McKeown, "Chinese Emigration in Global Context, 1850-1940." Journal of Global History 5 (2010): 95-124.
Adam M. McKeown, "Conceptualizing Chinese Diasporas, 1842 to 1949." Journal of Asian Studies 58 (1999): 306-37.
newspaper database:
California Digital Newspaper Collection
language books:
7. Stanislas Hernisz, A Guide to Conversation in the English and Chinese Languages for the Use of Americans and Chinese in California and Elsewhere 《習漢英合話》 (Boston: John P. Jewett & Co.; Cleveland, Jewett, Proctor and Worthington; London, Trubner & Co., 1854).
8. 子卿/子芳:《華英通語》(香港?:協德堂藏板,1855)。《增訂華英通語》(東京:快堂藏板,1860)。《華英通語》(香港:西營盤恆茂藏板,1860)。《華英通語集全》(香港:藏文堂印,1879)。《華夷通語》(新嘉坡:古友軒藏板,1883)《新增華英通語》(香港:文裕堂,1893)。 據内田慶市:〈Pidgin──異語言文化接觸中的一種現象〉,《東アジア文化交渉研究》,第2号,2009,頁197-207。
9. 朱瑞生:《廣肇英語》(香港?:1857-1862)。 English through the Vernaculars of the Canton and Shiuhing Prefectures. 竊以上帝鑒民,遐邇一體。聖人愛眾,天下一家。......東粵通商,近悅遠來,而英賈物盛,洋行買賣,全以英語互相答問。博學之士,以文譯語,以語通傳者,不乏其人。......余生長廣肇,少習英文,爰將廣肇土談而通譯之,俾得將文求語,了然無疑。由此申之,別省別府,俱可尋文而垂譯焉。其于通商貿易遠遊外邦,未必無小補云爾。 咸豐辛酉嘉平月 瑞生朱祿序。 who was 朱瑞生 (Chu A-luk, a graduate of Anglo-Chinese College and a student of James Legge)? To be continued.
10. 《華番貿易言語通曉》(廣州:省城 ○ 經堂,1858)。內附各國磅碼成斤秤法鬼字。上卷詞彙,下卷句子。
11. 馮澤夫:《英話註解》(上海:著昌堂,1860)。張寶楚
12. 唐廷樞:《英語集全》(廣州:緯經堂,1862)。
13. William Lobscheid, Select Phrases and Reading Lessons in the Canton Dialect (Hongkong: Noronha, 1864).
14. 莎彝尊授男夢巖輯:《英語官話合講》(廣州:同治四年六月刊,1865)。Sau Mang Yian, Tones of the Mandarin Dialect are Given in English and Chinese (Canton, 1865).
15. Benoni Lanctot, Chinese and English phrase book: with the Chinese pronunciation indicated in English : specially adapted for the use of merchants, travelers and families 《華英通語》 (San Francisco; A. Roman & Company, 1867, 2nd rev. and enl. ed.).
16. 曹驤:《英字入門》(1874)。
17. N. B. Dennys, A Handbook of the Canton Vernacular of the Chinese Language: Being a Series of Introductory Lessons, for Domestic and Business Purposes (London: Trübner & Co.; Hong Kong: “China Mail” Office, 1874). 初學階
18. Wong Sam, An English-Chinese Phrase Book: Together with the vocabulary of trade, law, etc. : also, a complete list of Wells, Fargo & Co's offices in California, Nevada, etc. (San Francisco: Cubery & Co., Book and General Job Printers, 1875).
19. 楊勛:《英字指南》(1879)。
20. (英)喀爾氏撰,汪鳳藻譯:《英文舉隅》(北京:北京同文館聚珍版本,1879(光緒五年),丁韙良鑑定)。蜚英館1887年有重印。多誤以為是 Simon Kerl’s A Common-School Grammar of the English Language (New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, & Co., 1866),其實是其 An Elementary Grammar of the English Language (New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co., 1868, 21st ed.).
21. 《無師自通英語錄》(上海:點石齋畫報,1884)。
22. Kwong Ki Chiu, The First Conversation Book, Containing Common and Simple Words Wrought into Illustrative Sentences, Classified and Accented, and Many of Them Defined, with Some Grammatical Information and Word Analysis, to Which Are Added Sections on the English Language, Penmanship, Health, Duties in Various Relations; also Sketches of Peter the Great, President Lincoln, Grant, and Garfield. Designed for Use in Schools 《英語彙腋初集》(Shanghai: Wah Cheung, 1885). The Second Conversation Book, Containing a Section on Aids to Reading, an Illustrated List of Important and Special Words, Also, Extended Conversations on One Hundred and Eighty-nine Familiar Practical Subjects, Under the General Heads : the Weather, Social Intercourse, the Expression of Thought and Feeling, Education, Business, Travel, Etc., Etc.,. Designed for Use in Schools 《英語彙腋二集》 (Shanghai: Wah Cheung, 1885).
23. T. L. Stedman and K. P. Lee, A Chinese and English Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect (New York: William R. Jenkins, 1888). 英語不求人
24. J. Dyer Ball, Cantonese Made Easy: A book of simple sentences in the Cantonese dialect, with free and literal translations, and directions for the rendering of English grammatical forms in Chinese (Hong Kong: “China Mail” Office, 1888, 2nd ed.).
25. Johnson Sun, The Self-Educator (Sydney, c1891; Sydney, 1892, 2nd enlarged ed.). 孫俊臣 editor of the "Chinese Herald" 廣益華報, Sydney, Australia. 無師自曉 英文雜話
26. Second Book of Chinese and English Lessons, for the use of schools (on the basis of the “Second Book of Lessons”). Translated by Chow Loke Chee. Second edition. Hongkong : Man Yu Tong, 1893. BL
27. 鄭聰博:《華英類語》(1893)
28. 張德彝:《英文話規》(1898)。
29. 謝洪賚:《華英初階》(上海:商務書館,1898)。Christian Literature Society for India (before 1891, Christian Vernacular Education Society for India): archives in SOAS and HKBU (microfiches).
30. Walter Brooks Brouner and Fung Yuet Mow 馮悅茂, Chinese Made Easy (New York: Macmillan; London: Macmillan, 1904). 你噲講唐話咩
31. 鄭聰甫: Chinese and English Phrase Book and Dictionary 華英類語 (Vancouver: Thomson Stationery Company, 1909)。
references for future use:
Elizabeth Sinn, Pacific Crossing: California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong (HKU, 2012).
Adam M. McKeown, "Chinese Emigration in Global Context, 1850-1940." Journal of Global History 5 (2010): 95-124.
Adam M. McKeown, "Conceptualizing Chinese Diasporas, 1842 to 1949." Journal of Asian Studies 58 (1999): 306-37.
newspaper database:
California Digital Newspaper Collection
language books: